
baton - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of baton in Hindi

  • छड़ी
  • बैटन
  • पुलिस का डंडा
  • डंडा


  • छड़ी
  • सोंटा

baton Definition

  • a short stick or staff or something resembling one, in particular. ( एक छोटी छड़ी या स्टाफ या एक चीज, विशेष रूप से। )

baton Example

  • Holding the baton for the choir was music teacher, Fiona McPhillips. ( गाना बजानेवालों के लिए बैटन पकड़ना संगीत शिक्षक, फियोना मैकफिलिप्स था। )
  • There might be a Rose Parade all the way to the Hall of Fame with Pete out front twirling the baton if, and when, he becomes eligible. ( हो सकता है कि पीट आउट के साथ हॉल ऑफ फेम के लिए एक रोज़ परेड हो, जिसमें अगर वह और जब वह पात्र बनते हैं )
  • The singing is excellent down through the cast and the orchestra performs splendidly under his incisive baton . ( गायन कलाकारों के माध्यम से उत्कृष्ट है और ऑर्केस्ट्रा अपने आक्रामक बल्लेबाजी के तहत शानदार प्रदर्शन करता है। )
  • Continuing the theme of movement, the third revealed a split screen showing identical images of relay racers passing a baton . ( आंदोलन के विषय को जारी रखते हुए, तीसरे ने एक स्प्लिट स्क्रीन का खुलासा किया जिसमें एक बैटन पास करने वाले रिले रेसर्स की समान छवियों को दिखाया गया था। )
  • With the house of Bourbon the baton distinguished the cadets, while the baton sinister marked the illegitimates. ( बॉर्बन के घर के साथ बैटन ने कैडेटों को अलग किया, जबकि बैटन सिस्टर ने अवैध लोगों को चिह्नित किया। )
  • Brauchitsch, having been promoted to general in February 1938, was given his field marshal's baton in July 1940. ( फरवरी 1938 में सामान्य रूप से पदोन्नत किए गए ब्रूचिट्स को जुलाई 1940 में अपने क्षेत्र मार्शल का बैटन दिया गया। )
  • Later, at school in Uppingham, he even wielded the baton , with evident glee, for a newly composed opera written by a young friend. ( बाद में, यूपिंगम में स्कूल में, उन्होंने एक युवा मित्र द्वारा लिखे गए नए संगीतबद्ध ओपेरा के लिए, स्पष्ट उल्लास के साथ, बैटन को भी मिटा दिया। )
  • Petite baton hands and four baton indicators adorn the dial, which is set in a square goldtone steel case with gentle contours and a beautiful polished shine. ( खूबसूरत बैटन हैंड्स और चार बैटन संकेतक डायल को सुशोभित करते हैं, जो कि सौम्य आकृति और एक सुंदर पॉलिश चमक के साथ एक स्क्वायर गोल्डटोन स्टील केस में सेट किया गया है। )
  • When he conducted, the baton looked small and yet he held it so delicately. ( जब उन्होंने आयोजित किया, तो बैटन छोटा लग रहा था और फिर भी उन्होंने इसे बहुत नाजुक ढंग से आयोजित किया। )
  • By the 17th century a baton sinister was also used to indicate illegitimacy. ( 17 वीं शताब्दी तक एक बैटन सिस्टर का उपयोग अवैधता को इंगित करने के लिए भी किया जाता था। )
  • I normally deplore applause that begins before the conductor lowers his baton , but I joined in the spontaneous delight at the pyrotechnics. ( मैं सामान्य रूप से तालियों की गड़गड़ाहट करता हूं जो कि कंडक्टर से पहले शुरू होता है उसकी बैटन को कम करता है, लेकिन मैं आतिशबाज़ी में सहज आनंद में शामिल हो गया। )

More Sentence

  • Minutes later he was back to hand the baton to the next runner who set off towards Smithy Bridge as smiling onlookers applauded and yelled their support.
  • It features a black face, Arabic figures and baton hour markers, small seconds dial at 9 o'clock, 'Black Seal' inscription at 6 o'clock.
  • The Queen will also visit Leeds and attend a garden party at Harewood House on July 11-the day of the baton 's relay through the city.
  • I have a field marshal's baton in the backpack, it is just that the season is not right to take it out.
  • From the day he raised a baton as principal conductor in Birmingham in 1980, Rattle has been the golden boy of classical music.
  • Ever wonder just what, exactly, a composer is doing when he's waving his baton around while the orchestra plays?
  • He leads with an incisive baton and the orchestra and chorus respond with spirit.
  • Victory brought Wellington a field marshal's baton , sensitively designed by the Prince Regent himself.
  • Now Jansons is taking his baton to orchestras that have nothing to prove.
  • He waved a hand in the air like he was holding a baton and conducting an orchestra.
  • But the fact remains that on September 7, Rattle will take a huge step away from Britain when he finally takes up his baton as music director of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.
  • He set scoring records at Niagara and twirled the baton at Buffalo Bills games.
  • It is said every soldier carries a field marshal's baton in his knapsack.
  • He said he was then approached from behind by a uniformed police officer with his baton drawn.
  • But I still prefer my own, a Victorian ivory and ebony conductor's baton .
  • It was natural, of course, that a man who had stood, holding his conductor's baton on the greatest cities of the world would be like this.
  • So, in desperation, the Italian orchestra handed the baton over to its own principal cellist.
  • I've heard her talk about this;the third runner knocked the baton out of her hand, her knee came up.
  • He is a phenomenon of the podium, an immigrant kid who first raised a baton for Toscanini at the age of seven and has since conducted 5,000 performances.