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beginning - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of beginning in Hindi

  • शुरुआत
  • पहला भाग


  • शुरू
  • आरंभ
  • प्रारंभ
  • आदि
  • सूत्रपात
  • लग्गा
  • बिसमिल्ला
  • बिस्मिल्लाह
  • ठान
  • उपक्रम

beginning Definition


  • the point in time or space at which something starts. ( समय या स्थान जिस पर कुछ शुरू होता है। )


  • new or inexperienced. ( नया या अनुभवहीन। )


  • start; perform or undergo the first part of (an action or activity). ( शुरू; प्रदर्शन (या एक क्रिया या गतिविधि) के पहले भाग से गुजरना। )
  • not have any chance or likelihood of doing a specified thing. ( किसी निर्दिष्ट कार्य को करने का कोई मौका या संभावना नहीं है। )

beginning Example

  • A total of 5,000 extra marines are being brought by the beginning of August.  ( अगस्त की शुरुआत तक कुल 5,000 अतिरिक्त मरीन लाए जा रहे हैं। )
  • I've been teaching a beginning Hebrew class at the university. ( मैं विश्वविद्यालय में एक शुरुआत हिब्रू वर्ग सिखा रहा हूँ। )
  • The beginning of each winter brings the promise of days on the trails in sun and silence. ( प्रत्येक सर्दियों की शुरुआत धूप और सन्नाटे में पगडंडियों पर दिनों का वादा करती है। )
  • I then realised that the letter A at the beginning of a word signifies that the word should have been printed in bold or italic. ( मुझे तब एहसास हुआ कि एक शब्द की शुरुआत में अक्षर A यह दर्शाता है कि शब्द को बोल्ड या इटैलिक में मुद्रित किया जाना चाहिए था। )
  • New regulations that come into force at the beginning of 2004 will bring even tougher standards for drinking water quality. ( 2004 की शुरुआत में लागू होने वाले नए नियम पीने के पानी की गुणवत्ता के लिए और भी सख्त मानक लाएंगे। )
  • He received a letter at the beginning of this week cancelling it. ( उन्हें इस सप्ताह की शुरुआत में एक पत्र मिला था, जिसे रद्द कर दिया गया। )
  • that was the beginning of the trouble in the area ( यह क्षेत्र में परेशानी की शुरुआत थी )
  • For working teachers, like myself, Labor Day also brings the beginning of the school year. ( काम करने वाले शिक्षकों के लिए, खुद की तरह, श्रम दिवस भी स्कूल वर्ष की शुरुआत लाता है। )
  • Around 88 percent of the teachers questioned said that pupils start dreading the tests at the beginning of the summer term. ( लगभग 88 प्रतिशत शिक्षकों ने सवाल किया कि गर्मियों की अवधि की शुरुआत में शिष्य परीक्षण शुरू कर देते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • I know this because Miller comes out on stage at the beginning and tells us so.
  • Mike and Zach walked past the lake and reached the beginning of the woods.
  • The new deal was brought in at the beginning of October and will extend across the whole of the UK by next month.
  • For some, this month brings the beginning of festivities celebrating the end of the school year.
  • The entire cast assembles on stage in the beginning before splitting into smaller groups for the subsequent variations.
  • These letters mark the beginning of a long correspondence and collaboration between the two mathematicians.
  • At the beginning of the second stage several new rules took effect.
  • The return to floodlit evening games at the beginning of this season brought with it an increase in attendances at the home games.
  • The beginning stages included an attack on local villagers by a fighting force of rebels.
  • Here's some information on children's books for beginning readers that will help you find a book that's at the correct reading level for your child.
  • Laurent Blanc won't have his letter ready until the beginning of January.
  • It's by no means saying what they're all like, especially the earlier schools at the beginning of the century.
  • He has been involved since the beginning of the organising stages of the exhibition.
  • Rose lifted her pen to look over the beginning of her letter, examining each word critically.
  • As a beginning player you will undoubtedly make wrong or inappropriate choices in many aspects of your playing.
  • I am interested in taking a beginning pottery class, but I'm not sure where to go.
  • That's certainly a key element who's just at the beginning stages of its impact.
  • the ending of one relationship and the beginning of another
  • Bass, learning the beginning elements, which is all I did, is not really that hard.
  • If you don't want to turn as red as an apple, try writing the letter mentioned in the beginning of the story.
  • However, this is a normal process at the beginning of each season.