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blot - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of blot in Hindi

  • धब्बा
  • दाग
  • मैला करना
  • दाग लगाना


  • धब्बा
  • दारा


  • धब्बा लगाना
  • स्याही आदि आना

blot Definition


  • dry (a wet surface or substance) using an absorbent material. ( एक शोषक सामग्री का उपयोग करके सूखी (एक गीली सतह या पदार्थ)। )
  • mark or stain (something). ( चिह्न या दाग (कुछ)। )


  • a dark mark or stain, typically one made by ink, paint, or dirt. ( एक गहरा निशान या दाग, जो आमतौर पर स्याही, पेंट या गंदगी द्वारा बनाया जाता है। )

blot Example

  • This is almost universally regarded as a shameful blot on America's history, a cautionary tale of racism, paranoia, and wartime hysteria. ( यह लगभग अमेरिका के इतिहास पर एक शर्मनाक धब्बा के रूप में माना जाता है, नस्लवाद, व्यामोह और युद्धकालीन उन्माद की एक सतर्क कहानी है। )
  • Author David K. Wyatt shows no fear and honestly describes the self indulgences, cronyism and corruption that have been a blot on this nation's politics for many, many decades. ( लेखक डेविड के। व्याट ने बिना किसी भय के और ईमानदारी से उन स्वंयभोगों, रूढ़िवाद और भ्रष्टाचार का वर्णन किया है जो कई, कई दशकों से इस देश की राजनीति पर धब्बा हैं। )
  • When you have finished applying the second coat of lipstick, blot the centre of your lips. ( जब आपने लिपस्टिक के दूसरे कोट को लागू करना समाप्त कर लिया है, तो अपने होंठों के केंद्र को धब्बा दें। )
  • We prepared total protein extracts from staged populations of animals and analyzed them by protein blot . ( हमने जानवरों की चरणबद्ध आबादी से कुल प्रोटीन अर्क तैयार किया और प्रोटीन धब्बा द्वारा उनका विश्लेषण किया। )
  • You blot these cases out of your memory as soon as you have done them. ( जैसे ही आपने उन्हें किया है आप इन मामलों को अपनी मेमोरी से बाहर निकाल देते हैं। )
  • The closest thing to a blot on the Private Eye editor's escutcheon seems to be his failure to seek planning permission for alterations to his 16th century timber-framed home. ( प्राइवेट आई के एडिटर्स एस्कॉन पर एक धब्बा के लिए निकटतम बात यह लगती है कि उनकी 16 वीं शताब्दी की लकड़ी से बने घर में बदलाव के लिए योजना की अनुमति लेने में उनकी विफलता है। )
  • Keep clean cloths nearby and blot away pools of stain that might be near the painters' tape. ( पास में साफ कपड़े रखें और दाग के पूल को दूर करें जो चित्रकारों के टेप के पास हो। )

More Sentence

  • It appears this is quite acceptable to an establishment that was too fastidious to allow clever and dedicated men without a blot on their characters, who happened to be hereditary peers, to legislate for us.
  • It would be the greatest disservice to India and a blot which could take years to erase.
  • For each dot blot , bovine protein extract was loaded as a negative control and human saliva as a positive control.
  • an ink blot
  • But slavery was challenged from the very beginning of this country's origins as a blot upon the nation's moral character.
  • The road that we traveled now was an old shepherds' route that would soon split into two paths, one that curved towards the north and another that continued east through a dark blot that at first glance looked like a smudge on the page.
  • None of this is to say that massacres were other than a blot , but rather that a little context does no harm.
  • We have the means and enough reasons to blot this bogeyman out of existence.
  • The blackness in his heart seeped into every bone - as an ink blot spreads its stain across a page.
  • No matter how painful it can be, it would be impossible to blot out my last memory of Sophie, standing on the far side of the room dressed in her school uniform.
  • An interesting encounter awaits them this weekend, when they entertain Ridge Rangers at home, will they be the first to blot their excellent record.
  • the only blot on an otherwise clean campaign
  • Its white breast was bordered by broad dark swaths and had a dark blot right in the center.
  • Aware that I had unwittingly become the first person to blot his unblemished track record, I got the feeling as we parted he won't be rushing to return anymore of my phone calls.
  • It tapped the growing middle class anger with corruption, and civil society's urge to tackle the warts that blot the country's emergence as a progressive, modern nation.
  • Not only did you rob her of her bag but you injured her and the offence has left an appalling blot upon her memory.
  • After collecting the last samples, protein extracts were prepared and protein gel blot was performed.
  • But the long-term effects appeared to be a new blot on his already tarnished record and a setback for the opposition, which failed to keep its promise of a nonviolent demonstration.
  • It looked like an ink blot if I was being honest, but I could make out a few numbers.
  • He is also said to be squeaky clean, which helps erase the blot on the party's reputation caused by his predecessor, who was forced out due to allegedly shady business practices.
  • The doctor pulled out a handkerchief to blot the stain from his slacks.
  • Then, dip the sponge into the glaze and then blot off all extra paint with newspaper or paper towels.
  • I didn't feel safe anywhere and I took more drugs to blot things out .