biological warfare - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of biological warfare in Hindi
biological warfare Definition
- the use of toxins of biological origin or microorganisms as weapons of war.( युद्ध के हथियारों के रूप में जैविक मूल या सूक्ष्मजीवों के विषाक्त पदार्थों का उपयोग। )
biological warfare Example
- We are asking protection for our people from chemical warfare, from biological warfare , which we are expecting. ( हम अपने लोगों के लिए रासायनिक युद्ध से, जैविक युद्ध से सुरक्षा की मांग कर रहे हैं, जिसकी हम उम्मीद कर रहे हैं। )
- This makes biological warfare weapons easier to create, because the genomes of many viruses that attack humans are already known. ( इससे जैविक युद्ध के हथियारों को बनाना आसान हो जाता है, क्योंकि मनुष्यों पर हमला करने वाले कई वायरस के जीनोम पहले से ही ज्ञात हैं। )
- Ricin has the potential to be used as an agent of biological warfare and as a weapon of mass destruction. ( रिकिन में जैविक युद्ध के एजेंट के रूप में और बड़े पैमाने पर विनाश के हथियार के रूप में इस्तेमाल करने की क्षमता है। )
- As it is easily reproduced in biological laboratories, it has found a military use as a weapon of biological warfare . ( जैसा कि यह जैविक प्रयोगशालाओं में आसानी से प्रजनन किया जाता है, इसने जैविक युद्ध के हथियार के रूप में एक सैन्य उपयोग पाया है। )
- opposed to chemical and biological warfare ( रासायनिक और जैविक युद्ध का विरोध )
- Thus, we have a public failure to invest economic resources in the fight against biological warfare . ( इस प्रकार, जैविक युद्ध के खिलाफ लड़ाई में आर्थिक संसाधनों का निवेश करने में हमारे पास एक सार्वजनिक विफलता है। )
- Anthrax may not be a very useful weapon of biological warfare , but it provides a potent metaphor for the fears of Western society after 11 September. ( एंथ्रेक्स जैविक युद्ध का एक बहुत उपयोगी हथियार नहीं हो सकता है, लेकिन यह 11 सितंबर के बाद पश्चिमी समाज की आशंकाओं के लिए एक शक्तिशाली रूपक प्रदान करता है। )
- In 1957, stocks of chemical weapons were destroyed, while biological warfare programmes were designated as defensive. ( 1957 में, रासायनिक हथियारों के स्टॉक को नष्ट कर दिया गया था, जबकि जैविक युद्ध कार्यक्रमों को रक्षात्मक के रूप में नामित किया गया था। )
More Sentence
- By the time an agent of biological warfare is identified, many people in metropolitan areas would likely have been exposed to it already.
- With biological warfare , you may not know it in four or five days.
- The threat of biological agents for use in biological warfare is of tremendous concern to public health officials and the public at large.
- When generations of suffering respond with bombs, suicidal attacks, and biological warfare , who first developed these weapons?
- And then the government, on its part, has taken a lot of emergency precautions to safeguard the population from chemical or biological warfare .
- So we're just not much prepared in this country for biological and of biological terrorism and biological warfare .
- Their biological warfare capability is probably more of a theoretical idea than anything else.
- In fact, biological warfare capabilities are probably where nuclear weapons were in the 1940s.
- But in any event, I think that this issue of biological warfare is a very explosive one that has to be handled carefully.
- As a naturally occurring disease smallpox is potent and as a weapon of biological warfare it is terrifying.
- Changes in this background can indicate the presence of a man-made aerosol associated with a biological warfare attack.
- I have been looking at biological warfare for seven years and this is the day I have not been looking forward to.
- Anyone who knows much about biological warfare , that sends little chills down you.