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bloodstain - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bloodstain in Hindi

  • ब्लड्स्टेन 
  • ब्लड्स्टैन
  • ख़ून का धब्बा

bloodstain Definition

  • a stain or a spot caused by blood. ( खून के कारण एक दाग या धब्बा। )

bloodstain Example

  • Jason pointed down at a small bloodstain in my carpet that stood out amongst the white fabric. ( जेसन ने मेरे कालीन में एक छोटे से खून के धब्बे को इंगित किया जो सफेद कपड़े के बीच में खड़ा था। )
  • She smiles when she spots a bloodstain where the doorstop was hidden. ( वह मुस्कुराती है जब वह एक खून का छींटा मारती है जहां दरवाजा छिप गया था। )
  • How was he supposed to spot something like a bloodstain , anyway? ( वह वैसे भी खून के धब्बे की तरह कैसे हाजिर होना चाहिए था? )
  • Old bloodstains had dried into the fabric and he had been unable to wash them out. ( पुराने रक्तस्राव कपड़े में सूख गए थे और वह उन्हें धोने में असमर्थ था। )
  • On the stairs faint bloodstains are visible and their origin unknown, but there are only three choices to what caused them. ( सीढ़ियों पर बेहोश खून दिखाई देता है और उनकी उत्पत्ति अज्ञात है, लेकिन उनके कारण केवल तीन विकल्प हैं। )
  • The room had enough space for a couple of desks and chairs; one desk had bloodstains running down its side… ( कमरे में कुछ डेस्क और कुर्सियों के लिए पर्याप्त जगह थी; एक मेज पर खून की धार चल रही थी ... )
  • There are still bloodstains on the floors of the interrogation rooms. ( पूछताछ कक्षों के फर्श पर अभी भी खून के धब्बे हैं। )
  • There were bloodstains on the outside of the trunk area. ( ट्रंक क्षेत्र के बाहर खून के धब्बे थे। )

More Sentence

  • Officers said it was unclear whether the shots were fired at a person or into the air, and there were no bloodstains found or evidence of any injuries.
  • There were also bloodstains , so I wasn't sure I would ever give it to her, but I put it in my pack anyway.
  • There's also a cell lined with sound-proofing pads, on which fading bloodstains are visible.
  • Groggy from lack of sleep, I emerged from my building the next morning and looked for bloodstains on the sidewalk.
  • A concrete bench on an outside terrace overlooking their garden and swimming pool was broken and there were bloodstains on the floor.
  • When alone in the kitchen, Nora sighs and methodically starts to clean her husband's bloodstains from the counter.
  • The vehicle had been left in the isolated rural spot with its lights on and the engine running, and there were bloodstains inside.
  • The police ask Sam about the bloodstains under her sink.
  • The floor of one classroom is marked with bloodstains .
  • There are suggestions that bloodstains at the scene of the shooting were cleaned away by some of the accused while the police turned the other way.
  • We haven't found any evidence, any scorch marks or bloodstains inside the buildings, or anything like that.
  • That same night, bloodstains , shirt buttons and cartridge cases were found on the roadside a mile from the town, where it is believed he met his killers.