bob - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bob in Hindi
- बॉब
- काटा बाल
- झुमका
- हिचकोला
- झांसा
- लटकन
- पट्टी
bob Definition
- (of a thing) make a quick short movement up and down. ( (किसी चीज की) एक छोटी गति को ऊपर-नीचे करना। )
- cut (someone's hair) in a bob. ( कट (किसी के बाल) एक बॉब में। )
- ride on a bobsled. ( एक बोबस्लेय पर सवारी। )
- a shilling. ( एक शिलिंग। )
- a style in which the hair is cut short and evenly all around so that it hangs above the shoulders. ( एक ऐसी शैली जिसमें बाल छोटे और समान रूप से कटे होते हैं ताकि यह कंधों के ऊपर लटका रहे। )
- a weight on a pendulum, plumb line, or kite-tail. ( एक पेंडुलम, साहुल रेखा, या पतंग-पूंछ पर एक भार। )
- a bobsled. ( एक बोबस्लेयेड। )
- a short line at or near the end of a stanza. ( एक छंद के अंत में या उसके पास एक छोटी रेखा। )
- a horse's tail docked short. ( एक घोड़े की पूंछ छोटी डॉक। )
- a change of order in bell-ringing. ( घंटी बजने के क्रम में बदलाव। )
bob Example
- Her hairstyle was a bob ; very short in the back and very long in the front, angled slightly to meet with the sturdy line of hair that fell just above her eyes. ( उसका केश एक बॉब था; पीठ में बहुत कम और सामने की ओर बहुत लंबे, बालों की मजबूत रेखा के साथ मिलने के लिए थोड़ा-सा कोण। )
- She was a lively young lady, with a head of sandy blond hair shortly cropped into a bob style. ( वह एक जीवंत युवा महिला थी, रेतीले गोरा बालों के सिर के साथ कुछ ही समय में एक बॉब शैली में फसली। )
- She had auburn hair styled in a bob cut, gentle, hazel eyes, and the greatest smile that had ever graced any thin, yet soft face. ( वह एक कटे हुए, कोमल, हेज़ल आँखों और एक सबसे बड़ी मुस्कान, जो कभी किसी भी पतले, फिर भी नरम चेहरे की शोभा बढ़ाती थी, में स्टाइल किए हुए थे। )
- I've had my hair cut from just above my waist to a short bob and it looks really thick and bushy. ( मैंने अपने बालों को अपनी कमर के ठीक ऊपर से एक छोटे से बॉब तक कटवा लिया है और यह वास्तव में मोटा और झाड़ीदार दिखता है। )
- You can't help but bob your shoulders and sway your hips to the raunchy jazz in this number! ( आप मदद नहीं कर सकते हैं लेकिन अपने कंधों को बांधें और अपने कूल्हों को इस संख्या में कर्कश जाज के लिए रवाना करें! )
- Usually, you'll find a nut at the end of the pendulum bob . ( आमतौर पर, आपको पेंडुलम बॉब के अंत में एक अखरोट मिलेगा। )
- The stout gentleman half rose from his chair and gave a bob of greeting, with a quick little questioning glance from his small, fat-encircled eyes. ( कट्टर सज्जन आधा अपनी कुर्सी से उठे और अपनी छोटी, मोटी-घनी आंखों से एक छोटी सी सवालिया निगाह के साथ अभिवादन का ब्योरा दिया। )
More Sentence
- Now 50, Atkinson looks much younger, with her hair cut in a fashionable bob .
- Greene then created this choppy bob by razor-cutting the hair into asymmetrical sides, supershort bangs and a cropped back.
- What seizes our attention is the spring that is programmed to move counter-clockwise along the rim of the pendulum's circular bob , against the conventional motion of time.
- And the players all went to work the following day, with perhaps a hangover or two, but without a rewarding bob (sorry, euro) in their pockets.
- those vases are worth a few bob
- Suddenly, a girl with her blonde hair cut in a short bob cut and a round face came running out of the salon.
- When a bullet is fired its momentum is transferred to the bob and can be determined from the amplitude of the pendulum.
- With a quick bob of her tongue she span back around and marched down the corridor, opening the classroom door by magic without even realising she had done it.
- The long, thin string and the heavy bob will enable the pendulum to swing unencumbered for hours and hours and hours.
- You'll find a lot of beer cans, unless you can tune out aluminium, but you'll pick up an interesting selection of lost property and a few bob in coins.
- Her mistress gave a slight bob of her head, and she began bustling about, stirring up the fire.
- Latasha Arnt appeared before the court in a black pantsuit and sandals, her hair in a crimped bob .
- He handed each of us a little toy pendulum with a retractable bob .
- It may be worth a few bob in years to come, but that was not the reason I bought it.
- They began to bob their heads up and down from beneath the window like demented puppets.
- the maid scurried away with a bob
- He then created the two-strand twists and cut the hair into a stacked bob .
- Looks like the penny has finally dropped regarding the possibilities of earning a bob or two over the web, without the inconvenience of flying all over the place.
- she could only manage a slight bob of her head
- But she looked the same, elegant and sophisticated, with a short bob of black hair and big baby blue eyes.
- plain bob
- Her normal shape of manifestation was that of a slender, short woman with snowy hair cut quite short in a page-boy bob and an ageless, lovely face.
- Unlike Garrett's bewildered reaction, Clara only gave a slight bob of her head to acknowledge him.