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board - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of board in Hindi

  • मंडल


  • बोर्ड
  • मंडल
  • समिति
  • भोजन
  • पटल
  • पट्ट
  • फलक
  • तख़्ता
  • तख्ता
  • खानपान


  • चढ़ना
  • भोजन लेना
  • सवार होना
  • भोजन देना

board Definition


  • a long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material, used for floors or other building purposes. ( लकड़ी या अन्य कठोर सामग्री का एक लंबा, पतला, सपाट टुकड़ा, जिसका उपयोग फर्श या अन्य भवन प्रयोजनों के लिए किया जाता है। )
  • a thin, flat, rectangular piece of wood or other stiff material used for various purposes, in particular. ( विशेष रूप से विभिन्न प्रयोजनों के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली लकड़ी की पतली, सपाट, आयताकार टुकड़ा या अन्य कठोर सामग्री। )
  • a group of people constituted as the decision-making body of an organization. ( लोगों के एक समूह को एक संगठन के निर्णय लेने वाली संस्था के रूप में गठित किया गया। )
  • the provision of regular meals when one stays somewhere, in return for payment or services. ( नियमित भोजन का प्रावधान जब कोई भुगतान या सेवाओं के बदले में रहता है। )
  • a distance covered by a vessel in a single tack. ( किसी एकल सौदे में एक पोत द्वारा तय की गई दूरी। )


  • get on or into (a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle). ( पर (या एक जहाज, विमान, या अन्य वाहन) मिलता है। )
  • live and receive regular meals in a house in return for payment or services. ( भुगतान या सेवाओं के बदले में एक घर में नियमित भोजन प्राप्त करें। )
  • cover or seal a window, storefront, or other structure with pieces of wood. ( लकड़ी के टुकड़ों के साथ एक खिड़की, स्टोरफ्रंट, या अन्य संरचना को कवर या सील करें। )
  • ride on a snowboard. ( एक स्नोबोर्ड पर सवारी करें। )

board Example

  • he fell off his board into the water ( वह पानी में गिर गया )
  • Slide the pastry on to a board , cover with clingfilm and chill for 30 minutes. ( एक बोर्ड पर पेस्ट्री को स्लाइड करें, 30 मिनट के लिए क्लिंगफ़िल्म और चिल के साथ कवर करें। )
  • board and lodging ( आवास और भोजन व्यवस्था )
  • He also highlighted that the asylum seeker does get meals and board . ( उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि शरण चाहने वाले को भोजन और बोर्ड मिलता है। )
  • At the same meeting, a new board of directors and a monitoring council are expected to be approved. ( उसी बैठक में, निदेशक मंडल और एक निगरानी परिषद के एक नए बोर्ड को मंजूरी मिलने की उम्मीद है। )
  • You start 9.00 am on Monday as a legal secretary, and don't forget to put some overtime in if you want to pay for this week's board and lodging. ( आप सोमवार को एक कानूनी सचिव के रूप में सुबह 9 बजे शुरू करते हैं, और यदि आप इस सप्ताह के बोर्ड और लॉज के लिए भुगतान करना चाहते हैं तो कुछ ओवरटाइम करना न भूलें। )
  • He paced back and forth, scratched his head, and finally strode to the board and wrote: CVCVC. ( वह आगे-पीछे भागता रहा, अपने सिर को खरोंचता रहा, और अंत में बोर्ड पर चढ़ा और लिखा: CVCVC। )
  • Pete set the pieces out on the board ( पीट ने टुकड़ों को बोर्ड पर सेट किया )
  • ‘One of the boys pinned it up on the board before the game,’ said the Bradford boss. ( ब्रैडफोर्ड बॉस ने कहा, 'लड़कों में से एक ने खेल से पहले बोर्ड पर पिन अप कर दिया।' )

More Sentence

  • He entered the room and started to write onto the board - without saying a word.
  • Room and board , a small monthly stipend and unlimited access to studio space are provided.
  • On viewing the menu board there was a great selection on offer.
  • He has not yet decided which farm will board the chestnut mare.
  • Laboratory films covered the cutting board , thus avoiding any cross-contamination.
  • The dedicated surfer is one of the few who stands - on a board - to benefit from this capricious nature.
  • Members of the public are always most welcome to sit in on our monthly trust board meetings.
  • The game board is filled with dazzling colors, wonderful textures, and delightful characters.
  • His father was a Rugby-educated doctor who thought he was doing his son a favour sending him off to board at public school.
  • These paintings of half-length figures grouped around a gaming board or table were probably meant to convey moral messages.
  • To my dismay I found that the departure gates through which passengers pass to board their aircraft were closed.
  • he looked at the banquet which was spread upon his board
  • You pay for administrative costs, for your board and lodging (absurdly cheap), and your air fare.
  • Whether it is soaring 50 feet through the air on a Skidoo or popping tricks on a board in a half pipe, extreme sports thrive on danger.
  • Thirteen shillings weekly paid for board and lodging was the minimum amount on which such a claim for entitlement was allowed in the York Court.
  • Some still have grandparents but they are too old or sick to bring them up so they board at the school in dormitories.
  • board and lodging
  • Mary is often forced to dodge missiles when she turns her back on her 31-member class to write on the board .
  • the board of governors
  • sections of board
  • This press conference is part of a larger decision by the Tourist Board to better inform the press of the activities undertaken by the board .