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blessing - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of blessing in Hindi

  • आशीर्वाद


  • आशीर्वाद
  • प्रदान
  • शुभकामना
  • ईश्वरकृपा

blessing Definition


  • God's favor and protection. ( ईश्वर की मेहरबानी और सुरक्षा। )


  • (of a priest) pronounce words in a religious rite, to confer or invoke divine favor upon; ask God to look favorably on. ( (एक पुजारी का) धार्मिक अनुष्ठान में शब्दों का उच्चारण करना, ईश्वरीय उपकार करना या उन्हें स्वीकार करना; भगवान से कृपा करने के लिए कहें। )

blessing Example

  • Jewish spirituality recommends saying a prayer or reciting a blessing whenever you notice, even for a moment, that something is going right. ( यहूदी आध्यात्मिकता प्रार्थना करने या आशीर्वाद देने की सिफारिश करती है जब भी आप नोटिस करते हैं, यहां तक कि एक पल के लिए भी, कि कुछ सही हो रहा है। )
  • a priest gave a blessing as the ship was launched ( जहाज के लॉन्च होते ही एक पुजारी ने आशीर्वाद दिया )
  • It recalls the violence and cruelty of medieval military expeditions to conquer the Holy Land, all done in the name of Christ and with the blessing of the church. ( यह पवित्र भूमि पर विजय प्राप्त करने के लिए मध्ययुगीन सैन्य अभियानों की हिंसा और क्रूरता को याद करता है, जो सभी मसीह के नाम पर और चर्च के आशीर्वाद के साथ किया जाता है। )
  • He was filled with a longing for God's glory and for spiritual blessing . ( वह परमेश्वर की महिमा और आध्यात्मिक आशीष पाने की लालसा से भर गया। )
  • great intelligence can be a curse as well as a blessing ( महान बुद्धि एक आशीर्वाद के साथ-साथ एक अभिशाप भी हो सकती है )

More Sentence

  • I prayed a blessing over his meal (cheeseburger, onion rings and a large coffee), fellowshipped with him for half an hour and promised to pray for him to find a job.
  • This hope is the ultimate blessing of the Holy Spirit to a baptized people.
  • At a meeting on Thursday members of the executive committee will be asked to give a blessing to the improvement plan.
  • These gifts were first a blessing from you to us, God of blessings .
  • Quigley and I took our seats and after we had said the blessing over the meal, we dug in.
  • God, Allah, the Buddha, or Shiva requires you to offer a sacrifice, a prayer or a blessing .
  • When we make a beginning and exert some effort, a Divine blessing may come.
  • But the warmth is a blessing and a boon for aching backs after a day of off-road trials.
  • The other essential part of the marriage service is the invocation of divine blessing .
  • We are given the blessing that Hashem should bless us, protect us, and favor us.
  • Popes traditionally deliver the blessing at Christmas and Easter.
  • The act of slowing down begins with the blessing of a meal.
  • The song is a prayer for God's blessing on the land and all its people.
  • The plan has received the blessing of Trade and Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt.
  • By the time that he was done, the Holy Spirit had caused Balaam to speak a rich blessing upon Israel.
  • In the context of East Timor's first-ever election campaign, there could be nothing more valuable than the blessing of the Catholic Church.
  • Then, by touching keys on a screen, one receives an electronic blessing from the Dharma Master, whose video image is projected on the wall.
  • Falkirk's big home support are a marvellous blessing , but occasionally a curse.
  • Caring for the sick had the blessing of the Christian churches, which urged their members both to be charitable and to care for those suffering.
  • If we speak of the celebration as ‘blessing,’ then, we do so in the same sense that saying grace at meals is blessing .
  • to receive a blessing from sb
  • However, ultimately we have to recognize that earnings from business are also a Divine blessing , and not just the fruits of luck or of our own cleverness.
  • This past Thanksgiving, she offered a Navajo blessing as the invocation for the Sunday service.
  • The plans already have the blessing of the town council, but this week doctors at Hathaway surgery declined to speak about the scheme.
  • A long blessing of praise to God for salvation follows.