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bonkers - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bonkers in Hindi

  • बोंकर्स्
  •  बुद्धिहीन
  • मूर्ख
  • बांगकर्ज़
  •  झक्की

bonkers Definition

  • mad; crazy. ( पागल; पागल। )

bonkers Example

  • But don't get stressed out and go bonkers in the middle of Boots. ( लेकिन बाहर जोर दिया और जूते के बीच में bonkers जाना नहीं है। )
  • I have been going absolutely bonkers trying to get a doll which is absolutely-to-my-liking finished. ( मैं पूरी तरह से एक गुड़िया पाने की कोशिश कर रहा है, जो पूरी तरह से मेरी पसंद है। )
  • Speaking for myself, I think Lynne must be perfectly bonkers . ( खुद के लिए बोलते हुए, मुझे लगता है कि लिन को पूरी तरह से बोनर्स होना चाहिए। )
  • And, brilliantly insightful or bonkers , they'll still be worth hearing. ( और, शानदार ढंग से आनंदमय या बोनर्स, वे अभी भी सुनने लायक होंगे। )
  • When I suggest he could subsidise lower ticket prices by putting on fewer concerts he looks at me as though I am bonkers . ( जब मैं सुझाव देता हूं कि वह कम कॉन्सर्ट पर कम टिकट की कीमतों को सब्सिडी दे सकता है, तो वह मुझे देखता है जैसे कि मैं हूं। )

More Sentence

  • Even now, mixed raced children either embrace a black identity or go bonkers trying to fit into a white society that won't accept them as one of their own.
  • It comes as a shock to find oneself joining the ‘Dear Sir, are we all going bonkers ?’
  • She most likely thought I was stark raving bonkers as I told the tale of my worries about leaving the gas on.
  • I'm not at all surprised by this story, for Manhattan life can be very hectic, very stressful, and, frankly, very bonkers .
  • Only one of us was bonkers in this particular episode.
  • Another excellent Orb album that will leave you sufficiently bonkers until his next release.
  • Good god, he really has gone stark raving bonkers , hasn't he?
  • The response of the Zionists was to go absolutely bonkers .
  • Well, the outrageous Julie has always been bonkers , hasn't she.
  • To my delight she shot me a look that said she thought I'd gone bonkers .
  • The alternative, which is of course always possible, is that half the town has gone stark, raving bonkers .
  • If your neighbour's dogs barking is driving you bonkers , use a video camera to tape the mutt howling.
  • It'll be a real hoot to see the neighbors gawking, gasping and going completely bonkers over your capricious little caper.
  • Well, provided you haven't gone completely bonkers and been committed, that may well be true.
  • It would be bonkers for one council to act alone, but it would make sense if all three million people in Greater Manchester came to the same decision.