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black sheep - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of black sheep in Hindi

  • काली भेड


  • पराया आदमी
  • कुलकलंक
  • कलंकी
  • नीच मनुष्य

black sheep Definition

  • a member of a family or group who is regarded as a disgrace to them. ( एक परिवार या समूह का सदस्य जिसे उनके लिए अपमान माना जाता है। )

black sheep Example

  • Would my beliefs make me the black sheep of the family? ( क्या मेरी मान्यताएँ मुझे परिवार की काली भेड़ बनाती हैं? )
  • Every family has a black sheep , and I guess I was the one for our family. ( हर परिवार में एक काली भेड़ होती है, और मुझे लगता है कि मैं हमारे परिवार के लिए एक था। )
  • There are black sheep in every profession and in today's society, where the emphasis is on money, there will be those who seek to enrich themselves at all costs. ( हर पेशे में और आज के समाज में काली भेड़ें हैं, जहां पैसे पर जोर दिया जाता है, वहीं वे भी होंगे जो हर कीमत पर खुद को समृद्ध करना चाहते हैं। )
  • What we are is a family and like every family we have some black sheep and our behaviour is sometimes totally unacceptable. ( हम एक परिवार हैं और हर परिवार की तरह हमारे पास कुछ काली भेड़ें हैं और हमारा व्यवहार कभी-कभी पूरी तरह से अस्वीकार्य है। )
  • ‘If we vote no we won't stop it, but we will become the black sheep of Europe,’ he said. ( 'अगर हम मतदान करते हैं तो हम इसे रोकेंगे नहीं, लेकिन हम यूरोप की काली भेड़ बन जाएंगे।' )
  • She is the black sheep of the family; drug rehab, shoplifting - you name it, she has done it. ( वह परिवार की काली भेड़ है; दवा पुनर्वसन, shoplifting - आप इसे नाम देते हैं, उसने किया है। )
  • Having always been the extroverted black sheep in my family I'd always been very curious about these things we weren't allowed to do. ( मेरे परिवार में हमेशा से बहिर्मुखी काली भेड़ें रही हैं और मैं हमेशा इन चीजों के बारे में बहुत उत्सुक रहा हूँ। )

More Sentence

  • All families are untidy, with their unsolved mysteries, unspoken secrets, black sheep and messy relationships.
  • Now, I'm the black sheep of the family, the ungrateful and neglectful daughter.
  • Just suffice it to say that I have stood where you stand now - scorned by family members, labeled a black sheep .
  • I'm already a black sheep as it is, I didn't need to be pushed out further.
  • Sarah is the free spirit black sheep of a rich family and is known for her impulsive, spontaneous personality.
  • Such cases are the black sheep to an otherwise impeccable theory.
  • However, I am the black sheep in a family of shopaholics.
  • Staten Island is sort of the black sheep of the five boroughs.
  • We're devils and black sheep and really bad eggs.
  • The whole thing was debunked by three university professors who quickly became the black sheep of the scientific establishment.
  • As a young man, he was branded a black sheep after leaving his family's granite merchant business in Aberdeen and moving to Falkirk to launch his own firm.
  • I'm happy enough to be the black sheep of the team, just like I'm the most downwardly mobile member of my family.
  • I was the black sheep of my family, getting in trouble trying to get rich
  • the black sheep of the family