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beaver - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of beaver in Hindi

  • ऊदबिलाव
  • ऊद

beaver Definition


  • a large semiaquatic broad-tailed rodent that is native to North America and northern Eurasia. It is noted for its habit of gnawing through tree trunks to fell the trees in order to feed on the bark and build dams. ( उत्तरी अमेरिका और उत्तरी यूरेशिया का मूल निवासी एक विशाल अर्ध-विस्तृत कृंतक है। यह पेड़ की चड्डी के माध्यम से कुतरने की आदत के लिए जाना जाता है ताकि छाल को खिलाने और बांध बनाने के लिए पेड़ों को गिरा दिया जा सके। )
  • the lower part of the face guard of a helmet in a suit of armor. The term is also used to refer to the upper part or visor, or to a single movable guard. ( कवच के एक सूट में हेलमेट के चेहरे का निचला हिस्सा। इस शब्द का उपयोग ऊपरी भाग या वीज़ा या एकल चल गार्ड को संदर्भित करने के लिए भी किया जाता है। )


  • work hard. ( कड़ी मेहनत। )

beaver Example

  • The biggest difference was that New Netherland and its port town were together principally a trading colony, buying beaver and other fur skins from the Indians to sell at a profit in Europe. ( सबसे बड़ा अंतर यह था कि न्यू नीदरलैंड और उसके बंदरगाह शहर मुख्य रूप से एक व्यापारिक उपनिवेश थे, यूरोप में लाभ कमाने के लिए भारतीयों से बीवर और अन्य फर की खाल खरीदते थे। )
  • There is beaver or printed silver for fur trim used with leather for collars, sleeves and belts. ( फर, ट्रिम के लिए चमड़े के साथ कॉलर, आस्तीन और बेल्ट के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली बीवर या मुद्रित चांदी है। )
  • The ghost wears the beaver , or visor, of the helmet raised. ( भूत उठाए हुए हेलमेट का बीवर, या छज्जा पहनता है। )
  • Harvested and driven from its habitat until it disappeared from much of the northeastern U.S., the beaver is now making such a strong comeback that it is becoming a nuisance in some areas. ( हार्वेस्टेड और अपने निवास स्थान से तब तक चलाया जाता है जब तक कि यह पूर्वोत्तर अमेरिका के बहुत से गायब नहीं हो जाता, बीवर अब इतनी मजबूत वापसी कर रहा है कि यह कुछ क्षेत्रों में उपद्रव बन रहा है। )
  • In the slap of waves against the rocky shore one can imagine hearing phantom brigades moving across the lakes, paddling in close line astern, their canoes piled high with beaver pelts destined for Bond Street and the rue de Rivoli. ( चट्टानी किनारे के खिलाफ लहरों के थप्पड़ में, झीलों के पार बढ़ने वाले प्रेत ब्रिगेड को सुनने के बारे में कल्पना कर सकते हैं, करीब लाइन अचरन में पैडलिंग कर सकते हैं, बॉन्ड स्ट्रीट और रेज़ डे रिवोली के लिए किस्मत में बीवर पेलेट्स के साथ उनके डोंगे ऊंचे ढेर। )
  • long coats trimmed with light beaver ( लंबे कोट प्रकाश ऊदबिलाव के साथ छंटनी की )
  • Although the beaver 's industrious habits, wholesome diet, and generally meritorious lifestyle have endeared it to many human beings, the fact remains that beavers are also prized for their flesh, and are eaten. ( हालांकि बीवर की मेहनती आदतें, पौष्टिक आहार, और आम तौर पर मेधावी जीवन शैली ने इसे कई मनुष्यों के लिए सहन किया है, तथ्य यह है कि बीवर भी अपने मांस के लिए बेशकीमती हैं, और खाए जाते हैं। )
  • The 1925 Hudson's Bay Point blanket's short indigo stitch lines, or ‘points,’ indicate how many beaver pelts it once traded for ( 1925 में हडसन की खाड़ी बिंदु कंबल की छोटी इंडिगो सिलाई लाइनें, या ’अंक, 'यह इंगित करते हैं कि एक बार व्यापार करने वाले कितने बीवर पेल देते हैं )
  • This slow-moving creature is Canada's largest rodent next to the beaver . ( यह धीमी गति से चलने वाला प्राणी बीवर के बगल में कनाडा का सबसे बड़ा कृंतक है। )
  • Her coffin was lovingly wrapped in muskrat, beaver and fox furs and lowered into the ground by her family. ( उसके ताबूत को प्यार से कस्तूरी, ऊदबिलाव और लोमड़ी के झुंड में लपेटा गया था और उसके परिवार द्वारा जमीन में उतारा गया था। )

More Sentence

  • The first exploration of Canada's interior was for the purpose of finding beaver pelts to satisfy the obsession with fur coats by the European elite.
  • A ninth generation Early, Charles, who masterminded the move to Sedbergh, said the Indians used to equate the brightly coloured blankets' value to how many beaver skins they were worth.
  • He handed the Huronian Native the promised items and received the soft beaver pelts, placing them with the rest from that day.
  • Sorry there's no proper post from me today as I've been a busy little beaver
  • Exceptions to this rule are dark sheared faux furs, such as black sheared beaver and longhaired Mongolian lamb; cut these with the pile running upward.
  • Busy beaver President Clinton has been working hard in his final days.
  • The greatest reward went to the post master who received one shilling for each score of beaver or an amount of furs of the same value.
  • It was once extremely abundant throughout most of the continent but went into decline as early as 1638, mainly because the great insulating qualities of beaver fur made it the best material for hat manufacture.
  • There were six different furs to choose from including brown and grey Persian lamb, and beaver .
  • The bear, wolf, coyote, fisher, wolverine, otter, and lynx prey upon the beaver who is, nevertheless, a powerful antagonist when at bay.
  • From the early French fur traders of the 17th century to the early trading posts established by the Hudson's Bay Company, fur, and more specifically beaver pelts, were a source of income and fortune for early settlers.
  • Defence chiefs decided to stop making the busbies worn by the King's Troop from beaver fur several years ago, after protests that the animal was in danger of becoming extinct.
  • But the only sport was to behold him eat; for by reason his helmet was on, and his beaver lifted, he could put nothing into his mouth himself if others did not help him to find the way.
  • I have been a busy little beaver this week in Canberra, oh yes.
  • These skins - especially beaver - were quite valuable and used in the Eastern states and in Europe for top hats, coats and other expensive clothing.
  • These ethnic artefacts use interesting materials such as beaver fur, moose hide and deer toes.
  • Also on the program that night were the Marshall Dancers from the Lower Yukon, dressed in sumptuous headdresses that were trimmed with wolf and beaver fur.
  • One of the favorite targets of the trappers in North America was the beaver , the largest of the North American rodents.
  • There was no mention made of the fact that the beaver is a native North American species whereas the cherry trees are exotics, imported from Japan.
  • Hopkins was a regular beaver where gardening was concerned