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beckon - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of beckon in Hindi

  • इशारा करना
  • इशारे से बुलाना
  • संकेत से बुलाना
  • आँख मारना
  • संकेत करना

beckon Definition

  • make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage someone to come nearer or follow. ( किसी को निकट आने या अनुसरण करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए हाथ, हाथ या सिर के साथ एक इशारा करना। )

beckon Example

  • The golf courses of Mayo and Galway beckon invitingly but he reckons he might tire of the golf after a few months. ( मेयो और गॉलवे के गोल्फ कोर्सों को आमंत्रण मिलता है, लेकिन उन्हें लगता है कि वह कुछ महीनों के बाद गोल्फ के टायर से बच सकते हैं। )
  • A multiplicity of interesting directions beckon , tempting you to take on too much by rushing into something new before finishing the last thing you started. ( दिलचस्प दिशाओं की एक बहुतायत, आपको शुरू की गई आखिरी चीज़ को पूरा करने से पहले कुछ नया करने की जल्दी में आपको बहुत अधिक लेने के लिए प्रेरित करती है। )
  • They beckon people to them from the whole planet, witnesses of our common history, in many ways still mysterious and incomprehensible. ( वे पूरे ग्रह से लोगों को उनके पास ले जाते हैं, हमारे सामान्य इतिहास के गवाह हैं, कई मायनों में अभी भी रहस्यमय और समझ से बाहर हैं। )
  • the going is tough and soft options beckon ( जा मुश्किल और नरम विकल्प है )
  • Wherever they occur on earth, high places and remote places beckon and enchant us. ( जहाँ कहीं भी वे पृथ्वी पर होते हैं, ऊँची जगहें और दूर-दूर के स्थान बेकन और हमें मुग्ध करते हैं। )
  • A particularly soft blanket of green seemed to beckon , and she settled herself amid the springy blades. ( हरे रंग का एक विशेष रूप से नरम कंबल बेकन लग रहा था, और उसने वसंत के ब्लेड के बीच खुद को बसाया। )
  • A life in politics appeared to beckon , but all that changed as Verges watched France's brutal attempts to quell the Algerian uprising against its colonial master in the late 1950s. ( राजनीति में एक जीवन दिखाई दिया, लेकिन वे सभी के रूप में बदल गया, जो कि वेरजेस ने 1950 के दशक के अंत में अपने औपनिवेशिक गुरु के खिलाफ उठ रहे अल्जीरियाई को उकसाने के फ्रांस के क्रूर प्रयासों को देखा। )
  • In the warm sunshine ancient courtyards beckon , inviting exploration. ( गर्म धूप में प्राचीन आंगनों को देखने के लिए आमंत्रित किया जाता है। )

More Sentence

  • the going is tough, and soft options beckon
  • Susan beckoned to me to walk with her down the hall.
  • He took up swimming and diving, and joined a marching band, but the lure of the stage beckoned .
  • ‘Come here,’ Gillian beckoned to him and pointed to the silver shinny button on the top of the camera.
  • Salford appeared on the up but the Northern Ford Premiership beckons if yesterday is anything to go by.
  • Each time he beckons the attendant to hand the call to him.
  • Upon entering, a charming flapper greets you and beckons you to see the 1920's show.
  • Keenan lifted his hand and beckoned to her, and slowly, she approached him.
  • And after catching the vicar's eye once again, he relented and beckoned to him to come over and join them, which he did with alacrity.
  • Jose moved further into the cave-like room and beckoned to a young woman who followed him in.
  • Then, I felt the ocean beckoning , pulling on the stone, as if the salt water on the surface of the stone was being called home.
  • A second piece is a travel primer, Easily assembled at home, and for use by those who have never traveled to lands beyond, which beckons us to step beyond our safe boundaries.
  • I beckoned to the girls, and they followed me upstairs and into my room.
  • The man beckoned to Gaden to come hither; Gaden apprehensively approached the merchant.
  • They were pointing at me, beckoning me to join them on stage.
  • As the new cyberfrontier beckons , America's prospects appear bright.
  • As if in answer to his question, Dr. Jewels stretched out his arm beckoning Johnny forward.
  • A policeman beckoned to Sykes and instructed him to follow him.
  • I watched them until they reached the curb, all the way down the sidewalk, and then Chaz beckoned to his brother with his arm and took off again at an angle.
  • Such statistics suggest a date in Tampa in January beckons , with the NFL West title already appearing to be a mere formality.
  • She beckoned to her friend with a nod of the head.
  • He beckoned to the ones he had called, and we followed him to the upstairs.