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besotted - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of besotted in Hindi

  • मूढ़

besotted Definition


  • strongly infatuated. ( जोरदार घुसपैठ। )
  • intoxicated; drunk. ( नशे में चूर; नशे में। )

besotted Example

  • However, at 21 he was forced to reject an offer of a place at drama school because he was ‘sort of engaged to a young lady, besotted with her.' ( हालांकि, 21 साल की उम्र में उन्हें ड्रामा स्कूल में एक जगह के एक प्रस्ताव को अस्वीकार करने के लिए मजबूर किया गया था, क्योंकि वह एक युवा महिला से जुड़ी हुई थीं, जिसे उनके साथ रखा गया था। ' )
  • But I'm in love with her, I'm just absolutely besotted with her, she is lovely. ( लेकिन मैं उसके साथ प्यार में हूँ, मैं उसके साथ बिल्कुल अलग हूँ, वह प्यारी है। )
  • The movie tells the story of two youngsters who are besotted with each other. ( फिल्म दो युवाओं की कहानी बताती है, जो एक-दूसरे के साथ मिलते हैं। )
  • The Alliance, now numbering 472 members, has been active in the furtherance of the objects of its formation, and has done much toward ridding the town of saloons and in stimulating many who had become besotted with drink to become sober and temperate men. ( एलायंस, अब 472 सदस्यों की संख्या, इसके गठन की वस्तुओं की आगे की गति में सक्रिय है, और इसने सैलून के शहर से छुटकारा पाने और बहुत से लोगों को उत्तेजित करने के लिए किया है, जो शांत और संयमी पुरुषों बनने के लिए पेय के साथ आसक्त हो गए थे। )
  • Ever since her childhood in York - she was an only child - she has been besotted with the uses of enchantment in fairy stories. ( यॉर्क में बचपन से ही - वह एक अकेली बच्ची थी - उसे परियों की कहानियों में मंत्रमुग्ध करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया गया है। )
  • Some of these servants of football are so besotted with the game that they devote more time to attending dull local committees. ( फुटबॉल के इन नौकरों में से कुछ खेल के साथ इतने घिरे हैं कि वे सुस्त स्थानीय समितियों में भाग लेने के लिए अधिक समय देते हैं। )
  • He was clearly besotted with her, recalling in great detail two long and intimate conversations with her, and even admitting that he once kissed her goodnight. ( उन्होंने स्पष्ट रूप से उसके साथ मूढ़ किया गया था, उसके साथ दो लंबी और अंतरंग बातचीत का विस्तार से याद करते हुए, और यहां तक ​​स्वीकार किया कि वह एक बार चूमा उसे शुभरात्रि। )
  • So why be so besotted with sporting failures and successes? ( तो क्यों खेल विफलताओं और सफलताओं के साथ इतनी घिरी हुई हो? )

More Sentence

  • The restaurant chef and the student are so besotted with each other that it's almost sickening.
  • Police are investigating whether the accused who allegedly had become besotted with Susan after meeting her at a caravan park, shot her before turning the gun on himself.
  • This was the speech of a prime minister besotted with emotion, image and presentation.
  • She had to live in a small apartment with a mother-in-law who was besotted with her son and loathed her as a rival, as well as living with a brilliant young husband who turned out to be self-obsessed and a drunk.
  • He declared her ‘a stunner ‘, and within days they were besotted with each other.’
  • He was so besotted with drink and drugs that his human qualities, if he ever possessed any, were completely in abeyance.
  • I signed up because I just wanted to be around real people that were besotted with writing as I am and to force myself to actually get some work done instead of dreaming about it.
  • Thereupon taking larger cups he drank more recklessly than ever, and when at length he was heavy and besotted with wine, he ordered the son of his critic to proceed beyond the threshold and stand there with his left hand lifted above his head.
  • She's very easy to love and I am besotted with her.
  • And yet his emotion for Susan was genuine; he was besotted with her.
  • A recital was given in the drawing room, then guests enjoyed Sunday lunch under the trees on the lawn and she became besotted with the idea of living in a country house herself.
  • In the pilot, Charlotte meets an aging movie star, who quickly becomes besotted with her as they explore the karaoke boxes and sushi bars of Japan.
  • I am sure all three of you were besotted with quiz programmes and the ambition to be successful on a major television show.
  • After some time, the brigands landed at an island, where they became besotted with drink, and fell asleep.
  • She was an ‘intelligent woman’ who had become besotted with the man and was unable to deal with the flagging relationship, the court was told.
  • I was speaking with Sebastian the undertaker, who we found besotted with wine in the mausoleum yesterday evening.
  • She was such a hit with everyone we met, but most particularly with my elderly grandparents, who were besotted with her.