blame - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of blame in Hindi
- दोष
- दोष
- निंदा
- आरोप
- निन्दा
- कलंक
- गर्हा
- अंकुश लगाना
- निंदा करना
- उत्तरदायी ठहराना
- दोष लगाना
blame Definition
- assign responsibility for a fault or wrong. ( गलती या गलत के लिए जिम्मेदारी सौंपें। )
- responsibility for a fault or wrong. ( गलती या गलत के लिए जिम्मेदारी। )
blame Example
- his players had to take the blame for the defeat ( हार के लिए उसके खिलाड़ियों को दोष लेना पड़ा )
- She had made false accusations against him, made him go on the run and set him up to take the blame for her frauds. ( उसने उसके खिलाफ झूठे आरोप लगाए थे, उसे रन पर जाने के लिए उकसाया और उसे अपने जालसाजों का दोष लेने के लिए खड़ा किया। )
- they blame youth crime on unemployment ( वे बेरोजगारी पर युवा अपराध को दोषी मानते हैं )
- This statement could have at least two possible meanings, both of which exonerate the speaker of any blame . ( इस कथन के कम से कम दो संभावित अर्थ हो सकते हैं, दोनों ही किसी भी दोष के वक्ता का बखान करते हैं। )
- The company's spindoctors are now working overtime to put the blame on everyone but themselves. ( कंपनी के स्पिंडो डॉक्टर्स अब सभी पर खुद को दोष देने के लिए ओवरटाइम काम कर रहे हैं। )
- It is easy to put the blame on such things, and assume that the loutish behaviour is inevitable. ( इस तरह की बातों पर दोष लगाना आसान है, और यह मान लेना कि लचर व्यवहार अपरिहार्य है। )
- If at least a few of them fail to impress you, we will take the blame for being incorrect. ( यदि उनमें से कम से कम कुछ लोग आपको प्रभावित करने में विफल रहते हैं, तो हम गलत होने का दोष लेंगे। )
- Nobody else interfered, there is no one else to take the blame from him. ( किसी और ने हस्तक्षेप नहीं किया, उससे दोष लेने वाला कोई और नहीं है। )
More Sentence
- his players had to take the blame
- The author hereby absolves herself of all knowledge, responsibility and blame .
- I also blame the situation on a lack of screening at the hospital.
- Management must, however, be big enough to take the blame for this error in judgment.
- They were always trying to put the blame on anyone but themselves for what happened.
- The county was upset and those in charge, as ever, carried the burden of blame .
- The blame lies rather with the politicians, particularly for the war.
- Put another way, the audience itself will have to take the blame for promoting such songs.
- they are trying to put the blame on us
- For many reasons, the water leak persisted with no-one ready to accept blame .
- If the athletes have to take the blame for when they lose, shouldn't they get the rewards when they win?
- In an interview with a Sunday newspaper, he denied any blame and pointed the finger at senior commanders.
- It tried to put the blame on to the United Nations for not providing air support.
- She was also setting him up to take the blame for a fraud at the firm where she worked.
- A lot of blame for the whole situation must be laid at the door of the parents of these young hooligans.
- He says a lot of people have to share the blame for what went wrong - including the government.
- It is impossible to solve the safety problems when no one will take the blame for what has happened.
- Addicts tend to become resentful and blameful towards others, and that would be no different for somebody who is using this medication.
- It was one of the rare cases in which blaming the messengers is totally justified.
- I still did not like the tone of the meeting, during which I felt like the principal was somehow blaming the situation on me.
- In his court declaration, he blames his election agent for the oversight.
- There will be no point blaming the employer, it is ourselves we will have to blame.