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boom - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of boom in Hindi

  • उछाल
  • तेजी
  • व्यापार उत्कर्ष
  • गरम बाजारी


  • धूम
  • शोर
  • कोलाहल


  • शोर मचाना
  • धूम मचाना
  • कोलाहल करना

boom Definition


  • enjoy a period of great prosperity or rapid economic growth. ( महान समृद्धि या तेजी से आर्थिक विकास की अवधि का आनंद लें। )
  • make a loud, deep, resonant sound. ( जोर से, गहरी, गूंजती हुई ध्वनि करें। )


  • a loud, deep, resonant sound. ( एक तेज, गहरी, गूंजती हुई ध्वनि। )
  • a period of great prosperity or rapid economic growth. ( महान समृद्धि या तेजी से आर्थिक विकास की अवधि। )
  • a long pole or rod, in particular. ( एक लंबी पोल या रॉड, विशेष रूप से। )

boom Example

  • At its center is a mixing console and an expensive microphone suspended from a boom . ( इसके केंद्र में मिक्सिंग कंसोल और बूम से निलंबित एक महंगा माइक्रोफोन है। )
  • As we know from countless business cycles, what that leads to is a boom and bust cycle. ( जैसा कि हम अनगिनत व्यापार चक्रों से जानते हैं, जो एक उछाल और हलचल चक्र है। )
  • As Miller approached the helm looming before her, a quick glance at the boom and rigging was a reminder of the vessel's size. ( जैसा कि मिलर ने उनके सामने पतवार को थामे हुए थे, बूम और हेराफेरी पर एक त्वरित नज़र पोत के आकार की याद दिलाता था। )
  • This added 1.5 per cent to economic growth in the boom years of the 1990s. ( इसने 1990 के दशक के बूम के वर्षों में आर्थिक विकास में 1.5 प्रतिशत का इजाफा किया। )
  • The growth figures suggest Ireland may recapture some of the form of the boom years when economic growth peaked at 11.5 per cent. ( विकास के आंकड़े बताते हैं कि जब आर्थिक विकास 11.5 प्रतिशत की दर से बढ़ रहा था, तब आयरलैंड ने बूम के कुछ वर्षों के रूप में फिर से कब्जा कर लिया। )

More Sentence

  • Once the overhead boom microphone had moved out of the way, she stepped forwards.
  • The deep boom of a gong echoed through the room, and the gathered students fell silent.
  • Kochi was among the first ports to procure an oil spill containment boom in 1987.
  • That, of course, did not mean the business cycle was dead or that the stock market would boom endlessly.
  • Irish investors are expected to spend up to €6 billion on overseas property this year as profits from the economic boom flow into Europe.
  • The government is trying to cool an investment boom that stoked economic growth of 9.1 per cent last year, the fastest pace in seven years.
  • So a sheet is a rope, a tack is a turn into the wind and the boom is the spar along the bottom of the sail.
  • Two systems are used to control boom stability.
  • Venture capital investments have slowed since the internet boom and bust in which many funders lost money.
  • For example, if a cheer goes up at the appearance of the boom operator's credit in a movie, this means that his or her family is in attendance at the screening.
  • A thunderous boom suddenly sounded from miles away, accompanied by a miniscule quake.
  • At its peak, the effort involved 14,000 vessels, 8o aircraft, better than 500,000 feet of boom .
  • Because I don't think that I'm any better than the camera operator, the boom man, I don't think that I'm any better than you are.
  • There was a deep boom , then the sound of rending metal and breaking glass, and still it didn't stop.
  • It had a camera on a boom arm and they were swinging it over and around the car which was following a short distance behind.
  • Workers not experienced in working with today's long-reach boom pumps may not think about it beforehand.
  • As they drew closer to Sara's there was a loud boom and a cracking sound.
  • While economies boom , the financial foundation could not be more precarious.
  • Once central banks embark on an aggressive program of monetary expansion, the stage is set for an inevitable boom and bust.
  • But their presence is signalled by an unmistakable call similar to bellowing of a bull with a deep, resonant boom that carries up to a mile.
  • the boom of the bittern may be enjoyed in the country
  • Sonia waited until he was within three feet of her, then jumped up on the boom , running lightly towards the mast.
  • A portable boom control device and cable hook assembly is used for loading and unloading.
  • Lucy pointed, too, and made some gurgles, and even patted the boom mike while the cameras rolled.
  • Spoken parts used to be recorded on the acting sets with boom mikes, but this is no longer done.