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both - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of both in Hindi

  • दोनों
  • दूसरा भी


  • दोनों लोग

both Definition


  • used to refer to two people or things, regarded and identified together. ( दो लोगों या चीजों को संदर्भित, एक साथ माना और पहचाना जाता था। )


  • used before the first of two alternatives to emphasize that the statement being made applies to each (the other alternative being introduced by “and”). ( दो विकल्पों में से पहले इस्तेमाल किए जाने पर जोर देने के लिए कि बयान किया जा रहा है प्रत्येक पर लागू होता है (दूसरा विकल्प "और" द्वारा पेश किया जा रहा है)। )

both Example

  • The scientists described the ancient hominoids as small-brained, tree-climbing, meat-eating midgets that were both apelike and human in appearance. ( वैज्ञानिकों ने प्राचीन होमिनोइड्स को छोटे दिमाग, पेड़ पर चढ़ने, मांस खाने वाले बौनों के रूप में वर्णित किया जो दिखने में एपैलिक और मानव दोनों थे। )
  • It was my sense of both the inappropriateness of my explosion and the truth of my anger that allowed me to walk away from that encounter with my faith still intact. ( यह मेरे विस्फोट की अनुपयुक्तता और मेरे क्रोध की सच्चाई दोनों के बारे में मेरी समझ थी जिसने मुझे अपने विश्वास के साथ उस मुठभेड़ से दूर चलने की अनुमति दी। )
  • Herrera admits that sometimes people cannot help but mix both the Spanish they hear at home and the English they hear at school. ( हेरेरा मानते हैं कि कभी-कभी लोग मदद नहीं कर सकते हैं, लेकिन दोनों स्पेनिश वे घर पर सुनते हैं और अंग्रेजी वे स्कूल में सुनते हैं। )
  • they all loved to play, both the boys and the girls ( वे सभी लड़कों और लड़कियों दोनों से खेलना पसंद करते थे )
  • Dickens and Joyce, both were excellent writers ( डिकेंस और जॉयस, दोनों उत्कृष्ट लेखक थे )
  • they're of a poor quality or too expensive or both ( वे एक खराब गुणवत्ता या बहुत महंगे या दोनों हैं )

More Sentence

  • you can use both
  • Most of the major cloud names have one or both of the above mentioned names in them.
  • In the next few weeks both sides will finally decide whether to patch things up or move on.
  • both the Kellys were there
  • Jackie and I are both self-employed
  • I urge you to read both these books
  • he was blind in both eyes
  • the two men both went to the same school
  • It is up to both religions to work together to see that the future is not threatened.
  • both of the children were at school
  • You have to seek the best in both sides, and trust that they want peace as much as you do.
  • reference either or both books
  • What needs to be emphasised is that it refers to both self poisoning and self injury.
  • both his parents indulged him
  • Capturing from tapes recorded with both drop frame and non-drop frame timecode may produce unexpected results.
  • In a way, this has turned out best for both of us and that is indeed the closure I needed.
  • We have a routine that we stick to in order that the children feel wanted and loved by both of us.
  • studies of finches, both in the wild and in captivity
  • He said it was often in both sides and the stomach by the time they a patient was diagnosed.
  • Clubs paid agents directly, conflicts of interest were rife with agents acting for both club and player in the same transfer, and the players themselves were "largely unaware" of the amounts of money their own agents were being paid by the clubs.
  • A unique prehistoric tomb in Ireland has been revealed to align to both the midsummer Sun and the midwinter Moon.
  • It underlines the positive potential of digital distribution, both as a new business model and as a new social and cultural phenomenon.
  • Players of both sides agreed it was one of the best wickets they have ever played on.
  • He tried to justify it all by saying he was trying to do the right thing and wanted to keep both of us happy.