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bodyguard - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bodyguard in Hindi

  • अंगरक्षक


  • अंगरक्षक
  • छाया
  • रक्षक

bodyguard Definition

  • a person or group of people hired to escort and protect another person, especially a dignitary. ( एक व्यक्ति या लोगों का समूह एस्कॉर्ट और किसी अन्य व्यक्ति, विशेष रूप से एक गणमान्य व्यक्ति की रक्षा करने के लिए काम पर रखा गया। )

bodyguard Example

  • Imran Khaliq, 24, used to work as a bodyguard , security guard and nightclub doorman. ( 24 साल का इमरान खलीक एक अंगरक्षक, सुरक्षा गार्ड और नाइट क्लब डोरमैन के रूप में काम करता था। )
  • Campaigning then was a bit tougher than it is now, so tough in fact that George Albert employed a bodyguard . ( तब चुनाव प्रचार करना थोड़ा कठिन था, क्योंकि यह वास्तव में इतना कठिन था कि जॉर्ज अल्बर्ट ने एक अंगरक्षक को नियुक्त किया। )
  • The presidential bodyguard , the Secret Service, controlled the security operation. ( राष्ट्रपति के अंगरक्षक, गुप्त सेवा ने सुरक्षा अभियान को नियंत्रित किया। )
  • He took courses in the field, then worked as a nightclub bouncer and a bodyguard . ( उन्होंने क्षेत्र में पाठ्यक्रम लिया, फिर नाइट क्लब बाउंसर और अंगरक्षक के रूप में काम किया। )
  • Well, perhaps not as different as Tahr's escort, but for a bodyguard she was extremely small. ( खैर, शायद तहर की एस्कॉर्ट जितनी अलग नहीं थी, लेकिन बॉडीगार्ड के लिए वह बेहद छोटी थी। )

More Sentence

  • We had no money at the time and couldn't afford basic security on our own homes, let alone a bodyguard .
  • While we're at it, we can even get a bodyguard to escort us from our home to the grocery.
  • I kept telling her to get a boyfriend to protect her so she wouldn't need bodyguards and she wouldn't listen to me.
  • Several bodyguards and military escorts have been assigned to each world leader in attendance.
  • They rely on bodyguards and private security instead of the police.
  • Plus he's probably got about 85 overweight bodyguards that will sweep the area two hours before he comes.
  • The ambassador travels with a close protection team of armed bodyguards .
  • He was one of the most tightly protected ministers with nearly 100 elite bodyguards .
  • Naqib defended the bodyguards who shot at them, saying they were just doing their job.
  • He was killed as he and his bodyguards tried to elude police by climbing onto a rooftop of the house where they were hiding.
  • As usual, the singer was flanked by bodyguards wearing black designer suits.
  • He still travels with two bodyguards , pared down from the dozen who used to protect him.
  • Already, she is in need of bodyguards to protect her from the all-too-real threat of stalkers.
  • She left Radcliff High the next day, being escorted by two bodyguards back to Tampa.
  • Assigned to the code talkers are bodyguards , sent to protect them during the fighting.