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blood group - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of blood group in Hindi

  • रक्त समूह
  • रक्त वर्ग

blood group Definition

  • any of the various types of human blood whose antigen characteristics determine compatibility in transfusion. The best known blood groups are those of the ABO system. ( मानव रक्त के विभिन्न प्रकारों में से कोई भी जिसकी प्रतिजन विशेषताएं आधान में अनुकूलता निर्धारित करती हैं। सबसे अच्छा ज्ञात रक्त समूह ABO प्रणाली के हैं। )

blood group Example

  • With your agreement, the blood you donate will be tested to find out your blood group and screen for any infection. ( आपके अनुबंध के साथ, आपके द्वारा दान किए गए रक्त का परीक्षण आपके रक्त समूह और किसी भी संक्रमण के लिए स्क्रीन का पता लगाने के लिए किया जाएगा। )
  • Blood cells have certain antigens, like the blood group and the Rhesus factor. ( रक्त कोशिकाओं में कुछ एंटीजन होते हैं, जैसे रक्त समूह और रीसस कारक। )
  • A woman was on her cell phone and was looking for a person whose blood group was B +. My blood group is B +, so I approached her. ( एक महिला अपने सेल फोन पर थी और एक ऐसे व्यक्ति की तलाश कर रही थी जिसका ब्लड ग्रुप बी + था। मेरा रक्त समूह B + है, इसलिए मैंने उससे संपर्क किया। )
  • Uncross-matched blood means the patient's blood group was not determined in advance of a transfusion. ( बिना मिलान के रक्त का मतलब है कि रोगी का रक्त समूह एक आधान से पहले निर्धारित नहीं किया गया था। )
  • A blood stain matching his blood group was discovered on a chair while a fingerprint was found on broken glass. ( उसके ब्लड ग्रुप से मेल खाते खून के धब्बे को एक कुर्सी पर खोजा गया, जबकि टूटे हुए कांच पर एक फिंगरप्रिंट पाया गया। )
  • Unless someone new comes along soon, and probably someone who has the same blood group , I hate to think what will happen to my brother. ( जब तक कोई नया साथ नहीं आता है, और शायद कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसके पास एक ही ब्लड ग्रुप है, मुझे यह सोचने से नफरत है कि मेरे भाई का क्या होगा। )
  • ABO blood group determines much of the enzyme activity in the tissue (brush-border) of the intestine. ( एबीओ रक्त समूह आंत के ऊतक (ब्रश-बॉर्डर) में बहुत अधिक एंजाइम गतिविधि निर्धारित करता है। )
  • Since my blood group , A-negative, is a rare group, my friend would call me occasionally to help somebody. ( चूंकि मेरा रक्त समूह, ए-नकारात्मक, एक दुर्लभ समूह है, मेरा दोस्त मुझे कभी-कभी किसी की मदद करने के लिए कहता है। )

More Sentence

  • The donor (the person the healthy liver comes from) must have the same blood group as the recipient and should ideally be under 50 years of age.
  • One of the common questions that doctors get asked, after any patient has had a blood test, is ‘What was my blood group ?’
  • His papers tell me his blood group is B +, the same as mine.
  • So her blood group and HIV status remained unknown.
  • He claims the hospital was more concerned about protecting its reputation than trying to find suitable donor organs from a compatible blood group .
  • Doctors make sure the blood group and tissue are compatible before the operation to establish the likelihood of success, as well as screening for transmittable diseases.
  • The Rhesus factor is part of your blood group : everyone is either positive or negative.
  • There is a mini polyclinic where students performing various tests that include blood pressure and blood group .
  • Preliminary test of a sample of his blood revealed, to his relief, his blood group matched with that of the girl.
  • A database of their blood group will be prepared.
  • Recently, we received a call at the blood bank asking us to send donors of a rare blood group to a corporate hospital in Chennai.
  • I was dialysing four times a day and had been told that due to my blood group and tissue type, I was unlikely to obtain a transplant.