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bonemeal - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bonemeal in Hindi

  • अस्थि चूर्ण
  • हड्डी का चूरा

bonemeal Definition

  • crushed or ground bones used as a fertilizer. ( एक उर्वरक के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया कुचल या जमीन की हड्डियों। )

bonemeal Example

  • The planning permission and industrial pollution control licence will be made for meat and bonemeal only. ( योजना की अनुमति और औद्योगिक प्रदूषण नियंत्रण लाइसेंस केवल मांस और बोनमैले के लिए बनाया जाएगा। )
  • I compost, fertilize and add bonemeal to the area after the plants have been removed each year. ( मैं हर साल पौधों को हटाने के बाद क्षेत्र में खाद, निषेचन और जोड़ता हूं। )
  • I have never accepted that BSE came as a result of cattle eating meat and bonemeal containing sheep infected with scrapie. ( मैंने कभी स्वीकार नहीं किया कि BSE मांस खाने वाले पशुओं और मांस से संक्रमित भेड़ के बच्चे के रूप में आया था जो स्क्रैप से संक्रमित भेड़ थे। )
  • During the autumn, apply an organic fertilizer such as bonemeal mixed with a little dried blood, or use a timed-release bulb food. ( शरद ऋतु के दौरान, जैविक उर्वरक जैसे कि बोनमैले को थोड़े सूखे रक्त के साथ मिलाएं, या एक समय पर जारी बल्ब भोजन का उपयोग करें। )

More Sentence

  • Each spring, the Hills' roses are fed with a mix of controlled-release fertilizer, blood meal, and bonemeal .
  • I use a mixture of commercial potting mix and compost with extra additions of perlite, bonemeal , and poultry grit.
  • This problem meant that, at least in this country, the cheapest sources of phosphorus, namely bloodmeal and bonemeal , were no longer available.
  • None of the infected animals was born after Ireland's ban on feeding meat and bonemeal to cattle became operative in 1996 and early 1997.
  • Always wear a dust mask when you apply bonemeal , guano, or any other type of fertilizer that's dusty.
  • He said 42,289 tonnes of meat and bonemeal was produced from animals killed and rendered under the culls forced by last year's crisis.
  • He has another two factories at Waterford and Cahir, which render offal from cattle into meat and bonemeal .
  • Peas also respond well to the addition of phosphorus so digging in bonemeal or rock phosphate will help with pea production.
  • For instance, bonemeal (a calcium supplement) is made of animal bones.