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beauty spot - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of beauty spot in Hindi

  • तिल
  • बिंदी
  • रमणीक स्थल

beauty spot Definition

  • a place known for its beautiful scenery. ( एक जगह जो अपने खूबसूरत दृश्यों के लिए जानी जाती है। )
  • a small natural or artificial mark such as a mole on a woman's face, considered to enhance another feature. ( एक छोटे से प्राकृतिक या कृत्रिम चिह्न जैसे कि महिला के चेहरे पर तिल, एक और विशेषता को बढ़ाने के लिए माना जाता है। )

beauty spot Example

  • Campaigners working to save a Yeadon beauty spot from developers have victory in sight - but they have warned not to be complacent. ( डेवलपर्स से एक येडोन सौंदर्य स्थान को बचाने के लिए काम करने वाले प्रचारकों की दृष्टि में जीत है - लेकिन उन्होंने शिकायत न करने की चेतावनी दी है। )
  • As for this area being a beauty spot , it is just a roadside verge, nor more, no less. ( इस क्षेत्र के लिए एक सौंदर्य स्थल होने के नाते, यह सिर्फ एक सड़क के किनारे है, न अधिक, न कम। )
  • Almost 1,000 farms around the Dales beauty spot have been placed under restrictions and livestock movements cancelled. ( डेल्स सौंदर्य स्थल के चारों ओर लगभग 1,000 खेतों को प्रतिबंधित और पशुधन आंदोलनों के तहत रखा गया है। )
  • A battle over the right to walk in a beauty spot on the edge of Keighley is to be waged at a public inquiry. ( केहली के किनारे एक सौंदर्य स्थान पर चलने के अधिकार पर एक लड़ाई एक सार्वजनिक जांच में छेड़ी जानी है। )
  • Furious park users claim that a popular beauty spot has been churned up by speeding quad bikes - because the council wanted to swell its coffers. ( फ्यूरियस पार्क के उपयोगकर्ताओं का दावा है कि एक लोकप्रिय सौंदर्य स्थल को क्वाड बाइक को तेज करके मंथन किया गया है - क्योंकि परिषद अपने कॉफर्स को सूजना चाहती थी। )
  • The campaign to keep the site as a publicly-managed beauty spot was sparked by fears it would be sold off and closed to the public. ( इस स्थल को सार्वजनिक रूप से प्रबंधित सौंदर्य स्थल के रूप में रखने की मुहिम की आशंका के कारण इसे बंद कर दिया गया और इसे जनता को बेच दिया जाएगा। )
  • Campaigners fighting to save public conveniences at a popular beauty spot from closure have been heartened by a response to their concerns from a leading health official, reports Addison. ( एडिसन के एक प्रमुख स्वास्थ्य अधिकारी की चिंताओं के जवाब में सार्वजनिक सौंदर्य को बचाने के लिए लड़ने वाले प्रचारकों को बंद होने से बचाया गया है। )
  • Residents in Wootton Bassett say any development on a beauty spot will spoil the local landscape and create traffic chaos. ( वूट्टन बैसेट के निवासियों का कहना है कि सौंदर्य स्थल पर कोई भी विकास स्थानीय परिदृश्य को बिगाड़ देगा और ट्रैफिक अराजकता पैदा करेगा। )
  • Police last night confirmed that the unnamed beauty spot was among the areas where they were conducting fingertip and forensic searches. ( पुलिस ने कल रात इस बात की पुष्टि की कि अनाम सौंदर्य स्थल उन क्षेत्रों में से थे जहां वे उंगलियों और फोरेंसिक खोजों का संचालन कर रहे थे। )
  • A volunteer who helps maintain a York beauty spot has pleaded for more help from local people after rubbish and broken glass was left scattered across the site. ( एक स्वयंसेवक जो न्यूयॉर्क के सौंदर्य स्थल को बनाए रखने में मदद करता है, ने स्थानीय लोगों से अधिक मदद की गुहार लगाई है और शीशे को तोड़ने के बाद पूरे स्थल पर बिखरा पड़ा है। )

More Sentence

  • Another beauty spot that crops up in more than 30 paintings is the long-abandoned quarry at Bibémus, a short drive from the centre of Aix, which will be accessible to the public for the first time from April.
  • Building new holiday chalets at a beauty spot would mean fewer cottages in the area being bought as second homes, it is claimed.
  • Her ordeal began on Saturday afternoon as she and her 26-year-old South African boyfriend were visiting the Kruger National Park, a beauty spot that is a magnet for tourists.
  • Making their way from Knockholt, they went over ploughed fields and passed by the estate of Lullingstone the famous beauty spot of Eynsford, where they halted for lunch.
  • My face and hair was done much the same as Claire's, and I sported an artificial beauty spot positioned just under my right eye.
  • Always immaculately groomed, Jenner put on a beauty spot each morning and had a facelift.
  • He has witnessed changes in the area over the last four decades and said he is saddened by the current state of what used to be a picturesque beauty spot .
  • Visitor numbers calculated at the end of this year's Falcon Watch show that two of the birds perching high on the rocks in Malham Cove have drawn more than 21,000 people to the beauty spot over the last three months.
  • A steel fence has been put round a Cheshire beauty spot by a developer involved in a long-running planning battle over the site.
  • The lights have made Andromeda sweat, and her beauty spot is blurry and shaped more like a jellybean than a circle.
  • Momentarily I considered towing it to a nearby beauty spot where people were camping illegally.
  • He said that it now seemed ridiculous to promote the area as a beauty spot when its most prominent features were litter, dumped cars, potholes and broken down signs.
  • A small beauty spot is on the left side of her face, just above the corner of her mouth.
  • Finally, the mole beneath her mouth was downgraded from beauty spot to powdered pimple.
  • A massive clean-up campaign is to be mounted at a Leigh beauty spot used as a caravan site by a group of travellers.
  • Even the dark mole that was near her left eye had altered itself somehow into a tiny beauty spot .
  • Her small pointy nose sheltered a couple of beauty spots and a freckle, her thin and delicate face was made of white porcelain that looked as cold as her attitude.
  • I wanted them to see us, beauty spots , warts and all.