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bosom - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bosom in Hindi

  • छाती


  • छाती
  • हृदय
  • आलिंगन
  • अभ्यंतर
  • भीतर

bosom Definition


  • (of a friend) close or intimate. ( (किसी मित्र का) करीबी या अंतरंग। )


  • a woman's chest. ( एक महिला की छाती। )

bosom Example

  • The final touch to Laura's ensemble is two handkerchief-wrapped powder puffs stuffed in the bosom of her dress to improve her bust line. ( लौरा के पहनावे का अंतिम स्पर्श दो बस्टीकार लिपटे हुए पाउडर कश हैं जो उसके बस्ट लाइन को बेहतर बनाने के लिए उसकी पोशाक की छाती में भरे हुए हैं। )
  • Aislinn started, the locket falling from her hand and resting on the navy cotton bosom of her dress as she whirled toward the sound. ( Aislinn ने शुरू किया, लॉकेट उसके हाथ से गिर गया और उसकी पोशाक की नौसेना कपास की छाती पर आराम कर रहा था क्योंकि वह ध्वनि की ओर घूम गया। )
  • Alban turned to face the taunting eyes of the old governess feeling both rage and shame rise in his bosom . ( अल्बान ने पुरानी शासन की तनी हुई आँखों का सामना करना शुरू कर दिया और महसूस किया कि उसके शरीर में क्रोध और शर्म दोनों बढ़ रही है। )
  • In reality, there were ‘hidden variables’, which would restore the quantum flux to the bosom of classical physics. ( वास्तव में, vari हिडन वैरिएबल ’थे, जो क्वांटम फ्लक्स को शास्त्रीय भौतिकी की सीमा तक बहाल करेंगे। )
  • Lori has this habit of wearing her coat open wide even when it's freezing out, showing off her ample bosom . ( लोरी को अपने कोट पहनने की यह आदत है, जब वह बाहर ठंडी होती है, तब भी वह पर्याप्त नहीं होती है। )
  • With national dignity surging in his bosom , Wu flatly turned down the humiliating demand put forward by Montigny. ( राष्ट्रीय गरिमा के साथ अपनी उथल-पुथल में, वू मोंटगे द्वारा आगे रखी अपमानजनक मांग को ठुकरा दिया। )

More Sentence

  • He figures that he's best playing the role of upset brother, so he'll be taken to the bosom of sympathetic sisters.
  • Jack had wanted to team up with bosom pal Lew Williams, but that was not possible because they had been allocated different Landing Craft Tanks on D-Day.
  • His late companion's chance persistency made him feel that he could not keep his crime concealed in his bosom .
  • Apart from white knuckles and a total inability to speak whilst we were shooting some impressive-looking rapids in a small aluminium boat, we had no doubts at any time that we would return safely to the bosom of our families.
  • In fact, they were bosom pals again within 24 hours.
  • Frederick the Great, the bosom friend of Voltaire, once said: ‘Religion is a fraud, but it must be maintained for the masses.’
  • With customary detachment, Hamilton became a bosom friend of Lafayette while at the same time assessing French motivations in an entirely dispassionate way.
  • Her blouse is buttoned inappropriately low at the bosom .
  • The neckline is low but not uncomfortably so for Rena - it displays her curving bosom without revealing too much cleavage.
  • The months ahead seem rife with arduous ER shifts, lavish vacations with bosom friends and endless opportunities to glam up for nocturnal lounging.
  • For many, the next door neighbour is something of a distant figure, while others are bosom buddies with those that live closest to them.
  • None except her family and bosom friends know her true nature, as none know the true nature of Clara.
  • All this flies in the face of many right wingers who like to claim that nursery education is positively harmful to children, who should be left to be brought up in the bosom of the home.
  • If you plant that money in your bosom or plant it in a lockbox, it will not grow.
  • Jasmine wore an off white sleeveless shirt with brown designs across the bosom .
  • At this time everything that is ordinarily done on the bosom should be done on the back.
  • Subleyras's portrait of Tibaldi made in 1739 showed his wife gorgeously dressed, with a large flower at her bosom and one of her tiny pictures in her hand.
  • The book was taken to the bosom of America, was a No. 1 best-seller last year and is still on the best-selling lists in hardcover and paperback.
  • Beatrice observed this remarkable phenomenon and crossed herself, sadly, but without surprise; nor did she therefore hesitate to arrange the fatal flower in her bosom .
  • The little voice inside my head that so often warned of impending danger now screamed at me to go upstairs, but the curiosity in my bosom burned so much hotter than the voice was loud.
  • He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom .
  • It entered my chest and warmed my bosom , which was mostly exposed.
  • With a playful interest, Sibyl remembered what Bridget had done, and following her example, lowered her chest and slipped a hand beneath her bosom to raise it.
  • Annabelle, suspicion which was aroused quick in her bosom , had no idea of the meetings that occurred between her brother and her lady's maid.