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bowels - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bowels in Hindi

  • आंत

bowels Definition


  • the part of the alimentary canal below the stomach; the intestine.

bowels Example

  • It is in most instances traceable to exposure to cold or damp, to overuse of the limbs in walking, &c. Any source of pressure upon the nerve within the pelvis, such as may be produced by a tumour or even by constipation of the bowels, may excite an attack of sciatica. ( यह ज्यादातर मामलों में ठंड या नम के संपर्क में आने, चलने में अंगों के अति प्रयोग, और सी के कारण होता है। श्रोणि के भीतर तंत्रिका पर दबाव का कोई भी स्रोत, जैसे कि ट्यूमर या आंतों के कब्ज से भी उत्पन्न हो सकता है, कटिस्नायुशूल के हमले को उत्तेजित कर सकता है। )
  • Patients are asked to report any change in bowel habit. ( मरीजों को आंत्र आदत में किसी भी बदलाव की रिपोर्ट करने के लिए कहा जाता है। )
  • The journey through the bowels of the earth was one of simple accomplishment now. ( पृथ्वी की आंतों के माध्यम से यात्रा अब सरल उपलब्धि में से एक थी। )
  • How many of them have followed him on his long journeys through the bowels of the earth? ( उनमें से कितनों ने पृथ्वी की आंतों से होते हुए उसकी लंबी यात्राओं में उसका अनुसरण किया है? )

More Sentence

  • For a time the passage went down into the bowels of the earth as it seemed to me.
  • He's been having painful bowel movements.
  • It is interesting to remember how much of this food for fire is still concealed in the bowels of the earth.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men.
  • My, the clarity and attack of our bowel movements.
  • No known bowel symptoms, but was never investigated.
  • Elizabeth Harrison had extensive surgery for bowel cancer.
  • Bowel frequency was not significantly influenced.
  • They never had bowel trouble in the movies.
  • For with the same thou hast anointed priests, kings, and prophets and martyrs with this thy chrism, perfected by thee, 0 Lord, blessed, abiding within our bowels in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
  • He should keep his bowels regular, or even loose, taking every morning a dose of sulphate of soda in a glass of hot water.
  • It possesses the advantage of exercising but little irritant effect upon the bowels.
  • &6, through, 1!4w, flow), an excessive looseness of the bowels, a symptom of irritation which may be due to various causes, or may be associated with some specific disease.
  • Flatulent distension in the stomach or bowels is partly due to air which has been swallowed and partly to gas which has been formed by the decomposition of food.
  • In consequence of the absence of mechanical stimulant the bowels act more slowly, and constipation is the result.
  • As the grapes contain a quantity of water and of salts, they tend to lessen the amount of food taken, to increase the action of the bowels, and to stimulate the kidneys.
  • Colonoscopy was carried out under light sedation after standard laxative and bowel enema preparation.
  • prefix buo--, in the sense of "bad," and g vmpov, the intestine), also called "bloody flux," an infectious disease with a local lesion in the form of inflammation and ulceration of the lower portion of the bowels.
  • The discharges from the bowels succeed each other with great frequency, and the painful feeling of pressure downwards (tenesmus) becomes so intense that the patient is constantly desiring to defecate.
  • The matters passed from the bowels, which at first resemble those of ordinary diarrhoea, soon change their character, becoming scanty, mucous or slimy, and subsequently mixed with, or consisting wholly of, blood, along with shreds of exudation thrown off from the mucous membrane of the intestine.
  • Jannes bowed and pointed to a water bowel near him.
  • Avoid refined sugars that may cause bowel difficulty.
  • If you only have one, then you are short 1 bowel movement.
  • Roughly ten more inches of my small bowel had to be removed.
  • This may result in less fiber intake causing bowel complications.
  • Within a month, we will know when they have a regular bowel movement.