beeswax - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of beeswax in Hindi
- मोम
- मोम
- मोम लगाना
- मधुमोम
beeswax Definition
- the wax secreted by bees to make honeycombs and used to make wood polishes and candles. ( मधुमक्खियों द्वारा मधुकोश बनाने के लिए स्रावित मोम और लकड़ी की पॉलिश और मोमबत्तियाँ बनाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। )
- a person's concern or business. ( एक व्यक्ति की चिंता या व्यवसाय। )
beeswax Example
- I know you have your reasons, and, ultimately, it's none of my beeswax . ( मुझे पता है कि आपके पास अपने कारण हैं, और आखिरकार, यह मेरे मधुमक्खियों में से कोई भी नहीं है। )
- He lit the five beeswax candles in the brass candelabra sitting on the corner of the desk, and threw open the topmost book as he seated himself. ( उन्होंने मेज के कोने पर बैठे पीतल के कैंडलबेरा में पांच मधुमक्खी के छत्ते को जलाया और खुद को बैठाते हुए सबसे ऊपरी किताब को खोल दिया। )
- The income comes not just from the honey but also beeswax polish and face creams. ( आमदनी सिर्फ शहद से नहीं बल्कि मोम की पॉलिश और चेहरे की क्रीम से आती है। )
- Essential oils, vitamin E and beeswax help heal and moisturize the skin. ( आवश्यक तेल, विटामिन ई और मोम त्वचा को ठीक करने और त्वचा को नमी देने में मदद करते हैं। )
- Millions of mines littered the country, hindering subsistence agriculture, hunting of small and large game and gathering of forest products such as mushrooms, honey, beeswax and wild fruits when in season. ( लाखों खानों ने देश को नुकसान पहुंचाया, निर्वाह कृषि में बाधा, छोटे और बड़े खेल का शिकार और वन उत्पादों जैसे कि मशरूम, शहद, मोम और जंगली फल एकत्र करना। )
- The place had an old smell to it: wood and fabric, the underlying scents of beeswax and oils and something else. ( इस जगह की पुरानी गंध थी: लकड़ी और कपड़े, मधुमक्खियों और तेलों के अंतर्निहित निशान और कुछ और। )
- It was clear, very early, that people bought lip balm 10 times faster than they bought beeswax furniture polish. ( यह स्पष्ट था, बहुत जल्दी, कि लोगों ने मोम की फर्नीचर की पॉलिश खरीदने की तुलना में 10 गुना तेजी से होंठ बाम खरीदा। )
- This means that an equivalent size beeswax candle will burn brighter, and for longer, than a paraffin wax one. ( इसका मतलब यह है कि एक बराबर आकार की मोम की मोमबत्ती चमकीले को जलाएगी, और लंबे समय तक, पैराफिन मोम की तुलना में। )
- It's none of his beeswax where I buy my paint. ( यह उसकी बीवी का कोई नहीं है जहाँ मैं अपनी पेंट खरीदता हूँ। )
More Sentence
- I consider it none of my beeswax if someone makes a million dollars in one of these things or loses his shirt.
- Kids will love to watch the industrious honeybees at work in a display hive while you shop for raspberry honey butter and beeswax candles.
- beeswax candles
- If you have been using a paste furniture wax like beeswax and you see ripples, you have applied too much.
- Floors were polished with real beeswax , which was melted down, he recalls.
- From his leather pouch he withdrew a small beeswax candle, lit it and placed it in the center of the room.
- Which was very wise, considering it was none of their beeswax .
- Here, four large slab-like beams are made of wood covered in beeswax , each 8 feet high by about 2 feet wide and 8 inches thick.
- that's none of your beeswax
- Use only the highest quality oils and unscented beeswax candles.
- she rubbed her furniture with beeswax
- Plett also sells other home-crafted items such as Christmas stockings and beeswax candles, and this year will offer cards and books.
- turning pollen into beeswax
- We need some new candle moulds before the winter beeswax candlemaking season can begin.
- And while you're at it, pick up some flowers and beeswax candles - your shopping will be just about done.
- A single beeswax candle flickered, the wax running down the side to puddle on the tabletop.
- He bent down and picked up my traveler's pouch, fishing one of my beeswax candles from it.
- On view are nearly 100 sculptures in beeswax , paper and bronze, along with photographs, miniatures and drawings in an exhibition largely installed by the artist.
- If he wanted to make a one off casting he made a model of the object he wanted to cast out of wood or beeswax .