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bauble - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bauble in Hindi

  • छोटी बात
  • खिलौना
  • तुच्छ चीज़
  • तुच्छ वस्तु

bauble Definition

  • a small, showy trinket or decoration. ( एक छोटा, दिखावटी तिपहिया या सजावट। )
  • a baton formerly used as an emblem by jesters. ( एक बैटन पूर्व में जस्टर द्वारा प्रतीक के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता था। )

bauble Example

  • Also, I can't stand to have money and will automatically spend all my hard earned savings on any shiny bauble or trinket that happens to strike my fancy. ( इसके अलावा, मैं पैसे के लिए खड़ा नहीं हो सकता हूं और अपने सभी कठिन अर्जित बचत को स्वचालित रूप से किसी भी चमकदार बाउबल या ट्रिंकट पर खर्च करूंगा जो मेरे फैंसी को हड़ताल करने के लिए होता है। )
  • Finally, he'd be where all the real money, power and fame was, and Jessie would come with him, a bright bauble on his arm. ( अंत में, वह वही होगा जहाँ सभी वास्तविक धन, शक्ति और प्रसिद्धि थी, और जेसी उसके साथ आएगा, उसकी बांह पर एक उज्ज्वल बाउबल। )
  • Robinson ‘has fallen far further than most, all for a bauble , a trinket, a ring, ‘said Fratkin. ( रॉबिन्सन, एक बाउबल, एक ट्रिंकेट, एक अंगूठी,। फ्रैटकिन के लिए सभी की तुलना में बहुत आगे गिर गया है। )
  • And of course, I didn't really think about it raining when I painted up by bauble (jester's stick) the other day. ( और निश्चित रूप से, मैं वास्तव में इसके बारे में नहीं सोचता था जब मैं दूसरे दिन बाउबल (जस्टर की छड़ी) द्वारा चित्रित करता था। )
  • Each night after going to bed I can hear them downstairs dismantling the Christmas tree bauble by bauble . ( हर रात बिस्तर पर जाने के बाद मैं उन्हें नीचे की ओर बाउल करके क्रिसमस ट्री को घिसते हुए सुन सकता हूं। )
  • The scepter was basically a longer, thinner omni-weapon, excepting for the huge metal sphere on the base of the tube, giving it the appearance of a jester's bauble . ( राजदंड मूल रूप से एक लंबा, पतला ओमनी-हथियार था, ट्यूब के आधार पर विशाल धातु क्षेत्र को छोड़कर, यह एक जस्टर के बाउबल का रूप देता था। )
  • He doesn't attach much importance to that bauble named clarity. ( वह स्पष्टता नाम के उस बाउबल को ज्यादा महत्व नहीं देता है। )
  • The court fool or jester of medieval and Renaissance Europe carried around a bauble -a stick capped with a soft-sculpture replica of himself. ( मध्ययुगीन और पुनर्जागरण यूरोप के कोर्ट मूर्ख या जस्टर ने खुद की नरम-मूर्तिकला प्रतिकृति के साथ एक बाउबल-ए स्टिक को छायांकित किया। )

More Sentence

  • It has been a year since I purged my hovel of cursed trinkets and baubles .
  • The chunky frames are designed to reflect the Victorian grandeur of the resort, while the baubles lining the slats represent the bright lights.
  • One shelf is lined with stringed lights while another holds baubles and bows and you name it, to put on the tree.
  • In the corner of the room a large evergreen tree was standing tall, decorated with golden beads, popcorn strands, glass baubles , and handmade ornaments constructed by Damien and Thomas.
  • Dotted with tiny red berries and decorated with a mix of old and new baubles , the imitation tree is topped by a Father Christmas ornament that is an incredible 102 years old.
  • Glass shapes, baubles and coloured beads all hung from the ivy, twinkling in the sun's rays.
  • Make Victorian lace baubles by covering light balls with tissue or silver paper and then attaching lace round the middle with PVA glue.
  • She had purchased a few small items, trinkets and baubles , mostly.
  • Shoppers yesterday spoke of their shock at the wanton act of vandalism as they walked past the flattened £1, 500 tree with its brightly coloured baubles strewn across the paving.
  • The pieces on this page - not to scale - are only the tip of the mountain of crystal, coral, bead, shell, pearl and sequin baubles available out there for summer.
  • Overnight, someone had set up the tree, decorated it with lights, tinsel and baubles .
  • She has removed all the baubles from the tree and hidden them around the house.
  • In that moment, Halas saw the king for what he really was: a sad, lonely man, trying to fill the void his wife had left with meaningless trinkets and baubles .
  • Children decorated the tree with lights, baubles , tinsel, snow and pretend gifts yesterday.
  • Besides, since the house move, I had no idea where the tree baubles were.
  • The sun shone brightly, glittering off the grey stones of the castle, catching in the trinkets and glass baubles hanging open to the air outside of shops.
  • The Christmas tree has been up and glittering for two days now, dripping with lights, baubles and shiny things of all kinds.
  • Too long has your attention been waylaid by the bright baubles of extremist thought.
  • As they reached the city gates, they saw fist-sized rubies and great sapphires and emeralds and flashes of amethyst hanging like decorative baubles from every possible place.