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bison - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bison in Hindi

  • बिजोन


  • बिजोन
  • अरना भैसा
  • जंगली सांड
  • जंगली बैल

bison Definition

  • a humpbacked shaggy-haired wild ox native to North America and Europe. ( उत्तरी अमेरिका और यूरोप के मूल निवासी जंगली आदमखोर जंगली बैल। )

bison Example

  • The only thing I can figure is that they want the diseased bison to infect cattle and thereby harm the beef industry. ( केवल एक चीज जो मैं समझ सकता हूं, वह यह है कि वे रोगग्रस्त मवेशियों को संक्रमित करना चाहते हैं और इससे गोमांस उद्योग को नुकसान पहुंचता है। )
  • The archaeologists last week unearthed engravings of a bison , another ibex, part of a horse and some triangular shapes. ( पुरातत्वविदों ने पिछले हफ्ते एक बाइसन, एक और इबेक्स, एक घोड़े का हिस्सा और कुछ त्रिकोणीय आकृतियों का पता लगाया। )
  • One of his subjects was a male bison sent to Paris from the United States in 1819. ( उनका एक विषय 1819 में संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका से पेरिस भेजा गया पुरुष बाइसन था। )
  • Wolves primarily hunt in packs for large prey such as moose, elk, bison , musk oxen, and reindeer. ( भेड़ियों मुख्य रूप से बड़े शिकार जैसे मूस, एल्क, बाइसन, कस्तूरी बैलों और हिरन के लिए पैक में शिकार करते हैं। )
  • It appears to depict a bison 's head and forequarters attached to a humanlike body. ( यह एक मानव शरीर के साथ जुड़े बाइसन के सिर और अग्रभाग को चित्रित करता प्रतीत होता है। )
  • Sometimes they used the flames to drive the bison someplace for easier and safer killing by people on foot. ( कभी-कभी वे आग की लपटों का उपयोग करने के लिए बाइसन को कहीं भी आसानी से ले जाते हैं और लोगों की हत्या को सुरक्षित रखते हैं। )
  • Wild bison roamed the streets in America and Canada when once they had walked the plains. ( जंगली बाइसन अमेरिका और कनाडा में सड़कों पर घूमते थे जब एक बार वे मैदानों में चले गए थे। )

More Sentence

  • The bison naturally migrate to Horse Butte during the winter to find food and escape deep snows.
  • Grazing has always been allowed because cattle mimic the impact bison had on the natural landscape.
  • The haste to pass the area before dusk when elephants and bison come to the waterholes added anxiety to exhaustion.
  • Expect to spot bison , elk, deer, moose, coyote and many winter birds during your ski.
  • They were once hunted by sportsmen in India as ‘big game’ as was the American bison .
  • There are tigers here, but it's elephants, monkeys and bison that you're most likely to see sipping at the reserve's lakes.
  • Then, in 1997, Igor organized an effort to bring the European bison back to the forest.
  • Among the animals most commonly represented are the bison , the bull and the horse.
  • Elks and bison , it seems, adapted better to the new landscape than mammoths and horses.
  • The cowboys left long ago, but the elk, bison , pronghorns, coyote and moose are still at large in a chilly wilderness.
  • From North America came squirrels and raccoons, bears and bison , eagles and an elk.
  • Doubtless they hunted horses there, as well as the roaming bison , woolly rhino and hyena.
  • Today the wood and plains bison in North America are the only surviving populations.