biennial - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of biennial in Hindi
- द्विवाषिक
- द्विवार्षिक
- द्विवर्षीय
- द्वैवार्षिक
- द्विवर्षी
- दोसाला
- द्विवाषिक
biennial Definition
- taking place every other year. ( हर दूसरे साल हो रही है। )
- (especially of a plant) living or lasting for two years. ( (विशेष रूप से एक पौधे का) दो साल तक जीवित या स्थायी। )
- a plant that takes two years to grow from seed to fruition and die. ( एक पौधा जो बीज से फलने और मरने के लिए दो साल लेता है। )
- an event celebrated or taking place every two years. ( हर दो साल में एक कार्यक्रम मनाया या लिया जाता है। )
biennial Example
- Regardless, the party will keep biennial sessions because there is no significant interest in changing them. ( बावजूद, पार्टी द्विवार्षिक सत्र रखेगी क्योंकि उन्हें बदलने में कोई महत्वपूर्ण दिलचस्पी नहीं है। )
- Since then, her roughly biennial exhibitions of paintings have been one of the not-so-guilty pleasures of the art world. ( तब से, चित्रों की उनकी लगभग द्विवार्षिक प्रदर्शनियां कला की दुनिया के एक-न-दोषी सुखों में से एक रही हैं। )
- The national gymnasts are calling for more overseas tryouts in their training program prior to the biennial sporting event in September. ( राष्ट्रीय जिमनास्ट सितंबर में द्विवार्षिक खेल आयोजन से पहले अपने प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में अधिक विदेशी प्रयासों के लिए बुला रहे हैं। )
- It's ski racing's biggest biennial bonanza, a snow-sport event for Alpine purists, and this year it's coming to Italy. ( यह स्की रेसिंग का सबसे बड़ा द्विवार्षिक बोनान्ज़ा है, जो अल्पाइन शुद्धतावादियों के लिए एक स्नो-स्पोर्ट इवेंट है, और इस साल यह इटली में आ रहा है। )
- In a nutshell, biennial plants are just like annual and perennial plants except that it takes them two years to complete their life cycles. ( संक्षेप में, द्विवार्षिक पौधे वार्षिक और बारहमासी पौधों की तरह होते हैं सिवाय इसके कि उन्हें अपने जीवन चक्र को पूरा करने में दो साल लगते हैं। )
- The plant is a biennial ; and there are two principal varieties, white and purple. ( संयंत्र एक द्विवार्षिक है; और सफेद और बैंगनी दो प्रमुख किस्में हैं। )
- In one cohort women undergo biennial screening over 10 years and in the other cohort they do not. ( एक कोहॉर्ट में महिलाएं 10 साल से अधिक समय से द्विवार्षिक जांच से गुजरती हैं और दूसरे कॉहोर्ट में वे नहीं करती हैं। )
- All are under the age of 50 and, according to the planner, they are sophisticated and accomplished, compared to the young artists who participated in the biennial . ( सभी 50 वर्ष से कम आयु के हैं और नियोजक के अनुसार, वे परिष्कृत और निपुण हैं, जिनकी तुलना में युवा कलाकारों ने द्विवार्षिक में भाग लिया था। )
- The official line on the biennial declared it ‘a major event in the cultural program of the government.’ ( द्विवार्षिक पर आधिकारिक लाइन ने इसे सरकार के सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम में एक प्रमुख कार्यक्रम घोषित किया। )
- The biennial exhibition in Venice has an obligation to test the present, to challenge it, says the director of this year's massive event. ( वेनिस में द्विवार्षिक प्रदर्शनी का वर्तमान में परीक्षण करने का दायित्व है, इसे चुनौती देने के लिए, इस वर्ष के विशाल आयोजन के निदेशक का कहना है। )
More Sentence
- Fifteen contemporary artists working in the realm of public art were selected by a jury to create site-specific sculptures for this third biennial exhibition.
- But it was far less than previous years when the biennial gala featured as many as 500 silent auction items.
- He was featured in the last company design biennial .
- Different taxa are shrubs, dwarf shrubs and perennial, biennial or annual herbs, and they are found in different habitats including cultivated fields, sand dunes or mountain rocks at high altitudes.
- Two years ago, that script made him the youngest-ever recipient of Canada's biennial Playwriting Prize.
- The biennial will open with a downtown celebration, including exhibitions, music, performances and large-scale projections.
- While most installations at this year's event are serious explorations of profound themes, the biennial also celebrates unadulterated creativity.
- Then there's the biennial ; a plant that grows leaves one year, then flowers, seeds and dies the next.
- Approximately 2,400 individuals are randomly selected from each senior year cohort for biennial follow-up via mailed questionnaires.
- This new event is Australia's second international biennial , the Sydney Biennale having established itself since 1973 as one of the world's leading exhibitions of this genre.
- Dedicated art-world globetrotters will have to plan their biennial jaunts wisely this year.
- This biennial festival took place in late June, beginning in 1961 and ran for 28 years.
- As a featured artist in the Museum's biennial exhibition this month, he has reason to smile.
- For our non-UK readers, this is an biennial charity event set up by leading comedians to provide funds for developing countries.
- The girls were in Belgium for a week for the biennial championships and took part in a series of friendly relays and events as well as the main races.
- The Foundation celebrates its 12th biennial competition this year.
- Thanks to his patronage of events such as the biennial , the city is the cultural capital of this nation made wealthy by oil, shipbuilding and business.
- It's understandable that speculation ran high as to what kind of biennial exhibition he would assemble.
- Lesquerella mendocina plants remained vegetative, showing a biennial habit, when sown in the field in late spring even when artificially vernalized, or in a glasshouse at similar temperatures to those of late sowings in the field
- One of the reasons for holding the biennial exhibition is to raise funds through the sale of works by renowned artists to support Women's Crisis Centers in the country.