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Boxing Day - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of Boxing Day in Hindi

  • मुक्केबाजी दिवस

Boxing Day Definition

  • (in parts of the British Commonwealth) a public holiday celebrated on the first day (strictly, the first weekday) after Christmas Day. ( (ब्रिटिश राष्ट्रमंडल के कुछ हिस्सों में) क्रिसमस के दिन के बाद पहले दिन (सख्ती से, पहला सप्ताह का दिन) एक सार्वजनिक अवकाश मनाया जाता है। )

Boxing Day Example

  • When I was a child Boxing Day was my favourite Day of the Christmas Holidays. ( जब मैं एक बच्चा था बॉक्सिंग डे क्रिसमस की छुट्टियों का मेरा पसंदीदा दिन था। )
  • I just kept thinking about all my friends and family celebrating Boxing Day . ( मैं सिर्फ अपने सभी दोस्तों और परिवार के साथ बॉक्सिंग डे मनाने के बारे में सोचता रहा। )
  • It is claimed that some have not had a day off since Boxing Day and that they are worried at the lack of training they have received. ( यह दावा किया जाता है कि कुछ ने बॉक्सिंग डे के बाद से एक दिन की छुट्टी नहीं ली है और वे प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त करने की कमी से चिंतित हैं। )
  • The shop I work in is closing Christmas Day and Boxing Day then re-opens it's doors on the Monday. ( जिस दुकान में मैं काम करता हूं, वह क्रिसमस डे और बॉक्सिंग डे को बंद कर रही है, फिर सोमवार को इसके दरवाजे खोलती है। )

More Sentence

  • On Boxing Day they were travelling on a bus from Ham Ban Tota around the coast to have lunch in Galle.
  • On Boxing Day , the poor did receive money from their masters but in hollow clay pots with a slit in the top.
  • On Boxing Day 2002, police discovered a car in Hackney that was linked to a shooting.
  • It was expected to be even busier today - the official Boxing Day bank holiday.
  • And Boxing Day saw the start of a concerted attempt to kill the story by discrediting us.
  • Christmas and Boxing Day have come and gone, and everything was really lovely.
  • All three sites will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day.
  • After the hectic run-up to Christmas, Boxing Day is traditionally a day to relax.
  • On Boxing Day , she and her family were swept by the force of the waves into a deep lagoon.
  • Before Boxing Day last year, the coastal towns and villages of Sri Lanka had vibrant communities.
  • On Boxing Day he was safe from the waves that reduced his home to a salty pile of debris.
  • From Boxing Day onwards, the music of the past 10 years has a crucial role to play.
  • On Boxing Day night the street was likely to be almost deserted, but there was at least one other taxi at the rank.
  • There will be no services on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and trains will start later than usual on Tuesday.
  • In the meantime, have a great Yuletide starting with a bookie-bashing Boxing Day .
  • On Boxing Day she flies to China with some of the top young players to gain experience training with the best in the world.