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bed - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bed in Hindi

  • बिस्तर
  • खाट
  • चारपाई
  • शयन
  • सेज
  • शय्या
  • खटिया
  • नदीतल
  • बिछौना
  • क्यारी
  • तल
  • तला

bed Definition


  • settle down to sleep or rest for the night, typically in an improvised place. ( सोने के लिए या रात को आराम करने के लिए, आमतौर पर एक कामचलाऊ जगह पर बैठ जाते हैं। )
  • transfer (a plant) from a pot or seed tray to a garden plot. ( एक गमले या बीज ट्रे से बगीचे के प्लॉट में स्थानांतरण (एक पौधा)। )
  • fix firmly; embed. ( दृढ़ता से तय करो; एम्बेड। )


  • a piece of furniture for sleep or rest, typically a framework with a mattress and coverings. ( नींद या आराम के लिए फर्नीचर का एक टुकड़ा, आमतौर पर एक गद्दे और कवरिंग के साथ एक रूपरेखा। )
  • an area of ground, typically in a garden, where flowers and plants are grown. ( जमीन का एक क्षेत्र, आमतौर पर एक बगीचे में, जहां फूल और पौधे उगाए जाते हैं। )
  • a flat base or foundation on which something rests or is supported, in particular. ( एक सपाट आधार या नींव, जिस पर कोई चीज विशेष रूप से टिकी हुई है या समर्थित है। )
  • a layer or pile of something, in particular. ( किसी चीज की परत या ढेर, विशेष रूप से। )
  • the bottom of the sea or a lake or river. ( समुद्र या एक झील या नदी के नीचे। )

bed Example

  • The parcels were then served on a bed of lettuce with toasted pitta bread. ( तब पार्सल को टोस्ट पित्त की रोटी के साथ सलाद के बिस्तर पर परोसा जाता था। )
  • She does well with her routine, bed at 7pm generally sleeping through to 5am. ( वह अपनी दिनचर्या के साथ अच्छा करती है, शाम 7 बजे बिस्तर पर आम तौर पर 5 बजे तक सोती है। )
  • few can afford a bed in a hotel ( कुछ एक होटल में बिस्तर का खर्च उठा सकते हैं )
  • There the Colonel lives in a single room with a dirt floor and a straw bed . ( वहां कर्नल एक कमरे में रहता है जिसमें गंदगी का फर्श और पुआल का बिस्तर है। )
  • Tedd got in the bed of the truck and was looking over the cab as we pulled up to the deer. ( टेड ट्रक के बिस्तर पर चढ़ गया और कैब के ऊपर से देख रहा था कि हम हिरण को खींचे। )
  • It wasn't that late, but she was tired and felt like curling up in bed and going to sleep. ( यह देर से नहीं था, लेकिन वह थका हुआ था और बिस्तर में कर्लिंग और सो जाने की तरह महसूस किया। )
  • Soon, the car was attached by its back bumper to the miniature crane in the bed of the truck. ( जल्द ही, कार को उसके बैक बम्पर द्वारा ट्रक के बिस्तर में लघु क्रेन से जोड़ा गया। )
  • My main course was beef on a bed of creamed potatoes, with glazed vegetables and a sweet jus. ( मेरा मुख्य पाठ्यक्रम क्रीमयुक्त आलू के बिस्तर पर बीफ़ था, जिसमें घुटी हुई सब्जियाँ और एक मीठा जूस था। )
  • From its station near the bed of the river, it surges up to snatch at smaller fish foolish enough to swim through its field of vision. ( नदी के तल के पास स्थित उसके स्टेशन से, यह अपनी दृष्टि के क्षेत्र में तैरने के लिए पर्याप्त मछली की मूर्खता को छीनने के लिए बढ़ती है। )
  • The little silvery streams criss-crossing the river bed are enough for them to eke out a living. ( नदी की तलहटी को पार करने वाली छोटी-छोटी सिल्ट धाराएं उनके लिए पर्याप्त हैं जो उन्हें जीवित रहने के लिए प्रेरित करती हैं। )
  • These will go into a raw beef salad, the meat marinated in fish sauce and lime juice and the whole lot served on a bed of crispy fried noodle. ( ये एक कच्चे बीफ़ सलाद, मछली सॉस और चूने के रस में मैरीनेट किए गए मांस और खस्ता तला हुआ नूडल के बिस्तर पर परोसा जाएगा। )

More Sentence

  • Each night before bed Eusebio tackles a ritual, signing a pile of photographs to hand out to his adoring public the following day.
  • a glass of milk before bed
  • The walls were all white and the only items inside were a bed , cabinet, desk, and chair.
  • The men you see in the foreground are laying stones to form the bed of the road.
  • The muddy bed of the river is littered with boulders, but not ones that have arrived by geological forces.
  • Taking several steps forward, she saw a strong wooden box sitting on her straw bed .
  • We began the first seismic line on day two with an uphill washed-out creek bed of a trail.
  • Chilli peppers are included in a mixture of minced lamb and flavourings served on a bed of Basmati rice.
  • I have a small cell with a single bed , and there's a sink, a bookshelf, a little stool and somewhere to store underclothes.
  • Many of these fires happen when someone falls asleep in bed or on upholstered furniture such as a sofa while smoking.
  • As a result of continuous mining of sand, the river bed is three metres below the sea level.
  • He knelt and squinted respectfully at the fish toasting on Monica's bed of coals.
  • The bed was the largest piece of furniture in the room and stood against the south wall, opposite the door.
  • She and Austin had been married for two whole months, but he had yet to take her to bed and make love with her.
  • The cold plate was beautifully presented on a bed of green leaves, with little pots of mustard and mayo, hard boiled eggs and tomato.
  • When the train stopped our car was positioned well beyond the station area over the gravel road bed .
  • The baked lamb is served on the bed of rice liberally garnished with almonds and ghee.
  • The forklift operator put it behind the first two pallets, centered on the bed of the truck.
  • Mine was a large piece of pink salmon on a bed of spinach, topped with red and green sauce and matchsticks of courgette.