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beautiful - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of beautiful in Hindi

  • सुंदर
  • शोभायमान
  • सुभग
  • सुघर
  • सुरूप
  • मनोज्ञ
  • मंजु
  • मंजुल
  • ख़ूबसूरत
  • ख़ूब
  • रमणीय

beautiful Definition

  • pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically. ( इंद्रियों या मन को सौंदर्य से प्रसन्न करना। )

beautiful Example

  • As I waited, I felt very lucky to be able to sit in the dark listening to beautiful music. ( जैसा कि मैंने इंतजार किया, मुझे बहुत भाग्यशाली लगा कि मैं सुंदर संगीत सुनने के लिए अंधेरे में बैठने में सक्षम हूं। )
  • He is a tall Scotsman with dark curly hair, beautiful dark eyes and is almost too handsome. ( वह काले घुंघराले बाल, सुंदर अंधेरे आँखों वाला एक लंबा स्कॉट्समैन है और लगभग सुंदर भी है। )
  • I did get to walk on the beach at night and it was as beautiful as I was expecting it to be. ( मुझे रात में समुद्र तट पर चलने के लिए मिला और यह उतना ही सुंदर था जितना कि मैं यह होने की उम्मीद कर रहा था। )
  • Paris is a stunningly beautiful city, one of the great capitals of the western world. ( पेरिस एक आश्चर्यजनक सुंदर शहर है, जो पश्चिमी दुनिया की महान राजधानियों में से एक है। )
  • The huge metal structure that rises from the ground is at once beautiful and disturbing. (   जमीन से उगने वाली विशाल धातु संरचना एक बार सुंदर और विचलित करने वाली है। )
  • He was now short and fat with a red face, but in some deeper sense he was very beautiful . ( वह अब लाल चेहरे के साथ छोटा और मोटा था, लेकिन कुछ गहरे अर्थों में वह बहुत सुंदर था। )
  • He had a beautiful singing voice and a sharp sense of humour, but was also a morose weekend drunk. ( उनके पास एक सुंदर गायन आवाज और हास्य की एक तेज भावना थी, लेकिन यह एक मनोहर सप्ताहांत भी था। )
  • The next day, our last in the mountains, we wake to a truly beautiful sunrise over Syria. ( अगले दिन, पहाड़ों में हमारा आखिरी, हम सीरिया पर वास्तव में सुंदर सूर्योदय के लिए जागते हैं। )
  • There were many beautiful voices but no accents that related to the folk in the local chip shops. ( कई खूबसूरत आवाज़ें थीं लेकिन कोई भी ऐसा लहजा नहीं था जो लोकल चिप की दुकानों में लोक से जुड़ा हो। )
  • In other news a guy at the pool said I was a beautiful swimmer, commenting on my butterfly. ( अन्य समाचार में पूल में एक व्यक्ति ने कहा कि मैं एक सुंदर तैराक था, मेरे तितली पर टिप्पणी कर रहा था। )
  • In the movie, Ignacio sings in the choir and has a beautiful voice, as young Pedro did. ( फिल्म में, इग्नासियो गाना बजानेवालों में गाता है और एक सुंदर आवाज है, जैसा कि युवा पेड्रो ने किया था। )
  • Kim's house and garden are quite beautiful and it put in mind of an idyllic French farm house. ( किम का घर और बगीचा काफी खूबसूरत है और यह एक रमणीय फ्रेंच फार्म हाउस के रूप में है। )

More Sentence

  • Hollywood loves a beautiful actress who is willing to sacrifice her glamour for her art.
  • Stunning scenery makes Scotland one of the most beautiful places in the world to sail.
  • In the end, three men are selected by three young women as being the most beautiful .
  • In the process he made some of the most beautiful poems ever written in the English language.
  • When you have nothing to do, you have time to think great thoughts and create beautiful art.
  • Everyone turned and looked at a handsome young man in a beautiful hat, called Mike.
  • Right from day one she always loved school and she has grown into a beautiful young lady.
  • The cottage is small but lovely with a really beautiful garden and pretty facade.
  • They are all prepared by hand and are a work of art, almost too beautiful to eat.
  • Fabian felt furious at Tamora for being so cruel on someone so young and beautiful .
  • How can we make things beautiful , attractive and desirable for us when they are not?
  • Her face wouldn't be called beautiful , but she was cute enough for men to want to date her.
  • A little effervescence and spicy notes add to the vibrancy of the wine which is beautifully dry.
  • It was beautifully fresh, locally sourced and prepared by someone who knows his business.
  • In society, he was part of high society, and rubbed elbows with the beautiful people of the world.
  • From time to time, it's fun to have a night out in a glamorous place filled with beautiful people and the cash doesn't really matter.
  • During my most recent visit, a friend commented that the real decor was all the beautiful people that were packed into the place.
  • It is beautifully made, the stern is beautifully shaped and the workmanship is so even and smooth.