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bigamy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bigamy in Hindi

  • द्विविवाह का प्रथा
  • द्विविवाह
  • द्विपत्नीत्व


  • द्विविवाह का प्रथा

bigamy Definition

  • the act of going through a marriage ceremony while already married to another person. ( एक विवाह समारोह से गुजरने की क्रिया जबकि पहले से ही किसी अन्य व्यक्ति से शादी की हो। )

bigamy Example

  • Well, for instance, bigamy is a federal offence, and I have little doubt that the Commonwealth could prohibit people calling themselves married. ( उदाहरण के लिए, बिगमी एक संघीय अपराध है, और मुझे इस बात में कोई संदेह नहीं है कि राष्ट्रमंडल लोगों को खुद को शादीशुदा कहने से रोक सकता है। )
  • Federal and state laws against bigamy and polygamy reflect that tradition. ( बिगमाई और बहुविवाह के खिलाफ संघीय और राज्य कानून उस परंपरा को दर्शाते हैं। )
  • In fact, laws against bigamy , adultery, and adult incest might be defended in the interest of preventing harm to others. ( वास्तव में, दूसरों को नुकसान पहुंचाने से रोकने के लिए बिगमी, व्यभिचार और वयस्क अनाचार के खिलाफ कानूनों का बचाव किया जा सकता है। )
  • Then in December 1999 the district attorney's office charged him with bigamy because he was legally married to another woman. ( फिर दिसंबर 1999 में डिस्ट्रिक्ट अटॉर्नी के कार्यालय ने उन पर बिगमाई का आरोप लगाया क्योंकि उन्होंने कानूनी रूप से दूसरी महिला से शादी की थी। )
  • When she confronted him, ‘He told [her] that he was getting a pension and that he would give her one half of what he Recieved if she would not have him arrested for bigamy .’ ( जब उसने उससे सामना किया, तो him उसने बताया कि उसे पेंशन मिल रही थी और वह उसे आधी रकम देता था, अगर वह उसे बिगाड़ के लिए गिरफ्तार नहीं करती। ' )
  • But marriage itself is largely a creature of legal rules precluding divorce and prohibiting bigamy . ( लेकिन विवाह खुद ही काफी हद तक कानूनी नियमों का एक हिस्सा है, जो तलाक को रोकने और बिगमी को प्रतिबंधित करता है। )
  • Of course, Trudy turns to old reliable Norval, but even he's smart enough to realize it would be bigamy for her to marry again. ( बेशक, ट्रूडी पुराने विश्वसनीय नॉर्वल की ओर मुड़ता है, लेकिन यहां तक ​​कि वह यह महसूस करने के लिए पर्याप्त स्मार्ट है कि उसके लिए फिर से शादी करना कितना बड़ा होगा। )
  • But someone blew the whistle and Michael was arrested for bigamy and hauled before the courts. ( लेकिन किसी ने सीटी बजाई और माइकल को बड़ामारी के लिए गिरफ्तार किया गया और अदालतों के सामने पेश किया गया। )
  • Adultery, bigamy , and desertion were acceptable legal grounds. ( व्यभिचार, बिगमी, और मरुभूमि स्वीकार्य कानूनी आधार थे। )

More Sentence

  • Police issued an arrest warrant for bigamy and John, who now lives on the Isle of Man, turned himself in last week.
  • She wanted adequate safeguards against dowry, bigamy , adultery, and apostasy in the new legislation.
  • Sharpe on the other hand was recorded as marrying legally in November 1990 before committing her first offence of bigamy the following May.
  • Within a year the resulting notoriety provoked the newly crowned James I to promulgate an Act that made bigamy a felony.
  • During his days in court, the criminal past of the self-confessed liar and philanderer emerged, with offences of bigamy , theft, fraud and criminal damage, and a faked suicide among two changes of identity.
  • In July, 1968, he appeared in court for bigamy , larceny and false pretences, with 116 offences considered, and was sentenced to two years jail, suspended for three years.
  • A man was charged with bigamy for being married to 17 wives.
  • For instance, is a marriage subsequent to a civil union bigamy ?
  • In 1882 Congress passed a law making bigamy a federal crime.
  • For example, Denise Robins, a wildly successful Mills & Boon star of the 1930s, wrote of rape, abduction, bigamy , suicide, illegitimacy and divorce.
  • She had been sentenced at Blackpool Magistrates' Court for an offence of bigamy committed in April 2002, which she admitted.
  • But Margaret's husband had been a bigamist : did that disqualify her great-granddaughter?
  • Rather, it only contains the usual bans on bigamous or incestuous marriage.
  • His entering into a second marriage without dissolving his first is a bigamous act under Australian law, a matter he was well aware of.
  • But if the second marriage was bigamous and therefore invalid, then FPJ would be illegitimate and should follow his mother's, not his father's, citizenship.
  • Some women, hearing nothing for years, assumed that they were widows and married again, only for their soldier husbands to return from the wars, rendering them unwitting bigamists .
  • Apparently the first wives of bigamists did not always care to chase down their absconding husbands.
  • Covered by a trail of new names, false claims, and new marital arrangements, deserters and bigamists often lurked just beyond the reach of the law.
  • Even the Marquis himself does not know whether his son was legitimate or not; or whether his wife is a bigamist .
  • Most prosecutions for bigamy fail because the complainant does not have the proof of the bigamous marriage.
  • If a person attempted to remarry after obtaining an unrecognised foreign divorce - or a church nullity alone - the subsequent ‘marriage’ would be bigamous and void.