bedrock - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bedrock in Hindi
bedrock Definition
- solid rock underlying loose deposits such as soil or alluvium. ( ठोस चट्टान जैसे मिट्टी या जलोढ़ मिट्टी में जमा होता है। )
bedrock Example
- the gospels are the bedrock of Christianity ( मेहमान ईसाई धर्म के आधार हैं )
- Surrounded by rivers, the allotted area consists of water-infused soil with no bedrock . ( नदियों से घिरे, आवंटित क्षेत्र में जल-संचारित मिट्टी होती है, जिसमें कोई बेडरेक नहीं होता है। )
- Dams, sea walls, and levees must be founded on firm base material, preferably bedrock . ( बांध, समुद्र की दीवारें, और लेवेस की स्थापना फर्म बेस मैटेरियल, अधिमानतः बेडरॉक पर की जानी चाहिए। )
- The greensand soil and chalky bedrock are similar to the soil found beneath the vineyards of the Champagne region, and are integral to its flavour. ( ग्रीन्सैंड की मिट्टी और चाकलेट की चादर चंपारण क्षेत्र की दाख की बारियों के नीचे पाई जाने वाली मिट्टी के समान है, और इसके स्वाद के अभिन्न अंग हैं। )
- At the most basic a round barrow is simply a roughly hemispherical mound of soil, stone, and redeposited bedrock heaped over a central burial. ( सबसे मूल में एक गोल बैरो है, जो मिट्टी, पत्थर, और एक केंद्रीय दफन के ऊपर रखे हुए पुनर्परिभाषित बेडरूफ़ का लगभग एक गोलार्द्ध का टीला है। )
- Little of New Brunswick is underlain by bedrock suitable for the formation of solution caves. ( न्यू ब्रंसविक में से कुछ को सॉल्यूशन गुफाओं के निर्माण के लिए उपयुक्त बेडकोर द्वारा रेखांकित किया गया है। )
- Physics gave him a solid foundation, the bedrock for all his beliefs about the universe. ( ब्रह्मांड के बारे में उनकी सभी मान्यताओं के लिए भौतिकी ने उन्हें एक ठोस आधार दिया। )
- honesty is the bedrock of a good relationship ( ईमानदारी एक अच्छे रिश्ते का आधार है )
- These terms were to remain as the bedrock of his artistic principles even though his manner and procedures of painting were to change quite radically. ( इन शब्दों को उनके कलात्मक सिद्धांतों के आधार के रूप में बने रहना था, भले ही उनके तरीके और पेंटिंग की प्रक्रियाएं काफी मौलिक रूप से बदलनी थीं। )
- We need cool heads, warm hearts and our bedrock values of fairness and equality to choose the right path. ( हमें सही रास्ता चुनने के लिए शांत सिर, गर्म दिल और निष्पक्षता और समानता के हमारे बेडकवर मूल्यों की आवश्यकता है। )
- At the summit of the bluff is a small clearing with exposed slate bedrock , fractured by cracks and crevices. ( दरार के शिखर पर एक छोटे से समाशोधन है जिसमें उजागर स्लेट बेडरॉक, दरारें और दरारें द्वारा खंडित हैं। )
More Sentence
- All the stages are based on hard-packed bedrock so hopefully they shouldn't deteriorate too much.
- A shallow shaft was excavated to bedrock , followed by drilling and blasting.
- The plants were growing from several fissures in the mafic bedrock that underlies the creek.
- Because of the ice cover over most of the continent, only a few sites are actually available at which bedrock is exposed at the surface.
- Built from reformed rock, the walls were solid, and as strong as bedrock .
- Our first objective was to determine the extent to which bedrock and aspect affected soils of the Holyoke Range.
- It also includes the air and water space above, and the subsoil and bedrock below that.
- Carbonate-rich Paleozoic bedrock characterizes the geology of the Mixedwood Plains.
- Erosion of the underlying bedrock appears to have been limited.
- Four of the five populations were growing in faulted crevices of bedrock associated with shoals.
- The hotel is built on an outcrop of bedrock - the only place in the area where the ground is not permafrost.
- Flat or slightly rolling terrain is the rule here, and thick soil deposits overlay Cretaceous shale bedrock .
- These prairies, like the Black Belt, have rich soils derived from calcareous bedrock .
- Give them a clear standard that is in accordance with the bedrock principles of our nation.
- When it is spread close to a stream or on shallow soil over bedrock , what is the threat?
- Surely patient confidentiality is one of the bedrocks on which good medical practice is based.