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bookkeeping - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bookkeeping in Hindi

  • बहीखाता


  • बहीखाता
  • मुनीमखाना
  • मुनीमी
  • हिसाब-किताब लिखना
  • हिसाब-किताब
  • बहीखाता पद्धति
  • पुस्तपालक
  • बहीखाता लिखना

bookkeeping Definition

  • the activity or occupation of keeping records of the financial affairs of a business. ( किसी व्यवसाय के वित्तीय मामलों का रिकॉर्ड रखने की गतिविधि या व्यवसाय। )

bookkeeping Example

  • An accountant friend may offer bookkeeping advice and associates in the investment community may help raise funds. ( एक एकाउंटेंट मित्र बहीखाता सलाह दे सकता है और निवेश समुदाय में सहयोगी धन जुटाने में मदद कर सकता है। )
  • These complicated rules and tax rates create a lot of bookkeeping and legal issues for corporations. ( ये जटिल नियम और कर की दर निगमों के लिए बहुत सारे बहीखाते और कानूनी मुद्दे बनाते हैं। )
  • We also outsource our bookkeeping and office administration, with similar savings. ( हम अपनी बहीखाता पद्धति और कार्यालय प्रशासन को भी समान बचत के साथ आउटसोर्स करते हैं। )
  • They failed for quite some time, but after taking classes in bookkeeping and writing, their shop began to prosper. ( वे कुछ समय के लिए असफल रहे, लेकिन बहीखाता पद्धति और लेखन में कक्षाएं लेने के बाद, उनकी दुकान समृद्ध होने लगी। )
  • This was accompanied by greater emphasis on bookkeeping and accounting. ( यह बहीखाता पद्धति और लेखांकन पर अधिक जोर देने के साथ था। )
  • It encompasses all financial issues, marketing, office management, bookkeeping , and billing. ( इसमें सभी वित्तीय मुद्दों, विपणन, कार्यालय प्रबंधन, बहीखाता पद्धति और बिलिंग शामिल हैं। )
  • Chang sees his role as that of a business advisor, not limited to bookkeeping and accounting. ( चांग एक व्यवसाय सलाहकार के रूप में अपनी भूमिका देखता है, जो बहीखाता और लेखा तक सीमित नहीं है। )
  • It is unique in its simple approach to bookkeeping and accounts in that it looks and feels like a manual set of books on screen. ( यह बहीखाता पद्धति के लिए अपने सरल दृष्टिकोण और खातों में अद्वितीय है कि यह स्क्रीन पर पुस्तकों के मैनुअल सेट की तरह दिखता है और महसूस करता है। )

More Sentence

  • She also spent many hours bookkeeping for Danny's business.
  • More business owners are hiring virtual assistants to handle tasks from bookkeeping to buying gifts for Mom.
  • They implied an extension from bookkeeping to financial reporting.
  • Granted, we have to do a bit more bookkeeping than before, but the savings more than make up for it.
  • Currently funds are forcing the committee to very strict and disciplined bookkeeping .
  • You'll never confuse bookkeeping with fun, but today's software can take the edge off of the torture.
  • This is also seen with engineering, technical and bookkeeping personnel.
  • His only crime was incompetence in bookkeeping .
  • I got in a financial muddle because I didn't keep my bookkeeping up to date
  • We all must keep accurate financial records for tax purposes as well as personal bookkeeping .
  • The courses prepare students for the world of business through subjects such as computerised payroll and bookkeeping .
  • Do you think there is any advantage to using commercially available bookkeeping / finance software in a small business?
  • She works 7 hours a day, 4 to 5 days a week and does all her own bills and bookkeeping .
  • Offices hummed as clerks and secretaries, executives and middle managers, accountants and bookkeepers scurried to attend their burgeoning enterprises.
  • I do not see that there is any such relationship between a client and auditor/accountant / bookkeeper .
  • He has also pointed out the role played by women as bookkeepers and cashiers in small businesses, before they started to make an entry into the professional world of accounting.
  • In fact, soon after that day, a bookkeeper at the firm volunteered to organize an Earth Day celebration.
  • We work with a financial adviser who has repeatedly commended us for being willing to hire good consultants, like our accountant and our bookkeeper .
  • He then used it in correspondence with bookkeepers and suppliers.
  • A key issue facing many firms is whether non-exempt employees, such as non-certified accountants or bookkeepers , are being paid overtime.
  • A business manager is a hybrid of personal assistant, bookkeeper , accountant and attorney.
  • Many small businesses lack accounting departments or full-time bookkeepers ; many entrepreneurs keep the most important financial and legal details in their heads.