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belongings - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of belongings in Hindi

  • संपत्ति
  • सामान
  • जायदाद


  • संपत्ति
  • माल-असबाब

belongings Definition

  • one's movable possessions. ( किसी की चल संपत्ति। )

belongings Example

  • I had a need to go fetch his last belongings and bring them home to my house to wash them. ( मुझे उनके अंतिम सामान को लाने और उन्हें धोने के लिए अपने घर लाने की आवश्यकता थी। )
  • I just hope that it results in security checks on people's belongings being tightened up. ( मैं बस आशा करता हूं कि इसके परिणामस्वरूप लोगों के सामानों पर सुरक्षा जांच कड़ी की जाएगी। )
  • The burglars also stole many personal belongings that Cilla will never be able to replace. ( चोरों ने कई व्यक्तिगत सामानों को भी चुरा लिया था जो कि सिल्ला को कभी भी बदलने में सक्षम नहीं होंगे। )
  • I lost things, had things stolen, had people rummage through my belongings , my drawers. ( मैंने चीजें खो दीं, चीजें चुरा लीं, लोगों को मेरे सामान, मेरे ड्रॉ के माध्यम से अफवाह थी। )
  • The whole family had to move upstairs after their belongings had been made safe. ( उनके सामान को सुरक्षित रखने के बाद पूरे परिवार को ऊपर जाना पड़ा। )
  • Then we were instructed to leave our belongings behind and return to the departure gate. ( फिर हमें अपने सामान को पीछे छोड़ने और प्रस्थान द्वार पर लौटने का निर्देश दिया गया। )
  • The sprinters claim they were unaware of the tests and had returned home for personal belongings . ( स्प्रिंटर्स का दावा है कि वे परीक्षणों से अनजान थे और निजी सामान के लिए घर लौट आए थे। )

More Sentence

  • None of his belongings had been interfered with and no possessions had been stolen.
  • Once there, I laid my belongings out to dry and made plans to visit a local quarry.
  • I've completely downsized all my belongings , and can pack all of my clothes into one suitcase.
  • We had boxed up all our personal belongings to make room in our second bedroom for our new baby daughter.
  • Officers raided his room at the college that day to search his personal belongings and took five letters away.
  • she didn't have much baggage with her as most of her belongings had been sent ahead by sea
  • Their coats, wallets, mobile phones and other personal belongings were stolen.
  • She walked into the room to find a man searching through her belongings .
  • Police or security guards can inspect the personal belongings of people as they enter the premises.
  • I noticed that his belongings formed a round bulge in the bottom of a plastic carrier bag.
  • Homeless people were then asked to pay fifty dollars for the return of their belongings .
  • Their belongings were packed into plastic bags and the family was driven to Dublin by car.
  • They add that nobody should leave personal belongings and money lying around a house.
  • Manny took some personal belongings from Mrs Schendel, but ignored many more valuable items.