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besides - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of besides in Hindi


  • के अतिरिक्त


  • साथ ही
  • इस के अतिरिक्त
  • और भी

besides Definition


  • in addition; as well. ( के अतिरिक्त; भी। )


  • in addition to; apart from. ( के अतिरिक्त; इसके अलावा। )

besides Example

  • When I got out, it was silent, like it is now, besides a little wind blowing the red sand around outside. ( जब मैं बाहर निकला, तो वह चुप था, जैसे अब है, इसके अलावा थोड़ी हवा बाहर चारों ओर लाल रेत उड़ा रही है। )
  • Both had given heart and soul and a lot more besides to win the match and yet one was the victor and the other vanquished. ( दोनों ने मैच जीतने के अलावा दिल और आत्मा और बहुत कुछ दिया था और फिर भी एक विजेता था और दूसरा जीत गया। )
  • I cannot afford black market fuel and besides , I have no idea where to get it! ( मैं ब्लैक मार्केट का ईंधन नहीं खरीद सकता और इसके अलावा, मुझे नहीं पता कि इसे कहां लाया जाए! )
  • It's a lot more fun that way and, besides , I'm entitled to expect people to make allowance. ( यह उस तरह से बहुत अधिक मजेदार है और इसके अलावा, मैं लोगों को भत्ता बनाने की उम्मीद करने का हकदार हूं। )
  • We didn't know for awhile whether or not anyone knew besides the top officials. ( हमें पता नहीं था कि शीर्ष अधिकारियों के अलावा किसी को पता था या नहीं। )
  • She equaled him on the ski runs and tennis courts and was a far more conscientious student besides . ( उसने स्की रन और टेनिस कोर्ट पर उसकी बराबरी की और इसके अलावा एक अधिक कर्तव्यनिष्ठ छात्र था। )
  • This seemed a satisfactory explanation - now we could continue; besides I was starting to go numb. ( यह एक संतोषजनक स्पष्टीकरण लग रहा था - अब हम जारी रख सकते हैं; इसके अलावा मैं सुन्न होने लगा था। )
  • He can do that, but he does a lot more besides , and that is what makes him special. ( वह ऐसा कर सकता है, लेकिन वह इसके अलावा भी बहुत कुछ करता है और यही उसे खास बनाता है। )

More Sentence

  • It is all glam by comparison, a busy street, four lanes wide with a lot of the local amenities and lots more besides .
  • A good teacher should have in-depth knowledge and ability to think besides a good reach and aptitude.
  • Furthermore, besides food intake, other factors can also affect stool size.
  • Never before had he felt such strong emotions for anyone else besides his family.
  • We used to respect each other a lot more, and besides they had a natural authority over players.
  • and much else besides
  • All this is detailed - and a lot more besides in his book.
  • There are many options for members besides the gym and swimming pool.
  • besides being a player, he was my friend
  • I have no other family besides my parents
  • She put her name to the single market, the bedrock of European union, and to several other fundamental agreements besides .
  • More often than not he lost it and a good deal more besides .
  • That doesn't leave a lot of time for breakfast, and besides , I don't like to eat that early.
  • She has no idea what she possesses and besides she is needed for the ceremony.
  • And besides , if and when it does happen, he believes it will be an opportunity to improve the quality of provision.
  • Parents can find something for their kids on the web besides games and fun.
  • And besides , to be able to create emotions with writing is formidable as it is.
  • I enjoyed it besides the fact that it was too long
  • She had got used to the idea, and besides , death was very much like life, only without the worries.
  • I had never had anyone tell me that they loved me - besides my family of course.
  • No one would look there and besides , the paper was too small to piece together again.
  • and, besides, I need the brea