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botanical - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of botanical in Hindi

  • वनस्पति
  • वनस्पति-शास्र का
  • वनस्पति-विज्ञान का

botanical Definition


  • of or relating to plants. ( या पौधों से संबंधित )


  • a substance obtained from a plant and used as an additive, especially in gin or cosmetics. ( एक पौधे से प्राप्त पदार्थ और एक योज्य के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है, खासकर जिन या सौंदर्य प्रसाधनों में। )

botanical Example

  • One purpose of this trip was too see if any of the botanical oddities found in 1988-1990 still existed in the park. ( इस यात्रा का एक उद्देश्य यह भी था कि यदि 1988-1990 में पाए गए किसी भी वनस्पति विषमता अभी भी पार्क में मौजूद थी। )
  • The botanical specimens went to various herbaria at Harvard University. ( वानस्पतिक नमूने हार्वर्ड विश्वविद्यालय के विभिन्न हर्बेरिया में गए। )
  • Thus, most of the botanical diversity at a site is in the infrequent species, and it is their survival in spite of competitive dominance that must be understood. ( इस प्रकार, किसी स्थल पर अधिकांश वानस्पतिक विविधता अनन्त प्रजातियों में है, और प्रतिस्पर्धी वर्चस्व के बावजूद यह उनका अस्तित्व है जिसे समझना होगा। )
  • Please take a look around and expand your botanical knowledge. ( कृपया एक नज़र डालें और अपने वनस्पति ज्ञान का विस्तार करें। )
  • In his retirement, Wilbur continued to be a botanical resource for the GA Herbarium. ( अपनी सेवानिवृत्ति में, विल्बर जीए हर्बेरियम के लिए एक वानस्पतिक संसाधन बना रहा। )
  • The botanical author index has been eliminated, as have the pages for notes at the end of the manual. ( वानस्पतिक लेखक सूचकांक को समाप्त कर दिया गया है, क्योंकि मैनुअल के अंत में नोट्स के लिए पृष्ठ हैं। )
  • Around 1900 a fungus came into the country on a shipment of botanical specimens from Japan. ( 1900 के आसपास जापान से वनस्पति नमूनों के शिपमेंट पर एक कवक देश में आया। )
  • Not only did it identify about a thousand species of plants and 464 genera, it helped to overturn the established Linnean system of botanical taxonomy. ( न केवल इसने पौधों की लगभग एक हजार प्रजातियों और 464 जेनेरा की पहचान की, इसने वानस्पतिक वर्गीकरण की स्थापित लिनियन प्रणाली को पलटने में मदद की। )

More Sentence

  • In addition to his work as a botanical illustrator, Moon spent weekends in the country painting for his own pleasure.
  • What can we do about the crisis in field botanical training?
  • Gene's excellent curation has provided a solid anchor for botanical research in the Southeast.
  • Chapter 4 provides true botanical keys to the trees discussed in chapter 3.
  • The botanical specimens and artworks at the Museum are not only of great historical value but also of immense scientific value.
  • Still, he made it to Australia and Papua New Guinea, returning with the first ever botanical specimens from the new continent.
  • Goodspeed devoted much of his botanical career to the study of Nicotiana, and the results of many of his detailed and insightful analyses have stood the test of time.
  • Readers of a general botanical journal such as this have the advantage of being made aware of the huge, often surprising and always interesting variety of plant life.
  • But once the right trail was found, the botanical richness of the area became evident.
  • What about the botanical specimens he studied while traipsing around the Imperial grounds in a suit, tie and rubber boots?
  • Floristic studies are designed to provide valuable botanical information on the species and habitats that occur in a specific area.
  • The botanical literature contains more than 300 descriptions of trichome types in order to characterize their great variation.
  • Other tools common in Witchcraft are altars, cauldrons, salt, and herbs or other botanicals , and incantations.
  • The addition of vitamins and certain botanicals in hair-care products also serve to coat the hair shaft, leading to increased shine, softness and manageability.
  • Most of Ecolution's fabrics are vegetable dyed with such botanicals as oregano, oak bark, bilberry and pansy to create a vivid palate of colors.
  • Abrasive materials like ground botanicals and copper powders shorten the working life of a piston but are easier on a diaphragm pump.
  • The extra alcohol lifts the botanicals and produces a more fiery finish for the martini drinkers.
  • What looks like a trunk is in fact made up of tightly packed leaf stems, and, botanically at least, the fruits are berries.
  • An extensive introduction provides the reader with information on consumer information, standardization of herbs, regulatory information on botanicals , and interpreting product labels.
  • Those botanicals and botanically-derived substances with some research explaining their mechanism and/or efficacy in asthma are discussed below.
  • Although Europeans settled this county in the early 1800's, it has not been carefully and thoroughly studied botanically .
  • The article states that letters were sent by the agency to these food manufacturers ordering them to prove food products infused with botanicals like echinacea, gingko, and ginseng are safe.