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bladder - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bladder in Hindi

  • मूत्राशय


  • मूत्राशय
  • वस्ति
  • आशय

bladder Definition


  • a membranous sac in humans and other animals, in which urine is collected for excretion. ( मनुष्यों और अन्य जानवरों में एक झिल्लीदार थैली, जिसमें उत्सर्जन के लिए मूत्र एकत्र किया जाता है। )
  • anything inflated and hollow. ( कुछ भी फुलाया और खोखला। )

bladder Example

  • When you need to pass urine your bladder tells your brain it is full. ( जब आपको मूत्र पास करने की आवश्यकता होती है तो आपका मूत्राशय आपके मस्तिष्क को बताता है कि यह भरा हुआ है। )
  • The corpsman donned sterile gloves and then tapped the sailor's lower abdomen verifying the full bladder . ( कॉर्प्समैन ने बाँझ दस्ताने दान किए और फिर नाविक के निचले पेट पर पूर्ण मूत्राशय की पुष्टि की। )
  • an air bladder in the arch of the shoe ( जूते के आर्च में एक वायु मूत्राशय )
  • Waste products from the blood are removed in the kidneys and stored in the bladder as urine. ( रक्त से अपशिष्ट उत्पादों को गुर्दे में निकाल दिया जाता है और मूत्राशय में मूत्र के रूप में संग्रहीत किया जाता है। )
  • I have a tiny alcohol-affected bladder that forces me to the bathroom two to three times per fine dining experience. ( मेरे पास एक अल्कोहल-प्रभावित मूत्राशय है जो मुझे भोजन के लिए दो से तीन बार ठीक भोजन के अनुभव के लिए मजबूर करता है। )
  • There's a big wobbly bladder of the stuff downstairs in the fridge. ( फ्रिज में नीचे सामान की एक बड़ी wobbly मूत्राशय है। )
  • The clear tones of birdsong emerge from internal air sacs that can inflate and deflate, much like a bagpipe's bladder . ( बर्डसॉन्ग के स्पष्ट स्वर आंतरिक हवा की थैलियों से निकलते हैं जो बैगपाइप के मूत्राशय की तरह फुला सकते हैं और अपस्फीति कर सकते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Children clamored for the pig's bladder , to be used as a balloon.
  • To raise the capsule through the water, pumps shift about a cup of hydraulic oil from a reservoir in the cylinder to a small external bladder .
  • When the bladder fills, a signal is sent from the bladder to the brain via the spinal cord to initiate the urge to urinate.
  • When you urinate, the muscles around the urethra relax and the bladder tightens to squeeze urine out.
  • He covered my leg in plaster of Paris strips again and then moulded them in place using an inflatable rubber bladder .
  • A large 100-ounce mouth bladder cradled in an insulated pouch holds plenty of water.
  • The cuff is an inelastic cloth that encircles the arm and encloses the inflatable rubber bladder .
  • The lining of the shoe contains a bladder which houses the air chambers which inflate, making them like air bags for the feet.
  • Until the gas bladder fully inflates, these fish use submerged objects to prop themselves up.
  • We used a 100 oz water bladder and two 22 oz water bottles each and still ran out of water on some rides.
  • A small amount of urine drips constantly from your kidneys to your bladder through tubes called ureters.
  • He found parts of a flashlight, life preserver, fuel bladder and turbine engine.
  • The device works by intermittently inflating a small rubber bladder in the back of the stocking.
  • You are more likely to have bladder infections if your bladder does not empty fully each time you urinate.
  • A pocket on the lower back of the suspenders accepts a 50-ounce bladder .
  • This maneuver requires that manual pressure be exerted on the abdomen over the bladder to express the urine.
  • After a leak was identified, all fuel had to be transferred from one bladder to another.
  • A woman's pelvic floor supports the bladder , womb and the bowel.
  • Going too often - more than, say eight or nine times a day - could signal an already irritated bladder .
  • A collapsible fuel bladder was mounted in the bomb bay that allowed 225 extra gallons of fuel to be carried.
  • Her bladder woke her up early one morning two weeks later.
  • The tank's inner bladder is fuel-impermeable and collapses as fuel is used up.
  • Even now in our more mature years, the stance is excruciatingly difficult to maintain when one's bladder is especially full.