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blotch - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of blotch in Hindi

  • मुहासा


  • मुहासा
  • धब्बा
  • धापड़
  • ददोरा
  • सूजन

blotch Definition


  • cover with blotches. ( धब्बों के साथ कवर। )


  • an irregular patch or unsightly mark on a surface, typically the skin. ( एक सतह पर अनियमित पैच या भद्दा निशान, आमतौर पर त्वचा। )

blotch Example

  • Their regulated breaths became shallow and rapid and wet patches of perspiration started to blotch their chests and their backs. ( उनकी विनियमित सांसें उथली हो गईं और पसीने के तेज और गीले पैच ने उनकी छाती और उनकी पीठ को धकेलना शुरू कर दिया। )
  • I am so afraid that the fabric will streak or blotch ! ( मुझे बहुत डर है कि कपड़े लकीर या धब्बा होगा! )
  • Who knew that one day our vain quest for a sunburn would come back to haunt us in the form of panicking every time we see an unfamiliar blotch on our skin? ( कौन जानता था कि एक दिन धूप से झुलसने के लिए हमारी व्यर्थ खोज हर बार हमें हमारी त्वचा पर एक अपरिचित धब्बा दिखाई देने के रूप में हमें परेशान करने के लिए वापस आ जाएगी। )
  • Joan felt her neck beginning to blotch and was grateful for her turtleneck. ( जोन ने महसूस किया कि उसकी गर्दन धंसी हुई थी और वह उसके कछुए के लिए आभारी थी। )
  • I could actually feel my body prickle, my stomach grow knuckles and my skin start to blotch and swell. ( मैं वास्तव में अपने शरीर को चुभन महसूस कर सकता था, मेरे पेट में गांठें बढ़ती हैं और मेरी त्वचा फूलने लगती है। )
  • Some people can blush and pull it off, but I blotch . ( कुछ लोग ब्लश कर सकते हैं और इसे खींच सकते हैं, लेकिन मैं ब्लोट करता हूं। )
  • Why do some of my apples have corky, brown blotches on the surface? ( मेरे कुछ सेबों में सतह पर कॉर्की, भूरे रंग के धब्बे क्यों हैं? )
  • Men often seek to have unsightly hair or skin blotches removed. ( पुरुष अक्सर भद्दे बाल या त्वचा के दाग हटाने की कोशिश करते हैं। )
  • By the time I was done, I had ink blotches on my skin, and my hands and wrists were cramped. ( जब तक मैं किया गया था, तब तक मेरी त्वचा पर स्याही के धब्बे थे, और मेरे हाथ और कलाई में ऐंठन थी। )

More Sentence

  • It can be recognized as oval to irregular spots or blotches with ash gray centers and the presence of black fungal bodies speckled over the lesion surface.
  • Raina opened her eyes, still seeing faint red and black dots blotching her vision.
  • ‘I thought you loved me,’ she whispered, her tears blotching the ink on the paper into little blue snowflakes.
  • Skin damage appears as dark blotches or shaded areas.
  • My breathing was shallow and I felt faint as the tears blotched my face.
  • I felt heat blotching along my face, noticing that uncomfortable feeling whenever I was around Jon.
  • Frankie's first indication of the condition was the appearance of red blotches and flaking skin on his chest, forehead and scalp.
  • These coalesce into irregular, large maroon blotches when there's heavy infestation.
  • Failure to do so will cause an uneven blotchy appearance on your teak furniture after you apply the sealant.
  • If you are happier using a liquid liner rather than a pencil, this has a fabulous brush that delivers just the right amount of colour without blotching .
  • Solar storms tend to occur near sunspots, cool regions on the sun's surface that appear as dark blotches .
  • In a little time, when the roots of the plant had taken up the moisture, the unsightly blotches began to be extinguished in a living verdure.
  • Behind, the glass barrier was a starved looking girl in a dirty purple dress ruined with mascara splatters, black tears blotched her face and her high bun was loose and trailing down in tousled strands.
  • Infected leaves develop light green blotches on the upper surface.
  • Sunlight breached the canopy only in patches, golden blotches on the forest floor.
  • It is coloured a nondescript grey to brown, with lots of irregular dark blotches .
  • One of the medics, a woman, sat with a woman whose face was reddened and blotchy from crying.
  • I sputtered, my face blotching with embarrassment.
  • Signs to look out for in babies or infants include a high-pitched moaning or whimpering cry, a blank, staring expression and pale, blotchy complexion.
  • With fear blotching my heart, I backed away from him and went to my room, to change.
  • He smiled, watching Ferik's skin redden and become blotchy from the rain.