bay - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bay in Hindi
- खाड़ी
- छत का खण्ड
- बारजा
- उपसमुद्र
- अटारी
bay Definition
- (of a horse) brown with black points. ( (घोड़े का) काले बिंदुओं वाला भूरा। )
- (of a dog, especially a large one) bark or howl loudly. ( (एक कुत्ते की, विशेष रूप से एक बड़ी एक) छाल या जोर से हवेल। )
- a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward. ( समुद्र की एक विस्तृत इनलेट जहां भूमि अंदर की ओर झुकती है। )
- a recessed or enclosed area, in particular. ( एक पुनर्निर्मित या संलग्न क्षेत्र, विशेष रूप से। )
- the sound of baying, especially that of hounds in close pursuit of their quarry. ( बेयरिंग की आवाज, विशेष रूप से उनकी खदान के करीब पीछा में घावों की। )
- an evergreen Mediterranean shrub of the laurel family, with deep green leaves and purple berries. Its aromatic leaves are used in cooking and were formerly used to make triumphal crowns for victors. ( लॉरेल परिवार की एक सदाबहार भूमध्यसागरीय झाड़ी, जिसमें गहरे हरे पत्ते और बैंगनी जामुन होते हैं। इसकी सुगंधित पत्तियों का उपयोग खाना पकाने में किया जाता है और पूर्व में विजयों के लिए विजयी मुकुट बनाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता था। )
- a similarly aromatic tree or shrub of North America, especially the bayberry used in the preparation of bay rum. ( इसी तरह का सुगंधित वृक्ष या उत्तरी अमेरिका का झाड़, विशेष रूप से बे रम की खाड़ी के निर्माण में उपयोग किया जाता है। )
- a bay horse. ( एक बे घोड़ा। )
bay Example
- Rebuilding after a fire began in the 1220s at the east end; the main transepts and the first bay of the nave were up by 1260. ( 1220 में पूर्वी छोर पर आग लगने के बाद पुनर्निर्माण; मुख्य ट्रेसेप्स और नेव की पहली खाड़ी 1260 तक थी। )
- Pour in the white wine (there'll be five glasses left, after all) and add the bay , thyme and parsley stalks. ( सफेद शराब में डालो (सभी के बाद पांच गिलास छोड़ दिए जाएंगे), और बे, थाइम और अजमोद के डंठल जोड़ें। )
- The light above the door changed to green, indicating the shuttle bay was safe to enter. ( दरवाजे के ऊपर की रोशनी हरे रंग में बदल गई, यह दर्शाता है कि शटल बे में प्रवेश करना सुरक्षित था। )
- After landing in Japan, the seven-year-old bay was transported by van to Shiroi Quarantine Facility. ( जापान में उतरने के बाद, सात साल की खाड़ी को वैन द्वारा शिरोई क्वारेंटाइन फैसिलिटी में ले जाया गया। )
- The flavor of the bay infuses the potatoes - it's a perfect accompaniment to fish or poultry. ( खाड़ी का स्वाद आलू को संक्रमित करता है - यह मछली या मुर्गी पालन के लिए एक आदर्श संगत है। )
- The bay is beautiful - long and curving - and has thousands of Palmyra palm trees. ( खाड़ी सुंदर है - लंबी और घुमावदार - और हजारों पाल्मिरा ताड़ के पेड़ हैं। )
- The bay filly scored her first career win on August 27 at Newmarket after finishing second in her career debut on August 14. ( बे ने 14 अगस्त को अपने करियर की शुरुआत में दूसरा स्थान हासिल करने के बाद 27 अगस्त को न्यूमार्केट में अपने करियर की पहली जीत दर्ज की। )
- The whole assembly fits in the Zafira's stock engine bay . ( पूरी विधानसभा जफीरा के स्टॉक इंजन बे में फिट होती है। )
- The famous bay now heads for a life of retirement at the age of 17. ( मशहूर बे अब 17 साल की उम्र में रिटायरमेंट की ज़िंदगी जी रहे हैं। )
- This is not equine racism, just the obvious conclusion that the brown, black and bay horses are in the vast majority, and can always gang up on a grey, especially when I have bet on it. ( यह नस्लवाद नहीं है, बस स्पष्ट निष्कर्ष है कि भूरे, काले और बे घोड़े विशाल बहुमत में हैं, और हमेशा एक ग्रे पर गिरोह कर सकते हैं, खासकर जब मैंने इस पर दांव लगाया है। )
More Sentence
- Ideally I would like to see the existing wall moved back to allow room to provide a safe parking bay along this area.
- I went by the stables and pet Hildi, my horse; she was a golden bay .
- Since colonial times, much of the land surrounding the bay has been used for agriculture.
- If the engine bay has been steam-cleaned be suspicious.
- Shen led Saki out of the main seating area and into the cargo bay of the ship.
- Put the remaining giblets into a saucepan with a thyme sprig, bay , sage, star anise, half the onion and 1 clove garlic.
- They also had a small roadster there with their electric motor, but I was unable to see into the engine bay as they had lost the keys!
- The fan unit mounts in any free 5.25 inch half height drive bay , and the hard drive is mounted directly behind it using the supplied 3.5 inch to 5.25 inch adapter brackets.
- A railroad rail inspection system is provided for use in conjunction with a non-railbound vehicle having an equipment bay .
- This bedroom has both a bay and velux window and could suit a variety of uses such as a den or games room.
- The bay was the laurel with which poets and victorious warriors and athletes were crowned in classical times.
- It pulled into a parking bay and the engine jolted before becoming silent.
- His deep booming voice carried across the hangar bay , letting everyone in on the joke.
- On an outside window sill, basil, thyme, bay , chervil, sage, chives and marjoram will grow happily in a pot.
- As Trevor said this, they passed over the mountains, showing a bay with a large city surrounding it.
- The bay gelding was previously conditioned by Norman Miller III.
- Some parts of Lovecraft's work as in the first few lines of, "He," are as prosaic as a fog horn, and as lyrical as a wolf's bay .
- Melbourne lies against an inlet bay facing the Bass Strait, and beyond the Strait lurks the icy Antarctic Ocean.
- Before the steps a Dane held the bridle of Sidroc's bay stallion.
- Bradford Council has since said it would only implement the parking bay scheme if residents felt it was the only solution to all-day parking in residential streets.