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bathe - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bathe in Hindi


  • स्नान


  • नहाना
  • नहलाना
  • स्नान कराना
  • निमज्जित करना
  • (तरल पदार्थ, वायु या प्रकाश में) डुबोना

bathe Definition


  • wash by immersing one's body in water. ( किसी के शरीर को पानी में डुबो कर धोना। )
  • spend time in the ocean or a lake, river, or swimming pool for pleasure. ( आनंद के लिए समुद्र या झील, नदी या स्विमिंग पूल में समय बिताएं। )
  • suffuse or envelop in something. ( किसी चीज में दम करना या ढकना। )

bathe Example

  • Failing that, there's always a lake to bathe in. ( असफल होना, वहाँ हमेशा एक झील है जिसमें स्नान करना है। )
  • What would happen if I went to bathe in that river? ( अगर मैं उस नदी में स्नान करने जाता तो क्या होता? )
  • Her inhabitants drive out to ski on slopes, to bathe in lakes, to climb to sacred sites. ( उसके निवासी ढलान पर स्की करने के लिए बाहर निकलते हैं, झीलों में स्नान करने के लिए, पवित्र स्थलों पर चढ़ने के लिए। )
  • We both play with her, make her meals, bathe her, put her to bed. ( हम दोनों उसके साथ खेलते हैं, उसका भोजन बनाते हैं, उसे नहलाते हैं, बिस्तर पर बिठाते हैं। )
  • The sea was just a half a mile south of the fort and some men made plans to bathe in its waters tomorrow, while others just wanted to drink and eat and remain by the fires. ( किले के दक्षिण में समुद्र सिर्फ आधा मील की दूरी पर था और कुछ लोगों ने कल इसके पानी में स्नान करने की योजना बनाई, जबकि अन्य सिर्फ पीने और खाने और आग से बने रहना चाहते थे। )
  • Boiling water had been brought to the room before their arrival, and by the time they wanted to bathe , the water had cooled. ( उबलते पानी को उनके आने से पहले कमरे में लाया गया था, और जब तक वे स्नान करना चाहते थे, तब तक पानी ठंडा हो गया था। )
  • It was held that one should not dig, bathe , swim or engage in anything in any activity on May Day, which might seem to have magical powers! ( यह आयोजित किया गया था कि किसी को मई दिवस पर किसी भी गतिविधि में खुदाई, स्नान, तैरना या संलग्न नहीं करना चाहिए, जिसमें जादुई शक्तियां हो सकती हैं! )
  • After having your upholstery and carpeting cleaned, it is important to bathe your dog regularly to prevent this problem from recurring. ( अपने असबाब और कालीन साफ करने के बाद, इस समस्या को पुनरावृत्ति से बचाने के लिए अपने कुत्ते को नियमित रूप से स्नान करना महत्वपूर्ण है। )

More Sentence

  • He also knew he would have to bathe her; hopefully Alexia would have something Isobel could wear for a bit.
  • Some parents bathe their children separately in the interests of both safety and one-on-one time.
  • Patients should bathe and wash their hair before they come into hospital.
  • But what if the upstream community wants to use the water to bathe and wash clothes, and the result will be a shortage of drinking water for the downstream community?
  • Don't allow pets in areas where food is prepared or handled, and don't bathe your pet or clean aquariums in the kitchen sink or bathtub.
  • Use cotton wool, or a pad for removing make-up, to soak up this mix and gently bathe the eyes.
  • Hop Sing continued to gently bathe the wound; although there was little point it offered some comfort and hope to the young man.
  • People used the same water to bathe , wash their cows and drink,’ Bascombe related.
  • If there is no bathtub, dissolve one ounce of Epsom salts in a pint of warm water and bathe the body all over with the mixture.
  • Depending on your dog's lifestyle and breed, you will probably want to bathe him every month or two.
  • I can't wait to go home and bathe and wash my hair.
  • she was advised to bathe or shower daily
  • Residents used to bathe with the water but had to stop due to skin irritations.
  • She tells him that Odysseus will not come back and calls her maids in to bathe the beggar and give him finer clothing.
  • ‘Fair enough,’ Troy answered and wandered outside the shelter to bathe in the river.
  • His coat was still grimy, but she would bathe him later.
  • Tim stepped through into the light and allowed its warmth to bathe him.
  • While I bathe my children, I edit the Sunday bulletin.
  • Anyway, with my terrier, sometimes I bathe her to wash the allergens off.
  • The next morning, the nurses bathe her, feed her a tasty breakfast, and set her in a chair at a window overlooking a lovely flower garden.
  • a bathe in the cold North Sea
  • We bring food, bathe them, cut their hair and clean their homes for them,’ Sinan said.