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bleat - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bleat in Hindi

  • मिमियाहट


  • मिमियाहट


  • मिमियाना
  • भेड़, बकरी की में में

bleat Definition


  • (of a sheep, goat, or calf) make a characteristic wavering cry. ( (एक भेड़, बकरी या बछड़े की) एक विशेषता रोना रोना। )


  • the wavering cry made by a sheep, goat, or calf. ( भेड़, बकरी या बछड़े द्वारा किया गया रोना रोना। )

bleat Example

  • There was that permeating smell of animals and damp straw, the bleat of a llama came from a neighbouring stall. ( वहाँ था कि जानवरों की गंध और नम पुआल की अनुमति, एक लामा का धब्बा पड़ोसी स्टाल से आया था। )
  • Why, I remember when my own won the pig competition in the county fair, it made my heart bleat with pride and joy. ( क्यों, मुझे याद है जब मेरे अपने ने काउंटी मेले में सुअर प्रतियोगिता जीती थी, तो इसने मेरे दिल को गर्व और खुशी से भर दिया था। )
  • The brain centres under observation would activate and the sheep would bleat in a particular way when they saw pictures of members of their own flock and in a similar way when they saw a shepherd they knew well. ( अवलोकन के तहत मस्तिष्क केंद्र सक्रिय हो जाते हैं और जब भेड़ अपने झुंड के सदस्यों की तस्वीरें देखते हैं और इसी तरह से जब वे एक चरवाहे को अच्छी तरह से जानते थे, तो भेड़ एक विशेष तरीके से मुस्कुराएगी। )
  • I'm really grateful to all you folks who answered my bleat about financial support for Catholic apostolates yesterday! ( मैं वास्तव में आप सभी लोगों का आभारी हूं जिन्होंने कल कैथोलिक धर्मत्यागियों के लिए वित्तीय सहायता के बारे में मेरी बात का जवाब दिया! )
  • The cloning of human beings has seemed inevitable since Dolly took her first bleat , and we should be relieved that it was done by scientists in a laboratory, not by wild-eyed members of some cult. ( डॉली को अपना पहला ब्लिट लेने के बाद से इंसानों की क्लोनिंग अपरिहार्य लग रही है, और हमें इस बात से राहत मिलनी चाहिए कि यह वैज्ञानिकों द्वारा प्रयोगशाला में किया गया था, न कि कुछ पंथ के जंगली-आंखों वाले सदस्यों द्वारा। )
  • Already I can hear the bleat of anxious readers: the word ‘independence’, and the concept it embodies, is problematic. ( पहले से ही मैं चिंतित पाठकों का दोष सुन सकता हूं: शब्द 'स्वतंत्रता', और जिस अवधारणा का यह प्रतीक है, वह समस्याग्रस्त है। )
  • We pass endless farmyards where cows doze under banyan trees in the morning light and goats bleat hysterically at the sight of her. ( हम अंतहीन फार्महाउस पास करते हैं, जहां सुबह के उजाले में बरगद के पेड़ों के नीचे गायें चरती हैं और बकरियां उसे देखते हुए हिस्टीरिक रूप से खून बहाती हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Their typical call is a mingled bray and bleat , followed by a snorted inhale sounding like an oak dining table being dragged across a hardwood floor.
  • Incidentally, I don't know why whingeing has to start with a bleat .
  • From one side came the cry of curlews, from the other the bleat of sheep.
  • The great philanthropist, in other words, is financed by mere mortals who stupidly bear their taxes without so much as a plaintive bleat .
  • Seguis ends his pathetic bleat with this statement to the terrorists.
  • Here is a bleat from a disgruntled Indian, pointing out the obvious from one side of the culture war.
  • On TV screens across the globe, for more than three months now, the sheep have been jumping into the ditch without a bleat of protest.
  • The chiefs of the association are unlikely to pay much heed to a rural bleat , even if the problem is almost nation-wide.
  • his despairing bleat touched her heart
  • From the kitchen comes the less violent bleating of the baby lambs, and in the distance the occasional deeper bleat of a sheep or low of a cow.
  • the distant bleat of sheep in the field
  • To lure them from the dense woody thickets scattered through the arid open savannas, he used the ultimate bait: the ‘plaintive bleat of a wounded baby buffalo.’
  • There was a sudden sheep-like silence broken only by a bleat - we had been stumped, outwitted and outclassed by an obese, middle-aged rube.
  • First Joey, his voice a mutant-goat bleat , succumbed to lymphoma in 2001.
  • The latest bleat seems to be: those Democrats, that Jesse Jackson, they have unclean hands and double standards.
  • Their MPs voted for the anti-democratic state of emergency without a bleat of protest.
  • they're hoping that I'll bow to their idiotic arrangements without a bleat
  • The eternal bleat from the Right is that they are being prevented from asking legitimate questions by an hysterical climate of political-correctness.
  • Only the gentle buzz of the mechanical shears kind, the chatter of 300 onlookers and the odd sheep's bleat could be heard as 33 of the Mid West's best shearers took part in Geraldton first speed shearing competition.
  • I didn't want to go back to their circles and listen to them bleat like herds of sheep.
  • His voice is a harsh, nasal, confused, emphatic bleat , clamping down on certain words and rolling tricky internal rhymes around in his mouth until they come out all broken.
  • A llama's whining bleat sounded through the veils of sleep, jolting me to bleary awareness.
  • ‘I suppose it doesn't matter,’ I heard her bleat behind me.