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bossy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bossy in Hindi

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bossy Definition


  • fond of giving people orders; domineering. ( लोगों को आदेश देने के शौकीन; दबंग। )


  • a cow or calf. ( एक गाय या बछड़ा। )

bossy Example

  • His cocky and bossy attitude was not one she liked, but she did go over for Rolandon's sake. ( उसका अहंकारी और बॉस वाला रवैया उसे पसंद नहीं था, लेकिन उसने रोलांड की खातिरदारी की। )
  • Albert lives with his domineering, bossy , bullying, unhappy, horrible mother. ( अल्बर्ट अपने दबंग, बॉसी, बदमाशी, दुखी, भयानक माँ के साथ रहता है। )
  • I'm not sure if she was officially beachmaster, or just being bossy . ( मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि अगर वह आधिकारिक तौर पर बीचमास्टर थी, या सिर्फ बॉस की थी। )
  • Produce very bossy chocolate bars that will order the eater to do ten press ups between each bite. ( बहुत मालिक चॉकलेट सलाखों का उत्पादन करें जो खाने वाले को प्रत्येक काटने के बीच दस प्रेस अप करने का आदेश देगा। )
  • Someone should slap me but I think it's minor retribution for her unnecessarily autocratic, bossy tendencies that once again reared up yesterday. ( किसी ने मुझे थप्पड़ मारना चाहिए, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि यह अनावश्यक रूप से निरंकुश, मालिक की प्रवृत्ति के लिए मामूली प्रतिशोध है जो कल फिर से एक बार फिर से खड़ा हो गया है। )
  • Self-assertion and a desire for autonomy are important components of genuine citizenship, as is a distrust of bossy authority. ( स्व-दावे और स्वायत्तता की इच्छा वास्तविक नागरिकता के महत्वपूर्ण घटक हैं, जैसा कि बॉसी प्राधिकरण का अविश्वास है। )
  • They are always bossy and try to control you every second. ( वे हमेशा बॉस होते हैं और हर पल आपको नियंत्रित करने की कोशिश करते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • This also comes through in parliamentary debate, where her style has been criticised as somewhat bossy — despite her complaint that it is a pity the chamber has not allowed more space for cross-party agreement.
  • It was obvious in the pride Jyller had and her bossy nature at ordering the maids around.
  • Tributes pour in thick and fast from Lapotaire: ‘She was completely in charge of the crew without being bossy .’
  • ‘I like organising and I am fairly bossy ,’ says the mum-of-two.
  • A thin, tall woman with a bossy face was giving orders to other girls as they took plates to the different tables.
  • Sure, she could be a rude, obnoxious, pushy, bossy woman most of the time, but I also had to admit that she had the heart of a lion.
  • A person who knows how to take charge and organise others can also be bossy and dictatorial.
  • The doctor who called me bossy last week said I was doubly bossy today!
  • Speaking last week, after they had moved out and on condition of anonymity, they described him as ‘very bossy and imposing’ but with a ‘technical mind’.
  • Her father left and her mother worked all the time, so Joey decided to become man of the house and take on an authoritarian and bossy role.
  • One ex-housemate, who did not want to be named, described him as a man who was difficult to get along with, very bossy and ‘imposing’.
  • How could she be attracted to such a rude, egotistical, high-handed, bossy man like him?
  • I'm bossy , and that's why I want to be a producer.
  • Don't tolerate tantrums, disrespect or bossiness .
  • ‘Perhaps I should rephrase that,’ she said bossily in that same silky tone of hers.
  • And Harry's friend Hermione is getting through her childhood bossiness and becoming the most moral and decent character in the books, as well as being smart and powerful.
  • It's from such child-play, along with the bossiness of their grandmother, that Barrie gets the inspiration for the work that will become Peter Pan.
  • She bossily took his arm away from my shoulders.
  • ‘Now,’ I said bossily , ‘You're going to take off your clothes and dry yourself off, and then you're going to get dressed into some warm clothes.’
  • Alongside Karoo lamb, infused with those tough little Karoo bossies , the delicacy of the month could be Nahoon pork.
  • When our new friend has returned to her party Nigella reaches across for my notebook and reads it, a bit bossily .
  • What they had experienced previously as nagging was clearly based on the fear that she had always covered up by apparent control and bossiness .
  • I can't stand your bossiness ; you're a tyrant.