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bloody - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bloody in Hindi

  • रक्तरंजित


  • रक्तरंजित
  • निर्दय
  • नृशंस
  • घमासान
  • कठोर

bloody Definition


  • covered, smeared, or running with blood. ( ढंका हुआ, धँसा हुआ, या खून से सना हुआ। )
  • involving or characterized by bloodshed or cruelty. ( रक्तपात या क्रूरता में शामिल या विशेषता। )
  • used to express anger, annoyance, or shock, or simply for emphasis. ( क्रोध, झुंझलाहट, या आघात या बस जोर देने के लिए व्यक्त किया जाता है। )
  • unpleasant or perverse. ( अप्रिय या विकृत। )


  • cover or stain with blood. ( खून से ढंका या दाग। )

bloody Example

  • It's pretty dark, it's bloody cold, there's thick ice that hasn't melted despite being in the sun all day, and this bird decides to try to attract a mate. ( यह बहुत अंधेरा है, यह खूनी ठंड है, मोटी बर्फ है जो पूरे दिन धूप में रहने के बावजूद पिघल नहीं रही है, और यह पक्षी एक दोस्त को आकर्षित करने का प्रयास करने का फैसला करता है। )
  • He's still leaving his bedroom window open when he goes out, despite me and Dave pointing out that it's bloody November, freezing cold and of course, what does Adam do when he and Hazel turn up? ( जब वह बाहर जाता है, तब भी वह अपने बेडरूम की खिड़की को खुला छोड़ देता है, मेरे और डेव ने यह बताते हुए कि यह खूनी नवंबर है, ठंड और निश्चित रूप से, एडम तब क्या करता है जब वह और हेज़ल बारी करते हैं? )
  • And I'm bloody glad it annoyed all those people over there. ( और मुझे ख़ुशी है कि इसने उन सभी लोगों को नाराज कर दिया। )
  • Adam and I rendezvoused in the city so we could go and buy a heater, because it's been so bloody cold over the past few weeks in Sydney. ( एडम और मैंने शहर में मुलाकात की ताकि हम जा सकें और एक हीटर खरीद सकें, क्योंकि सिडनी में पिछले कुछ हफ्तों से यह बहुत ठंडा है। )
  • It was beautiful, even if it was bitingly cold and bloody slippery on the roads. ( यह सुंदर था, भले ही यह सड़कों पर ठंड और खूनी फिसलन थी। )
  • He bent down, gathered a handful of straw from the floor and wiped off the bloody smear. ( वह नीचे झुका, फर्श से एक मुट्ठी भूसा इकट्ठा किया और खूनी धब्बा को मिटा दिया। )

More Sentence

  • She had dust and dirt on her clothes, and a bloody smear on her cheek but she was alive.
  • I managed £23,000 this week which is a bloody miracle.
  • Someone with an ounce of sense may even get elected, and then we can stave off the bloody coup for another four years.
  • When suddenly I realised that my car had been broken into… outside my bloody flat!
  • I froze in shock, saw the bloody fingerprints he left on the glass and wondered what had happened.
  • Scotty fell back into his fellow jocks' arms and covered his now bloody nose.
  • Swingeing cold, bloody wet and with bursts of intermittent mist.
  • A beautiful bright and sunny morning - but bloody cold.
  • He had a swollen right orbit, a laceration over the right elbow, and bloody discharge from both nostrils.
  • Her face was covered in small, bloody cuts; Julius had seen that many times; the cuts were from glass.
  • If I had not been so bloody shocked at her response, I would have scolded her on the spot.
  • It is an argument used by many governments to cover up the bloody nature of war, lest public opinion should turn against them.
  • It's too bloody cold outside, my bed is simply the most lovely and cosy place on Earth, and I don't really feel like going back to work tomorrow.
  • Elephants are typically covered in bloody wounds and rope burns when released from the crush after three to six days.
  • The government had for days promised an all-out offensive against the rebels who seized half the country after a bloody coup attempt on September 19.
  • Allende was overthrown in a bloody coup led by General Pinochet on 11 September 1973.
  • It was duly turned off and the more serious consequences averted… we still had to wait outside in the cold for the bloody fire brigade to arrive and officially declare the building safe though.
  • That a film can be made about him speaks to how far this country has come in the 25 years since his bloody tyranny.
  • Proestrus is the time when a bloody discharge first appears in a female.
  • Sarah slowly stood up, her face covered in bloody scars.
  • She was having dry coughing spells at first but then she began having a mucus discharge, which eventually was bloody .
  • There may be difficult breathing and a one sided bloody nasal discharge.
  • The bloody blankets that covered them were removed, like the books they never finished.
  • Alex couldn't help noticing the large, bloody smear that remained on the wall.