bloodshed - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bloodshed in Hindi
- रक्तपात
- रक्तपात
- वध
- रक्तबहाव
bloodshed Definition
- the killing or wounding of people, typically on a large scale during a conflict. ( आम तौर पर संघर्ष के दौरान बड़े पैमाने पर लोगों की हत्या या घायल होना। )
bloodshed Example
- In many parts of the world it often leads to violent confrontation and much bloodshed . ( दुनिया के कई हिस्सों में यह अक्सर हिंसक टकराव और ज्यादा खून-खराबे का कारण बनता है। )
- As tragic as the violence up to now has been, even more tragic is the fact that murder and bloodshed continue. ( अब तक की हिंसा जितनी दुखद है, उससे भी ज्यादा दुखद यह है कि हत्या और खूनखराबा जारी है। )
- I just ran off in the opposite direction, desperate to get away from the battle and bloodshed as fast as I could. ( मैं बस विपरीत दिशा में भाग गया, लड़ाई से दूर होने के लिए बेताब और जितना हो सके उतनी तेजी से रक्तपात किया। )
- Ignoring his instincts, Hopkins then rides away as the slaughter and bloodshed begins. ( अपनी प्रवृत्ति को अनदेखा करते हुए, हॉपकिंस तब हत्या और रक्तपात शुरू हो जाता है। )
- The voting took place against a backdrop of bloodshed , with at least 44 people killed by suicide bombs. ( आत्मघाती बम विस्फोटों में कम से कम 44 लोगों की मौत के साथ, रक्तपात की पृष्ठभूमि के खिलाफ मतदान हुआ। )
- The local people, he said, were more firm in their resolution to end violence and bloodshed . ( उन्होंने कहा कि स्थानीय लोग, हिंसा और रक्तपात को समाप्त करने के अपने संकल्प में अधिक दृढ़ थे। )
- the president feared bloodshed and disorder if the demands for reform were not met ( अगर सुधार की मांग पूरी नहीं हुई तो राष्ट्रपति को रक्तपात और अव्यवस्था की आशंका है )
More Sentence
- It has become synonymous over the years with bloodshed and murder.
- People are pretty fed up with this fear and this intimidation, and the straight out bloodshed .
- He criticised martial law but warned of bloodshed and civil war, counselling patience rather than defiance.
- The bloodshed has sparked fears that the violence could worsen ahead of the elections.
- It will also echo back through 2,500 years of bloodshed justified by the sway of good over evil.
- Who acts on the principle that violence, force and the threat of bloodshed are worthy tools of diplomacy?
- If a party in power governs badly, it should be possible to remove it without bloodshed .
- My head is spinning wildly with images of bloodshed and violence.
- Charle though has decided to call it a day, the endless violence and bloodshed has become too much.
- Fresh troops arrived in the city throughout the day, triggering fears of further bloodshed .
- Violence is rare but once started often escalates quickly to bloodshed and serious injury.
- Martial law was imposed to avoid bloodshed as rebels battled with police and the military.
- How much he strong to do as much as possible to stop the continuity of bloodshed .
- After all, life is all about sharing and caring and not violence and bloodshed .