blowhole - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of blowhole in Hindi
- छेद
- छेद
- तोड़
- शिगाफ़
- वायुद्वार
- व्हेल के नथुने
- सुरंग से वायु निकालना
blowhole Definition
- a hole for blowing or breathing through, in particular. ( विशेष रूप से उड़ाने या साँस लेने के लिए एक छेद। )
blowhole Example
- Soon you come across a blowhole forming a vertical shaft 1.5m in diameter that leads to the surface. ( जल्द ही आप एक ब्लोहोल भर में आते हैं जो व्यास में एक ऊर्ध्वाधर शाफ्ट 1.5 मीटर है जो सतह की ओर जाता है। )
- The bears wait and watch at the seal's blowhole , not moving, perhaps hiding their black noses behind the ice. ( भालू इंतजार करते हैं और सील के उड़ने पर देखते हैं, हिलते नहीं हैं, शायद बर्फ के पीछे अपने काले नाक को छिपाते हैं। )
- A calf will hump up onto the back of the sleeping mother, breach onto her, cover her blowhole with his tail. ( एक बछड़ा सो रही माँ की पीठ पर गुनगुनायेगा, उस पर टूट पड़ेगा, उसकी टाँगों को उसकी पूंछ से ढँक देगा। )
- Tunnels and Caves is another popular site, starting and finishing through a blowhole that leads to an underwater playground of caves and tunnels, where bubbles escape through volcanic fissures. ( सुरंगों और गुफाएँ एक अन्य लोकप्रिय साइट है, जो एक ब्लोकहोल के माध्यम से शुरू और परिष्करण करती है जो गुफाओं और सुरंगों के पानी के नीचे खेल के मैदान की ओर जाती है, जहाँ बुलबुले ज्वालामुखीय विदर से बचते हैं। )
- The invention provides an apparatus and a method for reducing the volume of risers, and for the possibility of reducing shrinkage, blowhole and porosity in shaped gravity casting. ( आविष्कार राइजर की मात्रा को कम करने के लिए एक उपकरण और एक विधि प्रदान करता है, और आकार के गुरुत्वाकर्षण कास्टिंग में संकोचन, ब्लोहोल और सरंध्रता को कम करने की संभावना के लिए। )
- The vacuum eliminates blowhole residue completely and enhances metal quality. ( वैक्यूम ब्लोकहोल अवशेषों को पूरी तरह से समाप्त कर देता है और धातु की गुणवत्ता को बढ़ाता है। )
- One of the whales spouted a cloud of mist from its blowhole . ( व्हेल में से एक ने अपने ब्लोहोले से धुंध का एक बादल छेड़ा। )
- A third fault or defect type is blowhole formation due to air and gas inclusions, which arise during casting, but mainly in the phase just before the end of casting. ( एक तीसरा दोष या दोष प्रकार हवा और गैस के निष्कासन के कारण ब्लोहोले गठन है, जो कास्टिंग के दौरान उत्पन्न होता है, लेकिन मुख्य रूप से कास्टिंग के अंत से पहले चरण में। )
More Sentence
- This can probably be attributed to the top blowhole wicking away the rising hot air.
- When they dive, muscles close the blowhole and their ribcage collapses to keep air bubbles from forming in the bloodstream.
- Similar to a dolphin or a whale, I suppose, I have hair, I breathe oxygen (through a blowhole , my nostrils are olfactory only), my mother nursed me, and I am warm-blooded.
- Rokare blew a spray of water from her blowhole , narrowly missing him.
- Unlike a casting, a spun part that requires further machining will not be scrapped by a hidden blowhole or inclusion.
- Producers of iron castings sometimes are confronted by a rash of blowhole or pinhole defects that take time and money to correct.
- I see no gills and no blowhole , just a nose in the middle of their face.
- Get your facts straight before you open your blowhole .
- A burly man raises a stick with a hook on the end to strike a baby seal as it surfaces from a blowhole in the ice.
- They will sit by a seal blowhole for hours, waiting, until the animal surfaces.
- This vent area is not your standard side mounted blowhole .
- How about shut your blowhole for 20 seconds or three weeks or something?
- Polar bears will stand or lie by the seal's blowhole in the ice for hours; they may swim towards seals resting on the ice flows with only their nose showing above the water.
- They are surrounded by crowds of people stroking and patting them often near sensitive areas such as their blowholes and they become obese through uncontrolled feeding.
- While the rest of us stood agog as the spray from the whales' blowholes misted over the deck, three divers managed to slip into the water.
- It has blowholes and lava tubes, the wettest spot on earth, and the nation's only royal palace.
- This electrical power generating system is applicable in any location where wave action in blowholes produces compressed air.