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beauty salon - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of beauty salon in Hindi

  • ब्यूटी सैलून
  • शोभा का कमड़ा

beauty salon Definition

  • an establishment in which hairdressing, make-up, and similar cosmetic treatments are carried out professionally. ( एक प्रतिष्ठान जिसमें हेयरड्रेसिंग, मेकअप और इसी तरह के कॉस्मेटिक उपचार किए जाते हैं। )

beauty salon Example

  • Camelot also provides a hair salon and a beauty salon . ( कैमलॉट एक हेयर सैलून और एक ब्यूटी सैलून भी प्रदान करता है। )
  • As a regular member of the Chemo Club for the last seven years, it seems like I've spent more time in the wig shop than the beauty salon . ( पिछले सात वर्षों से केमो क्लब के एक नियमित सदस्य के रूप में, ऐसा लगता है कि मैंने ब्यूटी सैलून की तुलना में विग की दुकान में अधिक समय बिताया है। )
  • Beauty Paradise is an exclusive beauty salon in Bains Centre in Pioneers Park in Windhoek. ( ब्यूटी पैराडाइज विंडहोक में पायनियर्स पार्क में बैंस सेंटर में एक विशेष ब्यूटी सैलून है। )
  • The beauty salon smelled like nail polish and hairspray. ( ब्यूटी सैलून में नेल पॉलिश और हेयरस्प्रे जैसी गंध आती है। )
  • With this prescription in hand, Jane was despatched to York hair and beauty salon Sota Hairdressing in Micklegate for a new hair-do and makeover. ( हाथ में इस नुस्खे के साथ, जेन एक नए हेयर-डू और मेकओवर के लिए यॉर्क हेयर और ब्यूटी सैलून सोटा हेयरड्रेसिंग इन मिकेलीगेट में भेजा गया था। )
  • And I was aware in a vague, wondering way that for many women, a visit to a beauty salon was as normal as a visit to the hairdresser. ( और मैं एक अस्पष्ट तरीके से अवगत था, इस तरह से सोच रहा था कि कई महिलाओं के लिए, ब्यूटी सैलून की यात्रा नाई की यात्रा के लिए सामान्य थी। )
  • As a licensed cosmetologist, CeCe owned and managed a beauty salon in Detroit. ( एक लाइसेंस प्राप्त कॉस्मेटोलॉजिस्ट के रूप में, CeCe ने डेट्रायट में एक ब्यूटी सैलून का स्वामित्व और प्रबंधन किया। )
  • And in between you will find a beauty salon , hairdresser and a small fitness centre. ( और बीच में आपको एक ब्यूटी सैलून, नाई और एक छोटा फिटनेस सेंटर मिलेगा। )

More Sentence

  • Staff in the beauty salon attend to the bride's hair and make-up.
  • Miss Hamilton had finished an art and design course at Trowbridge College, was working in a beauty salon in Devizes and planned a career as a hairdresser.
  • Yesterday as I drove to the beauty salon for my haircut, I was behind a big truck that had this written on the back.
  • I own a beauty salon and purchased a ticket from one of my clients who was taking part in the fashion show.
  • Melissa and Jessyca had plans to open a beauty salon and were very good and hair and makeup.
  • With his wife's help, he opened a cosmetics department and developed a beauty salon over his brother's sports shop next door.
  • Within my eyesight was an investment company, a service station, a funeral home, a beauty salon , and a grocery story.
  • I went to get a haircut, and found the beauty parlour completely empty.
  • After just one massage in the beauty parlour of a star-rated hotel, the size of his waistline was reduced by 2 centimetres.
  • Cohen saw potential in a beauty parlour where women could get make-up done, have eyebrows plucked or false eyelash extensions applied.
  • It may not be advisable to buy expensive beauty treatment equipment to set up a beauty parlour in your home if you have limited space and finances.
  • My old barber, astute entrepreneur that he was, turned his barber shop into a salon, and later into a beauty parlour for men.