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bland - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bland in Hindi

  • नरम


  • नरम
  • मुलायम
  • गुदगुदा
  • गद्दीदार
  • ब्लांड

bland Definition

  • lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting. ( मजबूत सुविधाओं या विशेषताओं की कमी और इसलिए निर्बाध। )

bland Example

  • That bland description understates the drama and stakes of the investigation. ( वह ब्लैंड विवरण जांच के नाटक और दांव को समझता है। )
  • While this helps in the credibility department, it makes the trial somewhat bland and characterless. ( हालांकि यह विश्वसनीयता विभाग में मदद करता है, यह परीक्षण को कुछ हद तक दोषपूर्ण और चरित्रहीन बनाता है। )
  • He stars as a sound engineer in a happy but bland marriage to an emotionally fragile woman with psychic abilities. ( वह मानसिक रूप से कमजोर महिला के साथ मानसिक रूप से कमजोर महिला के साथ एक खुशहाल लेकिन निष्ठुर शादी में साउंड इंजीनियर के रूप में अभिनय करता है। )
  • Chinese medicine has long advocated bland , unprocessed food for a long, healthy life. ( चीनी दवा ने लंबे समय तक स्वस्थ जीवन के लिए लंबे समय तक ब्लैंड, असंसाधित भोजन की वकालत की है। )
  • These characters are so bland and dumb it's hard enough to remember their names let alone believe or care about them. ( ये पात्र इतने धुंधले और गूंगे हैं कि उनके नाम याद रखना मुश्किल है, अकेले उनके बारे में विश्वास करना या उनकी परवाह करना। )
  • I guess I'd rather have a bit of a reputation than be bland and boring. ( मुझे लगता है कि मैं एक प्रतिष्ठा का एक सा हो सकता है की तुलना में और नरम हो उबाऊ। )
  • Its visuals are disappointingly mediocre, featuring bland and utterly uninspired track designs. ( इसके दृश्य निराशाजनक रूप से औसत दर्जे के होते हैं, जिनमें ब्लैंड और पूरी तरह से बिना ट्रैक किए डिज़ाइन होते हैं। )
  • If you can face it, bland foods such as toast or crackers may relieve feelings of nausea. ( यदि आप इसका सामना कर सकते हैं, तो टोस्ट या पटाखे जैसे खाद्य पदार्थों से मतली की भावनाओं को राहत मिल सकती है। )
  • It had to be special to add a spark of emotion to his normally bland personality. ( उनके सामान्य रूप से प्रफुल्लित व्यक्तित्व के लिए भावनाओं की एक चिंगारी को जोड़ना विशेष था। )

More Sentence

  • As far as I'm concerned organic food is a lot like the Progressive Party - soft, bland and somewhat dense.
  • Serve a soft, bland diet that does not require a lot of chewing and encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids.
  • It wasn't to be a bland stew of traditions but something strong and spicy.
  • Fragile moments of poignant emotion are coupled with bland and lifeless battle scenes.
  • The dish was too bland , lacking flavour, and the aloe seemed not entirely fresh.
  • He asked, instead, his same dead, flat, bland monotone staying in his voice.
  • Supermarkets offer the same cosmetically perfect bland foods, from apples to bread to cheese.
  • After a week of eating the bland food in our mess, meals like these really hit the spot.
  • Favor simple, bland foods and cool drinks, and avoid alcohol and drinks with caffeine.
  • I'm not hugely hopeful as my other babies didn't seem to think much of the bland rice cereal.
  • In another contrast to the perfect fish, the bed of too-hard beans with their thin, bland tomato sauce was disappointing.
  • He gave his friend an unintelligibly bland look, and trotted off into the distance with no comment.
  • The simple repetition of bland reassurance that fails to address patients' fears is ineffective.
  • I hope he does something about the public image of his party and, more importantly, his dull, bland self.
  • You can replace these by drinking plenty of bland liquids such as water and soda water.
  • His family now lived in a typically bland modern suburb but his heart lay with the little island where he grew up.
  • Its styling is bland , the engines lacklustre and interiors depressing.
  • His eyes, although bland , were laced with an emotion that she could not place.
  • We started dancing, but rapidly became bored with the bland , unimaginative hip-hop that was being played.
  • So if prepared foods are actually bland and nutritionally barren, what do they have going for them?
  • She is a cake maker with a fine decorative sense but her cakes are bland and tasteless.