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Braille - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of Braille in Hindi

  • ब्रेल
  • ब्रेल (लिपि)


  • अंधों के पढ़ पाने के लिए उभरा

Braille Definition


  • print or transcribe in Braille. ( ब्रेल में प्रिंट या ट्रांसफ़ॉर्म करें। )


  • a form of written language for blind people, in which characters are represented by patterns of raised dots that are felt with the fingertips. ( नेत्रहीन लोगों के लिए लिखित भाषा का एक रूप, जिसमें उँगलियों के साथ महसूस किए जाने वाले उभरे हुए डॉट्स के पैटर्न का प्रतिनिधित्व किया जाता है। )

Braille Example

  • The signage (including pictogram, Braille and raised character) depicts parents, a child and a wheelchair. ( साइनेज (चित्रलेख, ब्रेल और उठाया चरित्र सहित) में माता-पिता, एक बच्चे और एक व्हीलचेयर को दर्शाया गया है। )
  • In 1996, researchers reported that the visual cortex at the back of the brain showed increased activity when blind people use the tips of their fingers to read Braille publications. ( 1996 में, शोधकर्ताओं ने बताया कि मस्तिष्क के पीछे के दृश्य प्रांतस्था में वृद्धि हुई गतिविधि दिखाई दी जब अंधे लोग ब्रेल प्रकाशनों को पढ़ने के लिए अपनी उंगलियों के सुझावों का उपयोग करते हैं। )
  • The nine volumes of ‘The Half-Blood Prince’ in Braille weighs about 11 pounds. ( ब्रेल में The द हाफ-ब्लड प्रिंस ’के नौ खंडों का वजन लगभग 11 पाउंड है। )
  • Most of the classics are available in Braille , but the more obscure texts are not, and all the class handouts had to be scanned for me. ( अधिकांश क्लासिक्स ब्रेल में उपलब्ध हैं, लेकिन अधिक अस्पष्ट ग्रंथ नहीं हैं, और सभी वर्ग हैंडआउट्स को मेरे लिए स्कैन किया जाना था। )
  • And so she likes to follow what happens to Hermione, but she prefers to read it in Braille and not listen to it on audiotape. ( और इसलिए वह यह जानना पसंद करती है कि हर्मियोन का क्या होता है, लेकिन वह इसे ब्रेल में पढ़ना पसंद करती है और ऑडियोटेप पर नहीं सुनती। )

More Sentence

  • Good examples of such ‘active touch’ include reading of Braille characters and the sorting and selecting of objects in a pocket, out of sight.
  • Since the process of printing pictures in Braille involves heating special paper is required.
  • Braille medicine labels
  • Since it opened I went along with a visually impaired member of the committee to sample the notice board in Braille .
  • The last series has also been published in Braille .
  • He was faced with the challenge of learning a new way of writing and reading in Braille and had to cope with his visual impairment emotionally.
  • Important municipal information must also be available in Braille format for the visually impaired.
  • all the plants are labelled in Braille
  • The swings have backs to support riders with no upper body strength; many signs are in Braille , and the soft, springy ground is surfaced with recycled tires.
  • Artifact descriptions are etched in Braille into glass lecterns in the National Museum of Colombia, and photosensor-activated handrails trigger audio narrations.
  • Both of the references to language, in Braille and phonetic code, are veiled in such a way that language doesn't become the vehicle through which you arrive at a certain set of information.
  • The four-volume 512-page book has been brought out in Braille after its success in several Indian languages and a few foreign languages like Chinese and Korean.
  • He read in Braille , mainly textbooks translated into finger-touch words by prisoners in Arbour Hill jail.
  • Included in the display are both Braille and jumbo-sized playing cards, as well as other classic games which have been retextured, enlarged or recreated in Braille .
  • Drivers will draw lots and be assigned a navigator who will be handed over a map with the route in Braille .
  • The Visually Impaired National Library for the Blind loans books written in Braille to blind people and also runs a beginner's programme in Braille or Moon.
  • But, pursuing higher education proves to be a challenging task for them due to the acute shortage of textbooks in Braille .
  • she taught herself Braille
  • The software is installed in a Braille Lite-a small, portable Braille note taker that is equipped with synthetic speech and a refreshable Brailled display.
  • Audio textbooks can be produced much faster and cheaper than Brailled books, and can be used by students with varying print disabilities.
  • My visually impaired junior assistant helped the group get started on Brailling the alphabet.