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bathtub - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bathtub in Hindi

  • बाथटब
  • पानी की कल
  • बंबा

bathtub Definition

  • a tub, usually installed in a bathroom, in which to bathe. ( एक टब, आमतौर पर एक बाथरूम में स्थापित किया जाता है, जिसमें स्नान करने के लिए। )

bathtub Example

  • The bathroom had a huge bathtub , a shower that doubled as a steam and a powder room. ( बाथरूम में एक विशाल बाथटब, एक शॉवर था जो भाप और पाउडर के कमरे के रूप में दोगुना था। )
  • An extra rod installed over the bathtub can be used for clothes drying. ( बाथटब के ऊपर स्थापित एक अतिरिक्त रॉड का उपयोग कपड़े सुखाने के लिए किया जा सकता है। )
  • The marble bathroom at the suite was spacious with a separate bathtub and shower. ( सुइट में संगमरमर का बाथरूम एक अलग बाथटब और शॉवर के साथ विस्तृत था। )
  • I walked into the bathroom, it was much like my old one, but there was no bathtub , only a shower. ( मैं बाथरूम में चला गया, यह बहुत कुछ मेरे पुराने जैसा था, लेकिन बाथटब नहीं था, केवल एक शॉवर था। )
  • He wore only a robe, since his clothes were now soaking in Ava's iron bathtub . ( उन्होंने केवल एक माला पहनी थी, क्योंकि उनके कपड़े अब अवा के लोहे के बाथटब में भिगो रहे थे। )
  • Each of the rooms is the size of a small apartment with a big bathroom, including a bathtub and hot water. ( प्रत्येक कमरे में एक बड़े बाथरूम के साथ एक छोटे से अपार्टमेंट का आकार है, जिसमें बाथटब और गर्म पानी शामिल हैं। )
  • If there is no bathtub , dissolve one ounce of Epsom salts in a pint of warm water and bathe the body all over with the mixture. ( यदि कोई बाथटब नहीं है, तो गर्म पानी की एक पिंट में एप्सम लवण के एक औंस को भंग करें और मिश्रण के साथ पूरे शरीर को स्नान करें। )
  • Water can also come from inside your house from a leaking water pipe, toilet, shower or bathtub . ( पानी आपके घर के अंदर से रिसने वाले पानी के पाइप, टॉयलेट, शॉवर या बाथटब से भी आ सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • They used to be in every bathtub and they're just not around anymore.
  • There are new bathtub caulks that are truly mildew-proof with lifetime guarantees.
  • They are also good for bathtub and shower areas and kitchen or bathroom countertops.
  • He led me to the shower and drew back the curtain to reveal a small white porcelain bathtub .
  • Mercedes stepped into the giant marble bathtub , filled to the rim with bubbles and rose petals.
  • The most common problem is at the joint between bathtub and tile or shower pan and tile.
  • I walked into the bathroom, simply falling in love with their Victorian style bathtub .
  • It was a bright, luxurious room with a beautiful marble art-deco style bathroom and a bathtub you could swim in.
  • It was one room and exquisitely simple, with a toilet, sink, bathtub , and closet.
  • That's fine for bathtubs and bathroom sinks, but with the heavy use a kitchen sink gets, we're leery about how well it might hold up.
  • It uses an art-deco Hollywood theme throughout the property and boasts spacious living areas and oversized marble bathrooms with a separate bathtubs and showers.
  • According to a recent survey, 42% of new and remodeled bathrooms in Jeusustan have bathtubs specifically designed for indolence, like the Jacuzzi or the Whirlpool.