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brawl - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of brawl in Hindi

  • विवाद


  • विवाद
  • झगड़ा
  • बिगाड़
  • कलह


  • बिगाड़ करना
  • झगड़ना
  • विवाद करना
  • झगडा
  • गुलगपाडा
  • लडाई

brawl Definition


  • fight or quarrel in a rough or noisy way. ( किसी न किसी या शोर-शराबे में लड़ाई या झगड़ा। )


  • a rough or noisy fight or quarrel. ( खुरदरी या शोरगुल की लड़ाई या झगड़ा। )

brawl Example

  • It was easy to turn a drunken brawl into a gunfight. ( एक शराबी को बंदूक की गोली में बदलना आसान था। )
  • There was peace at last and only the infrequent traffic in Wilde Street and a drunken brawl or two outside disturbed the peace of our new home. ( वाइल्ड स्ट्रीट में अंतिम और केवल अनौपचारिक यातायात में शांति थी और एक शराबी या दो बाहर हमारे नए घर की शांति को परेशान करता था। )
  • It is often a clash of egos with no more interest than a street brawl . ( यह अक्सर सड़क के विवाद से ज्यादा दिलचस्पी के साथ अहंकार का एक टकराव है। )
  • he'd got into a drunken brawl in a bar ( वह एक बार में नशे में धुत हो गया )
  • He was able to hold his own in any society and at other times brawl with the roughest of the rough in the bush pubs where he often drank to excess. ( वह किसी भी समाज में अपनी पकड़ बनाने में सक्षम था और अन्य समय में झाड़ी पब में किसी न किसी के साथ विवाद करता था जहां वह अक्सर अधिक शराब पीता था। )
  • From her vantage point, however, Em was only given a view of the drunken brawl , which had deteriorated into a hissy fight. ( उसके सहूलियत के बिंदु से, हालांकि, एम को केवल शराबी विवाद का एक दृश्य दिया गया था, जो एक लड़ी लड़ाई में बिगड़ गया था। )

More Sentence

  • The case involved charges arising from a vicious brawl in a sports bar.
  • Now what about in an altercation like a pub brawl or a street brawl where someone is bitten?
  • a street brawl
  • The camera weaves its way through a motley crew of punk and ‘new wave’ types as they carouse, brawl , and struggle to assert themselves over the noise and chaos.
  • A few minutes after the match, they were brawling in the parking lot backstage and the security broke them up.
  • The proportion of street killings that resulted from drunken brawls plunged by two-thirds between 1875 and 1920.
  • The two brawled like children fighting over a lollipop.
  • Early yesterday morning, he was arrested after brawling with two guests at a Brooklyn hotel.
  • Drunken brawls represented the leading single source of homicide in late nineteenth-century Chicago.
  • Their neighbors are ninja types who are constantly brawling with other evil ninja types.
  • I'd never seen him fight, but I knew he was a pub brawler , and here he stood before us, barefooted, ready to have a go.
  • Cartwright was brawling with another man when officers arrived at the scene and had to be pulled away.
  • Almost the entire match was brawling in the stands, including in the upper deck (which was pretty packed after some small crowds the past few weeks).
  • He's also seeking compensation for towing and storage charges, and for the fright of hiding in the corner of a holding cell with drunks and brawlers .
  • Those attending will be able to take part in action scenes such as sword fighting and western-style bar room brawls , all under the expert tuition of some of the world's leading stuntmen.
  • We felt that it was important to use Benner Run because it is high-quality trout water and is a beautiful area, with its rhododendron cover along the brawling stream.
  • ‘Most of the festivals here are just drunken brawls for children,’ she laments.
  • Since turning pro in 1988, he has earned a reputation as a warrior in the ring, not afraid of turning his fights into street brawls .
  • He had visited two pubs and Jems nightclub when he was spotted brawling with another man near the taxi rank, in the early hours of last Friday.
  • He was big but he was out of shape, obviously more used to drunken brawls than to serious street fighting.
  • Then the whole tacky and demoralised affair will descend into brawling as each union fights for its own factional interests, including grabbing a greater share of the rapidly dwindling dues base.
  • Yet again, while trying to appeal to the world's most sophisticated market, the impression is of Scots doing what we do best - squabbling and brawling with each other while shocked onlookers avert their gaze.
  • The fight had been one of those epic barroom brawls right out of a John Wayne movie.
  • It is a peaceful, not a brawling , stream.