bike - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bike in Hindi
- बाइक
- मोटर-साइकिल
bike Definition
- a bicycle or motorcycle. ( एक साइकिल या मोटरसाइकिल। )
- ride a bicycle or motorcycle. ( साइकिल या मोटरसाइकिल की सवारी करें। )
bike Example
- we hope to encourage as many people as possible to bike to work ( हम काम करने के लिए बाइक के लिए अधिक से अधिक लोगों को प्रोत्साहित करने की उम्मीद करते हैं )
- I'll get them to bike the scripts over ( मैं उन्हें स्क्रिप्ट्स को खत्म करने के लिए ले जाऊंगा )
- It's like taking your hands off the handle bars of a bike while you're cycling. ( साइकिल चलाते समय यह आपके हाथों को बाइक के हैंडल बार से हटाने जैसा है। )
- To mountain bike is not to own a mountain bike and cycle along cycle paths, but to own a bike and cycle around mountains. ( माउंटेन बाइक के लिए एक माउंटेन बाइक और साइकिल पाथ के साथ साइकिल नहीं, बल्कि पहाड़ों के चारों ओर बाइक और साइकिल का मालिक होना है। )
- The same logic says that it's smarter to buy a bike from a bike shop than from Canadian Tire or Zellers. ( उसी तर्क का कहना है कि यह कनाडाई टायर या ज़ेलर्स की तुलना में बाइक की दुकान से बाइक खरीदने के लिए अधिक स्मार्ट है। )
- a bike ride ( मोटरसाइकिल की सवारी )
- His best freebie has been a mountain bike and a bike rack for his car. ( उनका सबसे अच्छा फ्रीबी एक पहाड़ बाइक और उनकी कार के लिए एक बाइक रैक रहा है। )
- The local bike shops have been unable to fix it and don't seem to have any solid advice. ( स्थानीय बाइक की दुकानें इसे ठीक करने में असमर्थ रही हैं और इसकी कोई ठोस सलाह नहीं है। )
- I'm going by bike ( मैं बाइक से जा रहा हूँ )
- It means visually impaired people in Grimsby will have the chance to go out on a tandem bike with a sighted cyclist. ( इसका मतलब है कि ग्रिम्सबी में दृष्टिबाधित लोगों को एक दूरदर्शी बाइक पर एक दूरदर्शी साइकिल चालक के साथ जाने का मौका मिलेगा। )
More Sentence
- It was followed by a bike change, as his gears had been damaged, and a second chase.
- It's no secret that eBay has become one of the hottest spots on the Internet to buy and sell used bikes and bike gear.
- And Anandan is biking angrily throughout the city wondering what to do.
- Several years ago, I was biking on a trail and a guy rode up beside me and yes, started talking to me.
- As September approached, the girls began to talk about riding their bikes to school.
- Himalayan Enfielders, now nearly a year old with about 70 members, is a forum for people who have a passion for biking in Kathmandu.
- After the ride we did another wash and loaded the bikes and we were soon off to Trenton.
- To save money, they might leave their bikes in those glorified cycle racks in front of the main stands.
- Nothing is more satisfying than biking swiftly down Summit into the sunset… going nearly as fast as the cars.
- He said despite the one game agreement he told the meeting there had been occasions where it had been used four times a week and that children had been riding bikes across it.
- Falconry displays, American cheerleaders, Quad biking and train rides will also feature.
- Some like to go biking in the mountains for instance.
- He was a keen motorcyclist who had been riding bikes since the age of 16.
- These are real and possible threats while biking along a suburban city paved bike and hike trail.
- Fundraisers can get on their bikes for sponsored cycle rides through the grounds of Longleat.
- The narrow, leaning buildings and the large city park, Vondelpark, make Amsterdam a picturesque city for walking or biking .
- Alan George, 52, of Tadcaster Road, York, has been riding a motorcycle for 35 years and was biking to work today.
- If he biked through several states, as he is now ‘bicycling through Spain’, and earned more than $300 in each state, was he required to file state returns?
- Avoid driving whenever possible by walking, biking , using public transit, or car-pooling.
- Cyclists shave grams off their bikes as though they're preparing to launch them to Mars.